Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2822: nightmare wolf nightmare

Tang Xiao's face was covered with tears, and he stood there without moving, as if he was stunned by the sudden happiness.

You must know that her parents died since she was a child, and she grew up with her elder brother Tang Zheng.

In Tang Xiao's memory, there are only a few vague images of his mother.

Now suddenly seeing her longing mother standing in front of her like this, stretching out her arms to hug her, how could she be unhappy.

As if sensing the thoughts in her heart, a distressed expression appeared on the lady's face.

"What a poor child, give me a hug!"

As she said that, her arms had already crossed Tang Xiao's shoulders, and she was about to close her arms and hug him.

At this moment, a pen tip pierced through the lady's back.

The lady let out a miserable howl, but she didn't give up, instead she clasped her hands together, trying to trap Tang Xiao in it.

But Tang Xiao had expected this move a long time ago, and saw her short, and escaped directly from the lady's hands.

At the same time, wisps of black air escaped from the lady's wound, and the original glamorous appearance of the lady withered, revealing her hideous and terrifying face.

It turned out that this was actually a wolf demon with a long wolf tail and an iron gray body.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xiao couldn't help frowning, and said coldly, "So it's a dire wolf!"

There is a demon in the dream, its name is Nightmare Wolf, and it refers to this kind of monster that feeds on the greed and fear in people's hearts.

The dire wolf opened its mouth wide and roared angrily: "Damn it, how did you notice it?"

"It's very simple. Although I was young when my mother died, I still remember her appearance!"

"But I was constructed according to the image deep in your heart, how could you see it?" Dire Wolf roared unwillingly.

Tang Xiao sneered, "I'm sorry, the face you are using now is something I conceived casually. My mother's real appearance has long been sealed in my heart, so how can you see through it!"

It turned out that Tang Xiao knew that this was an illusion from the very beginning, but she didn't find out at the time, but planned to see how this illusion would develop.

That's why she purposely yelled "Mother" when the figure had just appeared and hadn't materialized.

The purpose is to give this dire wolf an illusion.

"Damn woman, do you really think that you can kill me like this? I'm a monster of illusion appointed by the Lord. Even if you find it out, so what, you still have to die here today!"

The nightmare wolf roared and rushed towards Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao didn't even hide, he just stood there and watched coldly, muttering in his mouth.


Dire Wolf didn't understand, so, "What are you calling?"


"Jie Jie, are you counting down how long you can survive?" Dire Wolf grinned.

Tang Xiao ignored his ridicule, instead stretched out a finger, and said slowly: "One!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a muffled bang, and the body of the dire wolf exploded to pieces in an instant.

The torso and limbs disintegrated into mist in the air, and only the head turned into a gray light, which shot straight into the depths of the mist.

At the same time, there was a faint roar of shock and anger in the void.

"What did you use to hurt me?"

Tang Xiao said coldly: "It's nothing, it's just a pen used to describe the memorial tablets for the ancient writers of the Qisi Poetry Club!"

As soon as these words came out, everything returned to silence, even the disturbed mist calmed down.

Tang Xiao stood where he was. After confirming that the nightmare wolf had been scared away, he let out a long breath, then stepped forward, bent down and picked up the Glyph tablet pen from the air.

At this moment, tiny cracks appeared on the pen body of this pen. Obviously, the battle just now had worn it out a lot.

Tang Xiao's eyes were distressed, he stroked the pen carefully, and muttered: "This time it's thanks to you!"

After all, she looked up at the fog ahead.

At this time, although the fog was still thick, it had dissipated a lot after the battle just now, and a road appeared faintly.

Looking at this road, Tang Xiao had a very complicated look on his face.

Ever since seeing the mist, a question has been lingering in her heart.

Why did this general article become like this.

This dire wolf is originally a genus of evil things, and it is a relatively high-level existence among evil things. How could they suddenly appear here?

Where are the others?

These questions kept circling in her mind.

Finally she took a deep breath.

No matter what is ahead, you have to go and see for yourself.

After all, it is about the fate of the students in the whole world.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao stepped forward and quietly sank into the mist.

And that was when she successfully got rid of the illusion and continued to head towards the top of the mountain.

Yun Lingxuan was facing a desperate situation.

The sharpened dagger makes a pleasant friction sound when it penetrates the throat.

Then the dagger will cut across with an unstoppable momentum, the vocal cords will be cut first, which will turn the screams into an ugly hiss, and then the windpipe will be severed.

After the trachea is cut, the air in the lungs will be ejected uncontrollably, bringing out countless blood foams.

Then you will see a person's chest slowly deflate, UU reading It is a symbol that the lungs have completely dried up.

At the same time, the person's eyes were shriveled.

It was an unbearable gaze, mixed with despair and anger.

Just looking at it can burn your nerves.

But this is still not over, the dagger continued to cut uncontrollably, the skin and flesh were pushed to the sides, and then the main artery next to the neck was cut off.

Under the pumping pressure of the heart, the blood sprayed out to a height of two or three meters, completing the most magnificent curtain call in its life.

At this time, you can see the eyes of this person go out.

The whole process is cruel just to describe it in words.

But Yun Lingxuan was witnessing it with her own eyes at this moment, and she was not the only one who witnessed it.

In front of her was a palace that had been mostly collapsed due to the fire. The flames shot into the sky, and countless hideous and terrifying evil creatures wandered in it, wantonly harvesting life with the dagger in their hands.

The screams mixed with the melodious sound of the dagger cutting the skin constituted a symphony of hell.

Yun Lingxuan's body trembled uncontrollably, because the scene in front of her was exactly what she had sealed deep in her memory.

This collapsed palace was her former home.

The people who are being slaughtered by evil things like pigs and dogs are her family members.

At this moment, an evil creature with a scorpion tail reached out and grabbed a man's hair, and then stabbed straight down with the dagger in his hand.


Blood spattered, but the man didn't howl miserably, he just looked towards Yun Lingxuan with calm eyes, and at the same time his lips moved slightly.

Although she couldn't hear the sound, Yun Lingxuan still knew that the man said the word "run fast".

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