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"Fuck... What the **** is going on?" Niu Dali said in amazement.

"He is sorting out this feng shui chaos!" Sheng Hongqian said solemnly.

"To sort out the feng shui chaos?" Niu Dali didn't understand.

"Yes, the Feng Shui situation in this mountainous area where we are located can be described as messy, so we have not seen any improvement in Longhu Mountain for so many years. And now this son of Xue is obviously reshaping the Feng Shui here."

But even if she explained this way, Niu Dali, Zhang Xiaoqiang and others were still confused.

"All in all, it's pretty awesome and it's over!" Sheng Hongqian made a final summary.

Niu Dali and the others just came to a sudden.

"Don't you end up saying that?"

"Yes, who doesn't know that Young Master Xue is amazing!"

These people agreed, and at this moment, the earth trembled violently, and Xue An pulled out a mountain again.

The aura that has been backlogged for countless years soars into the sky and turns into a rain of rain, nourishing the entire world!

The look on Niu Dali and others' faces grew in awe.

As for Sheng Hongqian, the admiration in her eyes was about to overflow, and she looked at Xue An almost intoxicated as if the gods descended.

Such a man is undoubtedly the strong, if he can follow him, even if he is willing to post it upside down.

She was thinking wildly in her mind.

Xue An has come before the last mountain.

This mountain is much taller than the previous ones, and even if Xue An uses his magic, he can still only reach its waist.

Xue An raised his head and stared at the towering peak, a cold color flashed in his eyes.

Along the way, he has figured out the reason for this Feng Shui bureau.

In fact, Sheng Hongqian is right. Xue An is indeed sorting out this feng shui chaos, but he is not simply reshaping, but recovering.

Because this feng shui chaos was obviously something someone deliberately caused, the peaks that Xue An pulled out along the way were actually like nails, deeply nailed to the dragon veins in the ground.

This is the case when the so-called sleepy dragon cannot be obtained.

If it hadn't happened to meet Xue An, who had the best eyesight and strength, this feng shui chaos might have been buried forever like this.

Only Xue Anfang can find the most critical nodes from this chaotic situation, and then remove them.

And the mountain in front of him is obviously the most critical node.

Thinking of this, Xue An sneered and urged Faxiang to step forward. He opened his arms and hugged the middle of the mountain with a sudden force.


There was a loud breaking noise from the peak.

Niu Dali and others who were watching from a distance all showed horror.

Because this scene is just like the ancient giant shaking the stars, full of unspeakable beauty of power.


Sheng Hongqian suddenly blushed and let out a low cry, and then staggered against a big tree next to her.

The fifth is unknown, so, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine!"

"It's okay, why do you blush so much?"

"Oh, are you annoying, get out of here!"

Sheng Hongqian yelled, and the fifth child shrank his neck as he was scolded, and hurriedly hid away from a distance, not daring to speak any more.

But even so, there is still a doubt in his heart.

What's wrong with Sanjie?

How come my face was so red before, and I was still very weak, and I was annoyed after asking a few words, it is really strange!

Not mentioning the fifth child who was full of grievances, Sheng Hongqian stared blankly at Xue An who was pulling up the mountain in the distance.

At this time, Xue An was naked. Although it was a portrait of the law, when he went up the mountain, there were still beautiful muscle lines on his back, and the tattoos that set off were even more hideous and mysterious.

Sheng Hongqian bit her lower lip lightly, only a thought remained in her mind.

I want to be his woman!

No matter what the price is, I will be his woman!

This Sheng Hongqian is guilty of a nympho.

At this moment, Xue An exhaled abruptly, shouting loudly, "Give me... Open!"

Boom boom boom!

A rumbling from the ground shook the fields, and then the towering mountain was pulled down by Xue An abruptly.

In an instant, the earth quaked, and the sky was full of brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, the whole mountain area has undergone astounding changes.

The weeds and chaotic trees withered instantly, replaced by Chilan Yushu, strange flowers and weeds.

Even the rocky hills have undergone tremendous changes at this time.

Thousands of waterfalls, filled with aura, turned the poor mountains and rivers into a beautiful place.

But the biggest change is Longhu Mountain, which is located in the middle of this mountainous area.

I saw that the already lofty and tall mountain once again advanced to the sky, and at the same time there were countless auras surrounding the mountain.

In the blink of an eye, the otherwise unremarkable Longhu Mountain became a blessed place.

Niu Dali and the others almost stared out.

"This...Is this still our Longhu Village?" Niu Dali said in a confused tone.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a brilliance rising from the back mountain of Longhu Village, and dashing towards the sky.

Seeing this scene, Xue An couldn't help but sneered.

"Want to run? Do you think you can run in front of me!"

Before the words are finished, people have come to this brilliance.

But this Guanghua seemed to have self-consciousness. When Xue An appeared in front of it, it turned around and flew straight in the other direction.

The whole process is fast to the peak, but it is fast, and Xue An is faster.

After a while, Xue An appeared on its side like a ghost, and then reached out to grab it.

This is almost a firm grasp, because whether it is the timing or the angle of the shot, Xue An is very clever to the pinnacle.

Even if this Guanghua really possesses self-awareness, it cannot escape this blow.

But surprisingly, Xue An's catch actually fell through.

At the moment when Xue An's palm was about to touch the brilliance, the brilliance suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already about ten centimeters away.

But it was this insignificant ten centimeters that made it escape Xue An's control directly, and once again fled far away at an extremely fast speed.

But this unexpected move only caused Xue An's eyebrows to rise, and then saw him sneer.

"I said, trying to escape in front of me is purely idiotic dreams!"

When the words fell, Xue An clenched his palms into fists and punched in the empty space.


The power of a punch, a huge shock in space, and the waves that have made this Guanghua who wanted to speed up and flee to lose the point of borrowing, and the speed of advancement can not help but stagnate.

But this was just the beginning, and I saw Xue An just punched out, and another punch came again, and it hit the spot where the previous punch hit.

When the two forces are superimposed, the damage caused is exponentially increased.

Even in this so-called high-dimensional universe, even if the space here is far stronger than the heavens, the result is still cracked.

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