Ordering flowers to bloom can actually be done by monks with certain strength, because this is just a method of using the aura of heaven and earth, and there is nothing unusual about it.

But it is very difficult to achieve the point where all the flowers and plants in the city bloom at the same time with a single order like Xue An.

This requires a strong control over the aura of heaven and earth, and it must be able to cover the entire city at the same time.

So when the flowers bloomed, the people in the whole city were shocked by it.

"What's going on? Why are all the flowers blooming at the same time?"

"Could it be that some important person is here?"

Just when many people didn't understand why, someone said in amazement.

"Look at the Zhuo Mansion!"

Everyone turned their eyes and saw that the sky above the Zhuo Mansion was full of red light, and the fragrance was pungent, forming a miraculous scene in the sky.

"My God, what's the matter? Could it be because of the Zhuo Mansion's wedding that caused such a big battle?" Someone murmured.

"I don't think it's possible. After all, Mr. Zhuo firmly disagrees with this marriage! And even if he agrees, he won't be able to create such a situation!" Someone retorted.

"Stop talking so much, go and have a look and you'll know what's going on!"

After saying that, the man ran to Nazhuo Mansion.

The rest of the people looked at each other and followed.

For a moment, the entire Fangwai City was shocked by it, especially those rich and powerful families who had been watching from the sidelines smelled something different from this incident, so they flocked here.

Some of them who saw the opportunity rushed over with generous gifts.

In an instant, Zhuo Mansion, which was originally deserted, became lively.

The guests who came to congratulate her almost broke the threshold.

Faced with such a sharp contrast, Zhuo Benzheng was a little astonished.

Xue An just smiled lightly.

Because he knows this is just the beginning.

Xue An liked the young people like Zhuo Benzheng and Wu Zizhang very much.

This is not only because what they practice is similar to Chinese Confucianism, but more importantly, Xue An has seen rare vigor and valuable qualities from these young people.

Especially this time, Zhuo Ben is trying his best to reject all opinions, and would rather marry Qie Weilan in a very poor way than let her down, which makes Xue An admire him a lot.

So he didn't mind helping the young couple.

After all, this is nothing more than a matter of effort for him.

At the same time, in the main room, Mrs. Zhuo, who was watching the courtyard through the window, became excited.

"Old man, look quickly, almost all the famous and respectable people in the city have arrived! And the young master later on is so clever that he ordered all the flowers in the city to bloom together, shouldn't we go out too!"

Zhuo Benzheng's father, Zhuo Qianqi, naturally also saw the scene outside. To be honest, he wanted to go out to greet Xue An after Xue An appeared at first.

Because through the narrations of Zhuo Benzheng, Wu Zizhang and others, he already knew that Xue An, who shined brilliantly at this Ling'an Cultural Conference, was a handsome young man in white.

So no need to ask, the gentle and arrogant young man in the courtyard at the moment must be Xue An.

When such a person came, he naturally had to greet him personally.

This can be regarded as a step down for myself.

But when the girls from Wanhualou also appeared behind, Zhuo Qianqi's face turned dark all of a sudden.

"No! If you want to go, you can go! I said that I will never interfere with this wedding, and I will never interfere!"

This Mrs. Zhuo has been with Zhuo Qianqi for many years, so she naturally knows that he has committed a temper tantrum, so she can only cry silently.

"I've never seen such a cruel father like you!"

Zhuo Qianqi remained silent with a dark face.

And at this moment, Wu Zizhang came to Xue An's side and whispered.

"My lord, is the wedding starting?"

"Don't worry, just wait!" Xue An said calmly.

"Wait a little longer?" Wu Zizhang was a little confused.

Now almost all the dignified people in Fangwai City have arrived, so what are you waiting for?

In fact, not only he had doubts, but the people who came behind were also full of doubts, and then they got together and whispered.

"Who is this boy in white? Why is he so grand?"

"Looking at how respectful Wu Zizhang and others are to him, maybe it's the Mr. Xue who shined at this Ling'an Cultural Conference!"

"Yes, that's him! Sure enough, as the rumors say, his person is like jade, and he forgets the vulgarity when he sees it!"

"All these characters are here, why hasn't that old fellow Zhuo Qianqi come out to greet him?"

"Don't you know that old man Zhuo Qianqi's temper? It's as smelly and hard as a stone in a latrine!"

"Who says no? If it were another parent, how could it be possible for his son to marry such a shabby wife!"

Everyone nodded one after another, it seemed that they all knew Zhuo Qianqi's temper and character.

Then I heard someone wondering: "It's this time and the wedding hasn't started yet, what is Mr. Xue waiting for?"


What are you waiting for?

Many people have this question in their minds.

And at this time, UU reading www.uukanshu. As if to answer what they were thinking, Xue An raised his head and said calmly: "Here we come!"


What's coming?

Many people immediately followed Xue An's gaze, but saw that the sky was empty, and there was nothing unusual about it.

But in the next moment, a chariot ran over the sky at an extremely fast speed, and then came to the sky above the Zhuo Mansion.


The chariot landed on the ground, and then several figures hurried down from it.

The leader was a young woman, dressed in white, with a look of panic on her face.

After walking to the front and back of Xue An, he tremblingly gave a deep salute.

"Xing, Director of Ren'an City, I have met you!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked.

Everyone knows the great changes that have taken place in Ren'an City's Ren family during this period of time.

The former director of the family had already died at the Ling'an Wenhui, and was killed by his own daughter Ren Ning.

The Ren family was leaderless and fell into chaos.

Under such circumstances, Ren Xing, the daughter of the Ren family, stepped forward and wiped out all those who harbored evil intentions in one fell swoop, quickly calming down the commotion, and finally won the position of Patriarch.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion about this from the outside world, and many people said that there were behind-the-scenes instigators behind Ren Xing.

But no matter what, the current Ren Xing is in charge of a large family at a young age, and he seems to have become a powerful figure in Ling'an Domain.

So when she appeared at the wedding scene and saluted Xue An so respectfully, many people were shocked.

Even Han Bochao lowered his voice and asked Yao Yachao beside him, "Why is she here?"

"Idiot, I must have heard from Mr. Xue!" Yao Yachao said.

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