Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2782: Ask the teacher to blame

"Thinking of the Cliff retreat? Why?" Tang Xiao was puzzled.

"I don't know exactly why. It seems that senior brother Tang Zheng was not strict when he presided over the literary meeting in Linganyu. He deliberately released water on some people, and he lost the literary tablet, so he incurred these punishments!"

"The control is not strict, the water is deliberately released..." Tang Xiao murmured softly, but the brilliance in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

She knew that her brother had always had a deep affection for Yun Lingxuan, the courtesan in the building outside the building.

The sudden trip to Ling'an area this time was also because of Yun Lingxuan.

That brother's ability to release water must have something to do with Yun Lingxuan.

Tang Xiao couldn't help gnashing his teeth secretly when he thought that his own brother had been punished innocently because of a woman, and the key point was that he was still so distraught when he came back. It can be seen that the progress was not going well.

"Yun Lingxuan, what you have done is a bit too much. If you don't like my brother, you just refuse, why use his feelings for you? The key point is that there is no expression after using it. Isn't this cheating?"

"It seems that I have misjudged you before. You are such a scumbag who takes advantage of people's feelings!"

The more Tang Xiao thought about it, the angrier he became, and instead of going to the backyard, he turned around and ran away.

This student didn't hear what Tang Xiao said just now, but seeing her muttering, she didn't know what she said, and then strode out, and couldn't help shouting.

"Sister Tang, you won't be able to enter Siguya Cliff!"

He thought Tang Xiao had gone to Siguoya to find his brother, so he kindly reminded him.

This Siguoya is used by the Qisi Poetry Club to punish those literati disciples who have made mistakes. Without Lu Hui's permission, even the people of the Qisi Poetry Club cannot get close.

Tang Xiao didn't say a word, but rushed straight out of Qisi's headquarters, identified the direction, and rushed towards the city.

The headquarters of Qisi is located in the northeast corner of Xihua City, the largest and most prosperous city in Zhongyu.

The headquarters of almost all the great academies in the world are gathered in this Xihua city, and the building outside the building is naturally also in it, and the distance between the two was not too far.

With Tang Xiao's leg strength, he will arrive in just a moment.

But when it got to the door of the building outside the building, Tang Xiao also had a difficult time.

Because she suddenly thought of a question, that is, is this Yun Lingxuan in the building outside the building at the moment.

If she was delayed on the road and didn't come back, wouldn't it be a waste of effort?

When he was restless, Tang Xiao suddenly laughed.

What a fool.

What's the use of thinking wildly outside, it's better to go in and have a look.

Anyway, it's not a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair, if she doesn't come back, it's a big deal to leave by herself!

With this in mind, Tang Xiao calmed down a little, and walked inside.

The guards in front of the gate all recognized Tang Xiao.

After all, Lou Wai Lou was not far from Qisi's headquarters, and Tang Xiao was a well-known figure, so they greeted her with smiles when they saw her.

"Miss Tang is here!"

"That's right Miss Tang, I haven't seen you for a while, she looks even more beautiful!"

Even the gatekeepers in the building outside the building are women, so they naturally have to be more carefree when speaking.

Tang Xiao just smiled lightly at this.

"Sisters, is Yun everyone in the building?"

"Oh, are you looking for Master Yun? Then you are really a coincidence, she has only been back for a few hours, and she is in the building now!"

Hearing this, Tang Xiao's eyes lit up, but his heart sneered even more.

You came back with your brother almost back and forth, so it can be seen that you really came together.

But instead of expressing gratitude to my brother for his help, you let him go back and be punished, which is even more unforgivable.

Although thoughts were surging in his heart, Tang Xiao on the surface was still smiling sweetly.

"That's great, please lead me in to find Master Yun, I have something urgent to tell her!"

"This is easy to say, please follow me!"

Tang Xiao sneaked into the building outside the building like this.

The building outside the building is much more magnificent than the headquarters of Qisi. Inside, there are many buildings and exquisite architecture, full of meticulousness and elegance unique to women.

Tang Xiao followed this man through the house and courtyard, and finally came to a beautiful building.

"Miss Tang, everyone Yun is resting in the building, do you need me to report?"

Tang Xiao shook his head, "No need, I'll go by myself!"

The woman didn't say anything, just smiled, and then drifted away.

In fact, the entire building outside the building also knew that Tang Zheng, the Qingniu Confucian from the Qisi Poetry Club, had been chasing Yun Lingxuan all the time.

This Tang Xiao, as Tang Zheng's biological younger sister, naturally had an unusual relationship.

She said that there is no need to report, these people will naturally not be troublesome.

Tang Xiao first took a look at the show building.

Xiulou, as the name suggests, is a building where women live.

It's just that the Xiulou where Yun Lingxuan lives is extraordinary, because it is built on a huge bamboo.

Even after the construction of the building was completed, the vitality of the bamboo was not cut off, but became more vigorous.

This is the famous Zhulou Xiuge in Xihua City.

Tang Xiao looked at it for a moment, and finally sneered, and walked in.

The door of Xiulou was not locked, UU Reading opened the door and entered, and there was an elegantly furnished living room.

Tang Xiao had been here a few times before, and knew that Yun Lingxuan usually lived on the second floor, so he climbed up the steps and walked towards the second floor.

And at this moment, in a room on the second floor, Yun Lingxuan was leaning back on a chair with her eyes closed to rest quite tiredly.

Tuan'er stood aside and waited carefully.

"There's no need for Tuan'er, you're tired after traveling all the way, go down and rest!" Yun Lingxuan closed her eyes and said.

"Miss, I'm not tired! It's you, who hardly rested on this journey, so go to sleep quickly!" Tuan'er said with distress.

Yun Lingxuan opened her eyes suddenly, and said calmly: "It seems that we won't be able to rest for the time being!"

As soon as the voice fell, he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs, and then Tang Xiao walked up to the second floor and shouted in a deep voice.

"Is everyone here, Yun?"

Tuan'er was taken aback when he heard the voice.

"Isn't this Tang Zheng's younger sister, that Miss Tang Xiao Tang? What is she doing here?"

Yun Lingxuan responded lightly, "So it's Miss Tang, please come to this room to talk!"

Tang Xiao followed the voice to the room where Yun Lingxuan was. At the same time, Yun Lingxuan stood up and greeted her with a smile.

After seeing Yun Lingxuan, even Tang Xiao, who was full of anger, couldn't help being taken aback.

Because at this moment, Yun Lingxuan's demeanor has an unconcealable exhaustion, but instead of detracting from her charm, it gives people the charm of a mature woman.

In an instant, half of Tang Xiao's anger disappeared.

Because she felt that her brother really did nothing wrong, if she were a man, she would probably fall under the pomegranate skirt of this peerless beauty.

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