Griffin looked cold.

Is it such an understatement, killing all the guards without even getting off the car?

Xue An was noncommittal about this.

The killer is not in his heart, the living is not trapped in confusion!

What's more, those who passed away were all evildoers.

The vehicle drove into the mining area, and the fluctuation of aura became more and more intense.

On the ground and even on the dilapidated houses, various flowers and plants are constantly growing, and then they wither and decay very quickly.

Repeatedly, endlessly!

After Xue An got out of the car, he hugged his two daughters and went straight to a mine.

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian looked around curiously!

"Dad, it's so pretty here!"

There are shining flowers and plants everywhere, and the deserted mine dotted with it is a bit cruel.

Xue An smiled, "It will be prettier in a while!"

After entering the cave, I walked a long way inside.

Suddenly, a broad space emerged in front of it.

In the middle of the space, there is a spring water flowing.

After the spring water flows on the ground, it transforms into various elves and dances in all spaces.

Xue An's eyes lit up, and it really was Lingquan!

An Yan and these two little girls couldn't help but feel a little silly watching this dreamlike scene.

"Husband, so pretty!" An Yan murmured.

Xue An smiled, "This Eye Lingquan hasn't really matured yet. When it does mature, that will be the most beautiful scenery in the world!"

I think that when Xue An traveled through the heavens, he once went to the Linghe in the heavens.

In that place, people with insufficient cultivation are not allowed to go.

Because once the cultivation base is not enough and the Dao heart is not firm enough, you will be fascinated by the beauty of the world, and you will never come back!

Compared with that entrenched Linghe, this eye Lingquan can't even compare with the root hair!

But Xue An was still very satisfied.

This world is too barren, and the aura is very thin. It would be nice to have this!

"Yan'er, you and Missing Nian are staying here. They are very supportive of your cultivation!"

"Where are you going, husband?" An Yan asked.

"Of course I am guarding outside! After all, this Lingquan will have to be mature for a day or two! During this period, it will definitely attract countless prying eyes!" Xue An said.

An Yan was worried.

Xue An smiled, "Don't worry, your husband is here, and the gods retreat!"

With that, Xue An left the mine.

Of course he said that, but Xue An was also a little uneasy, so when he left, he put all kinds of seals on this mine!

In this way, as long as the golden fairy is not present, the fairy will not be able to enter!

Xue An went outside the mine and found a clean place to sit cross-legged.

Griffin walked around in a panic.

He was completely convinced by Xue An now.

Even without the curse in his soul, he would not dare to leave Xue An.

But now I have a treasure on my own side, and God knows how many people will spy on it in secret!

Thinking of this, Griffin couldn't help but feel a little emboldened.

Xue An remained unmoved, closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath and meditate.

Bell family.

The news of Bell's death has come back.

Come back together, there is little Bell's body.

All the members of the Bell family were present, but they all stood outside the office and waited. No one dared to enter, and no one dared to make a sound.

Many people know that a great storm is coming!

After a while, the office door opened.

Old Bell walked out pale.

He changed into a black suit with a white flower pinned on his chest.

"Who is the murderer? Where is he now?" Old Bell asked softly.

In the quiet tone, there was unimaginable anger and murderous intent.

"Respectful godfather, the murderer was a man who lived on a street in a bar, a Chinese! As for where he is now, it is not clear yet!" A director of the Bell family stepped forward and said.

Old Bell nodded, "Well, then grab everyone on the street in the bar and kill them one by one until you find out where this person is!"


Just when the subordinates were about to leave.

Someone ran back in a panic.

"My Godfather, it's not good! There was a crash over the mine!"

"what happened?"

"The mine has not been quiet tonight. It seems that the fountain of youth is about to emerge. When we were preparing for the report, we unexpectedly broke in and killed all those who were watching with our hands up! It happened to be stationed elsewhere, so I ran out by chance."

Thinking of the scene just now, this person is still trembling!

Old Bell's eyes lit up.

"Very well, kill my son. I still want to rob my family property. It seems that I should let you know how great it is!"

"Send an order to call back all the dark night commanders!"


Commander of the Dark Night!

Hearing this name, these Bell family members all felt relieved.

Since the strongest combat power of this family has been dispatched.

So no matter who the other party is, you can't live if you are right!

But there are people who move faster than the Bell family.

When Xue An was outside for the twentieth minute, a convoy of various heavy trucks rushed in.

Many people came from the height of the team.

These people are all cold-faced, sturdy, and carrying all kinds of guns in their hands.

Then a man with a fierce face came over.

Griffin was taken aback when seeing this man, then gritted his teeth and said: "Carter!"

Yes, the person who came was Griffin's pious subordinate Carter.

Only when Griffin was forcibly driven out of Sin City later, this Carter rebelled and betrayed for the first time.

Every time I read this, Griffin gritted his teeth.

This Carter didn't recognize Griffin at all at first, and after a while he said in surprise, "Are you... Griffin?"

Griffin smiled sadly: "Hehe, my loyal dog, have you finally recognized the owner?"

Carter's expression changed and then sneered a few times, "Griffin, you are so courageous. You ran away and almost lost your life. Now you dare to come back?"

Griffin said proudly: "Of course I want to come back, and I have to get back what belongs to me!"

"What belongs to you?" Carter sneered, then looked a bit greedily at the shimmering mine.

"You don't deserve to have this kind of thing! Now, it belongs to my master!"

With that, Carter stepped aside respectfully, and a blond man with an arrogant expression came over.

"Carter, what's the matter? Why the delay?"

"Master, this strange Chinese man and my former boss blocked the way!" Carter said.

The blond man looked at Xue An, who closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, and sneered disdainfully: "Who? Dare to block the way of my dark council?" The novel is invincible, starting with the latest chapter of the fairy tale. Chapter 284 The killer is not in his heart (sixth) URL: https://

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