But it was too late, almost the moment she turned around, the surrounding environment changed dramatically.

Niu Dali, Zhang Xiaoqiang, and others who were sitting around the table all disappeared, and then the cups and plates listed on the table exploded, and the fragments turned into stern sword intents that pierced Schumanqing and Shumanna who were fleeing.

Moreover, the location where these sword intents attacked happened to be on the only way for the two girls to escape.

In desperation, the two girls had no choice but to stop abruptly, and then retreated sharply, barely avoiding this wave of attacks.

These sword intents did not continue to pursue, and after blocking the second daughter, the sword intent dissipated.

Fragments rustled down.

The complexions of the two of Shumanna became extremely ugly.

Because at this moment, the brilliance in the Juyi hall shone, and there was a lot of pressure, and then a radiant barrier of brilliance slowly formed, trapping the two of them in it.

All of this happened extremely quickly, but in the blink of an eye, the situation took a shocking turn.

The two assassins, Shumanna and Shumanqing, were thus reduced to caged beasts.

The two girls were terrified. After exchanging glances with each other, they immediately divided into one left and one right, and rushed towards the brilliance barrier, trying to break through.

But their struggles were in vain.

Even though the two of them had tried their best, they still couldn't shake the barrier of brilliance at all.

Even so, the second daughter still did not give up, but attacked more and more frantically.

Because they knew that if they couldn't escape from here, the only thing waiting for them was death.

And just as the two of them were struggling to survive almost hysterically, a calm and slightly sarcastic voice came from outside the barrier.

"It's useless, from the moment you step into this gathering hall, your outcome is already doomed!"

"So give up the unnecessary struggle, you can't escape!"

As soon as the words came out, the two girls trembled all over, and immediately backed away quickly, and pressed their backs together, looking vigilantly at the source of the sound.

Shallow ripples appeared on this barrier of brilliance, and then the figures of Xue An, Sheng Hongqian, Niu Dali and others began to emerge one after another.

When she saw Xue An standing proudly in the front, dressed in white, Schu Manqing's eyes couldn't help but concentrate.

Because she saw the cracks on Xue An's neck that looked like broken porcelain.

"You are really injured!" Schumann said bitterly.

Xue An smiled calmly, "That's right, I was injured, but aren't you still under my control?"

Before Schumann could speak, Shumanna shouted in an almost crazy tone.

"That's because you set a trap, and we didn't notice it for a while, so you succeeded. You despicable villain, if you have the ability to let us out, let's fight openly!"

Shumanna already knew that she would never be spared this time, so she decided to go all out.

Perhaps this Xue An would really let the two of them out under his own agitation.

But although her wishful thinking was well planned, the result was doomed to fail.

Seeing Xue An smile faintly, he was too lazy to explain to such a person.

Sheng Hongqian on the side couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"My lord didn't say that you should jump into the trap when you set it up. It was you who came back here with malicious intentions to assassinate me. Imagine if you didn't come back, you wouldn't be caught in the ambush!"

Shumanna was stunned speechless, and couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment.

It would be fine if Xue An said a few words, but Sheng Hongqian made a mockery, which was too hard for her to accept.

You must know that Sheng Hongqian was not qualified to talk to her in the past.

Just when she was about to yell, Schumanqing who was at the side suddenly reached out to stop her, then took a deep breath, and spoke slowly.

"It's useless to say anything now, I know I'm going to die, but before I die, can you let me be a sensible ghost!"

"What do you want to know?" Xue An said calmly.

"What's the matter with this trap? Why can't I feel anything strange when my sister and I are watching from the window?"

This is also the doubt in Schumann's heart.

You must know that she is cautious by nature, if she is not fully sure, she will never make a move.

When she was peeking out the window before, she clearly felt that Xue An, Niu Dali and others were real, and they were definitely not illusions such as projecting virtual images.

She had absolute confidence in this point, so she really couldn't understand why Xue An and the others became phantoms when it came time to do it?

Facing her question, Xue An was noncommittal.

"Actually, you are right, those who sat at the table were the real us!"

Schumanqing's eyes gradually widened, "The real you?"

"That's right! I know you are a very cautious person, especially in this situation, even the perfect illusion can hardly dispel your doubts, so I simply appeared in front of the table with my real body to lure you to make a move!"

"But from the time we peeked out the window to the final shot, you were under my surveillance the whole time without any interruption. How did you escape?"

"It's very simple, we didn't run away at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we just shifted the space a little bit when you drew your sword, and after you pierced the air with your sword, I used a small illusion, so you were deceived!" Xue An said lightly.

"That is to say, after the sword pierced the sky, you were actually beside us?"

Xue An nodded, "I was only ten centimeters away from the left side of that sword. If her sword was a little bit off, she might have hurt me!"

Now not only Schuman was dumbfounded, even Shumanna was stunned.

Who would have thought that Xue An would put himself in danger and set up such an elaborate killing scheme.

"Crazy, what a crazy!" Shumanna murmured softly with regret.

Xue An looked at Schumanqing, "How is it? Do you have any questions?"

Schumanqing woke up from a slight trance, and then smiled wryly: "It's easy to calculate, I didn't lose wrongly, but can I know how you, who have been seriously injured so far, arranged such a killing situation?"

It is obvious that the power of deflecting space used by Xue An comes from her rules, but Schumanqing knows that if she wants to forcibly drive the power of the rules, she must have a strong cultivation base as the backing.

The problem is that the current Xue An has a lot of wear and tear, how can he drive the rules?

Xue An smiled faintly, "That's even simpler."

As he spoke, he waved his hand lightly, and dazzling runes appeared on the floor, walls and even the ceiling of this gathering hall.

"Array?" Schumanqing said in shock, her whole body was shocked.

"That's right, it's a formation! For me, as long as I have enough spirit stones, I can make any kind of formation!"

Schumann was silent for a moment, then smiled wryly: "So that's the case, then I have nothing to say, let's do it!"

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