Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2820: Sincerely, the first

Because not long after he stepped into the ladder passage, layers of fog completely blocked the passage.

At the beginning, people didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it should be the time limit.

But when the mist was completely formed, the expressions of many people changed.

Because they found that their connection with these disciples who entered the ladder passage was broken.

This is by no means normal.

Because this kind of thing has never happened before when climbing the ladder.

"Eldest brother, what should we do now? The contact with Junior Sister Tang and many disciples of the Poetry Club was cut off just now!" Someone asked Lu Hui anxiously.

Lu Hui didn't show too much panic, but just looked at the fog in the distance calmly.

Is the picture I saw in the meditation finally coming true?

Thinking of this, Lu Hui's heart couldn't help but feel heavy.

As the actual manager of the Qisi Poetry Club, Lu Hui's strength may not be the strongest, but his literary heart is definitely the purest.

And there has always been a saying in Wen Dao that the sincerity of the heart can be known in advance.


This has always been just a legend.

After all, very few people can reach the realm of sincerity.

But Lu Hui reached it.

And it is true that some future pictures can be vaguely seen.

It's just that these pictures are generally disorganized and unsystematic, and it is impossible to predict the future at all.

Only when things really happen, you will suddenly realize that the pictures you saw at the beginning turned out to be like this!

So although some vague future can be seen, Lu Hui has never mentioned it to anyone.

until this time.

When Lu Hui meditated as usual, he saw a terrifying scene.

An unimaginably huge monster is devouring the world, including myself, countless students and living beings are buried in the mouth of this monster.

This scene was so realistic and terrifying that it directly woke up Lu Hui from his slumber.

After waking up, cold sweat appeared on Lu Hui's forehead, and his eyes were filled with fear.

Because this is something that has never happened before.

The future I saw before was blurry, but this time it was so clear and terrifying.

And from the various details on the screen, it can be inferred that the place where the catastrophe happened was Kuixing Mountain.

Could it be that it is foretelling the general essay meeting this time?

Under such circumstances, Lu Hui was very worried, and he did not hesitate to be shocked again, at the cost of compromising his literary heart, to regain his concentration and prepare to look more carefully.

The result remained the same, as long as he settled down, he would see that terrifying picture.

At this point, Lu Hui can finally conclude that there will be major changes in the general essay meeting this time.

This is also the reason why he was so worried after talking to Tang Xiao before.

The scene he saw was so terrifying. If it really happened, not to mention the Qisi Poetry Club, even Xihua City, and even the whole world would be overturned.

That's why he didn't stop Xue An.

In response to this catastrophe, it is always good to have more help.

Especially this Xue An is still very mysterious, even the Grave Sage Tablet is chosen for him, maybe this catastrophe may be broken on him.

Of course, these thoughts are just his inner activities, and he has never talked about them to outsiders.

Until now, the weird fog has covered the ladder passage and blocked all information.

How could this not make Lu Hui feel shocked and dignified.

"Don't worry, just wait and see!" Lu Hui ordered in a deep voice.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw a figure falling out of the mist.

This figure was like a corpse, completely unconscious, falling straight down.

Some people exclaimed, but some people moved extremely quickly, and Zong Yue came to the falling figure and caught it.

And after seeing the face of this figure clearly, the people who rushed over couldn't help but be surprised.


The voice was full of anxiety and consternation.

That's right!

The person who rushed over was Meng Dan from Thunder Academy.

After her long whip was cut to pieces by Xue An's sword, she did not leave, but stayed where she was very dissatisfied.

She would like to see what ranking this arrogant Xue An can win in the general essay meeting.

Unexpectedly, a shocking change occurred shortly after everyone entered. First, the passageway of the ladder was blocked by fog, and then a figure fell out of it.

At that time, Meng Dan was the closest, so he rushed over immediately.

But I never expected that after receiving it, I found out that it was Tan Kexin from his own academy.

Seeing that his eyes are closed and his breath is gone, it seems that he has been seriously injured.

Meng Dan couldn't help feeling anxious.

"What's going on? Believable, what's wrong with you?"

But no matter how she called, there was no response from Tan Kexin.

At this time, other people from Lei Ming Academy, including people from other academies, also rushed over.

When they saw the unconscious Tan Kexin, they couldn't help but change their expressions.

Some people who are skilled in medicine immediately stepped forward to check, but after waiting for half a day, they all shook their heads in doubt.

"It's strange, no scars can be seen from his appearance, but both the pulse condition and Qi mechanism show that he is seriously injured and on the verge of death!"

"That's right, I just checked his chest and and found that his heart beat is very weak, and the surrounding organs have moved a little to the side, as if..."

"Like what?" Meng Dan asked immediately.

"It's as if an invisible sharp knife pierced his chest and abdomen!"

Everyone was silent, and some even frowned.

"What happened inside? What could cause such strange injuries to the academy's elite in such a short period of time?"

Just when everyone was wondering, someone suddenly trembled: "Look!"

Everyone looked up together, and then saw an even more terrifying scene.

Countless small black spots appeared in the fog high in the sky, and these black spots expanded rapidly, and they could only be seen clearly when they fell out of the fog.

Where are the little black dots, they are clearly figures of people!

In an instant, no matter whether it was the various academies on the ancient stone platform or the crowd watching the fun in the distance, they were all stunned by the strange and terrifying scene in front of them.

But soon someone woke up and shouted: "Hurry up and catch them!"

One word awakens the dreamer.

Immediately, people from all the academies flew up together to intercept these figures falling from the sky.


These falling figures were caught, and at the same time, the sound of exclamation was endless.

"Brother Zheng Tian, ​​what's wrong with you?"

"Oh my god, apprentice, why are you injured?"

The Qisi Poetry Club is no exception, and almost all the people sent to participate in the general essay meeting were wiped out.

Looking at the members of the poetry club with their eyes closed, Lu Hui's face sank like water, and there seemed to be a fire burning in his eyes.

"Eldest brother, I checked just now. Except for Junior Sister Tang, everyone else sent has fallen out!"

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