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Ren Ning did not hesitate, and immediately followed.

As Xue An said, her grievances are gone, and there is no need to stay in this spiritual zone anymore.

Somehow, she suddenly remembered what her mother said to herself before she died.

At that time, my mother gave her the treasured face towel, and then told her.

Once this facial mask is put on, there are only two possibilities for people to see the true face, one is to lose one's body, and the other is to meet a person who is worthy of love, and then completely fall in love with each other.

At that time, I had foolishly asked what love is.

I remember that my mother was silent for a long time, until I even thought that my mother was asleep, and then my mother said in a low tone.

Love is willing to look at him from a distance.

Thinking of this, Ren Ning took a peek at Xue An's back.

She didn't know if her feelings for Xue An were love.

It seems to be, and it does not seem to be.

It seems to be because I am willing to look at him from a distance, even if I don't do anything, just look at him quietly like this.

It doesn't seem to be, because she clearly knows that this cold-faced teenager in white actually has a beloved wife and two lovely daughters.

No matter how much effort he puts in, it is impossible for him to occupy a place in his heart.

She is very self-aware of this.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help sighing slightly, and then temporarily put these thoughts behind her.

In any case, there is always a sense of security to follow him.

Even for this sense of security, I can't give up.

Ren Ning secretly made up his mind.

Seeing them leaving, Sheng Hongqian, Niu Dali and others immediately followed.

But just as they were about to cross the threshold and leave the Wenhui Pavilion, a soft call came from behind.

"Master Xue, please stay!"

Xue An stopped and turned his head to look.

Seeing Yun Lingxuan had already stepped forward.

"What else is Miss Yun?" Xue An said lightly.

Seeing Xue An's light and windy appearance, Yun Lingxuan gritted her silver teeth secretly, but the expression on her face has not changed at all. She smiled and said, "Master Xue, can you take a step to speak?"

Xue An took a deep look at Yun Lingxuan, and finally nodded noncommittal.


He walked into the corner as he said.

Yun Lingxuan followed, her heart was mixed, she didn't know what it was like.

She just thought that Xue An was trying to catch it.

She sees many such tricks, it is nothing more than attracting her own attention.

So she was able to calm down, no matter how anxious the group urged, she did not end.

But he never expected that after Xue An slashed the chaos and ended the matter, he actually took a step and left.

At this moment, Yun Lingxuan was really anxious, and then shouted to Xue An, and then hurried to catch up.

Xue An came to the corner and stopped, "What do you think of Miss Yun?"

Yun Lingxuan took a deep breath, "Master Xue, where is this going?"

"Naturally go to Longhu Village!"

"What about after going to Longhu Village?"

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "This...I haven't thought about it yet!"

Yun Lingxuan looked solemnly, "Master Xue, your literary talent is really the only thing I have seen in my life. You can produce ten excellent works in a short period of time, which shows your talent, so I sincerely invite you to join the Qisi Poetry Club. The general essay meeting!"

"General Wenhui?"

"That's right! This general literary meeting is the largest literary meeting of the Qisi Poetry Society, and it is also the premier gathering of the entire spiritual realm. At that time, talents from all fields will participate!" Yun Lingxuan solemnly said.

It is strange that she did not see the slightest excitement on Xue An's face, instead she was full of boredom, and then shook her head.

"No need!"

Yun Lingxuan was taken aback, almost thinking that she had heard it wrong, "What?"

"I said I don't have to go!"

"Why?" Yun Lingxuan asked in surprise.

"Not why, just not interested!" Xue An said lightly.

Not interested in?

What the **** is this?

Yun Lingxuan couldn't help laughing or crying, thinking that Xue An couldn't help but speak seriously without understanding the importance of this literary meeting.

"Xue Gongzi, you may not understand the importance of this literary meeting. If you can make a name for yourself at this literary meeting, then you will truly become famous in the world!"

But Xue An remained unmoved, "Thank you, but I'm still not interested! If Miss Yun is only for this matter, then I will go!"

After all, Xue An was ready to leave.

Yun Lingxuan has never been treated this way, especially by men.

Since she became famous, no man she has ever met is respectful to herself.

Even the extremely arrogant Xu Gaotian before took the risk because he was full of greed for himself.

Only Xue An's performance made Yun Lingxuan feel incomprehensible.

It is a kind of head-up without any desire, even a little disdain.

This caused Yun Lingxuan's heart to surge in anger for no reason, and couldn't help but shout at Xue An's back.

"Does Young Master Xue plan to bury his stunning talent?"

Xue An stopped, then turned his head and smiled at Yun Lingxuan.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you something, I copied all those poems!"

Yun Lingxuan opened her eyes wide, "copied?"


"Which book did you copy from?"

"Three Hundred Tang Poems!"

"Three Hundred Tang Poems?"

Yun Lingxuan whispered in despair, and then she fell into a daze.

Seeing this, Xue An couldn't help laughing, and then strode away.

Seeing his unrestrained back, Tuan's mouth narrowed, full of grievances.

Why don't you know how to say hello before you leave!

Not mentioning the sour little maid, Tang Zheng walked to Yun Lingxuan's side and said softly.

"How about it?"

Yun Lingxuan suddenly returned to her senses, but did not answer Tang Zheng's words. Instead, she asked, "Do you know the three hundred Tang poems?"

"Three hundred Tang poems?" Tang Zhengyi frowned, "I haven't written three hundred poems, nor have I ever published a collection of poems? What's wrong?"

Yun Lingxuan shook her head, UU reading www. "It's okay! He refused!"

"Reject?" Tang Zheng was quite surprised.

"Yeah! I don't understand why he refused, and even said that his poems were copied. Isn't this an obvious self-defilement?"

Tang Zheng stayed silent for a long time, and finally shook his head, "I can't guess it, but this young master Xue is indeed a dragon and phoenix, and even the Wensheng tablet actively blessed him and even followed him. This is really unheard of. !"

Yun Lingxuan turned her head and glanced at Tang Zheng, "Speaking of which, how do you plan to explain the tablet position to the agency?"

Tang Zheng smiled bitterly, "How can I explain it? Naturally, to be honest, I have already lost 30% of my cultivation base because of a ray of selfishness. If I conceal it again, it is estimated that even the remaining 70% of my cultivation base will be difficult to preserve! "

Speaking of this, he let out a long sigh.

"When I saw this young master Xue today, I knew that there is indeed a genius in the world. It is ridiculous that I have always regarded myself as a great scholar. It is really arrogant. After I return, I will punish myself and think about it in retreat on the cliff!"

After that, he bowed his hand to Yun Lingxuan.

"Miss Yun, goodbye!"

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