Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2833: Dual ruler of time and fate

Accompanied by this angry roar, an incomparably terrifying coercion descended on Xue An's head.

Xue An snorted, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose.

You must know that although this space-time giant snake is not its own body, its strength is still far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Not to mention anything else, just the coercion descending on Xue An's head at this moment is enough to easily kill a quasi-holy-level powerhouse.

But Xue An forcibly held it back. Not only did he hold it, but he even raised his head slowly against the pressure, and looked at the space-time giant snake above the sky.

"It's not certain who lives and who dies!"

When he said this, Xue An's eyes were full of sarcasm.

The space-time giant snake was completely enraged and roared.

"Existence like ants, do you really think that you can survive under our noses until now because of your own strength? That's just because you have a strong backer, but now that your backer has collapsed, but you still dare to shout so rampantly, then you are looking for death!"


Another coercion descended on Xue An's shoulders.

The power was so great that even the Kuixing Mountain trembled violently.

There was even the creaking sound of bone rubbing in Xue An's body, one could imagine how terrifying pressure he was under.

Lu Hui and Tang Xiao, who were getting closer, both changed expression.

Even though they were separated by a distance, they could still feel the terror of those two pressures.

It was a kind of dominance and cruelty that as long as it is contaminated with a little bit, it will die without a place to bury it.

Just as they were standing there in shock, Yun Lingxuan at the side couldn't care less about that.

Xue An was her only hope for revenge. Even though this hope seemed so slim now, it was better than fighting alone.

What's more, in Yun Lingxuan's view, the reason why Xue An faced this strange snake was largely because of him.

Then he couldn't just stand by and watch.

So she shouted desperately: "Young master, I'll help you!"

As he spoke, he rushed over.

But before she even reached halfway, she was sent flying by an invisible force.

At the same time, Xue An said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, just take care of yourself!"

"Tsk tsk, you still don't forget to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade at this time, Xue An, I have to say that you are really a passionate seed!"

The Space-Time Serpent thought that it had already controlled the situation, so it was not in a hurry, and even had the mood to tease Xue An.

Xue An didn't defend himself against this, he just raised his hand slowly.

Seeing this, the Spacetime Giant Snake couldn't help laughing and said, "Have you finally figured it out and prepared to surrender?"

It thought that Xue An was about to raise his hand to surrender, but at this moment, it saw Xue An's hand raised above his head, and viciously pointed out two middle fingers to it.

The giant serpent of time and space claims to be omniscient and omnipotent, so it naturally understood the meaning of this gesture, and couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment.

"I originally planned to save your life to play for two days. Since you are so eager to die, then I will grant you!"

Saying that, the giant snake of time and space opened its jaws wide, aiming at the Kuixing Mountain and biting it down.

The head has not yet arrived, and the hurricane has arrived.

All the plants on this Kuixing mountain withered in an instant, and then turned into dust and scattered into the wind.

Such horrors are terrifying.

Lu Hui just stood there and didn't move, as if he had been frightened into a fool.

Tang Xiao was in a hurry, and shouted: "Brother, let's run!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Hui shook his head, "It's useless, we can't escape!"

Tang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and murmured: "How could it be!"

"I have seen the origin of this giant snake. It is one of the rulers of time and destiny in the legend, Shuming!"

"Shu Ming?" Tang Xiao had never heard of this name.

"Yes! Shuming, the real ruler of evil gods!" Lu Hui murmured with fear in his eyes.

"Actually, no one knows its real name at all, and even this squeak is just a code name for the convenience of people to distinguish."

Tang Xiao didn't know why, but she knew that if she didn't leave now, it would be too late, because she wanted to escape as soon as she picked up Lu Hui who was standing there dumbfounded.

But she didn't even take a step, because an invisible barrier had firmly nailed her in place.

"What's going on?" Tang Xiao asked in surprise.

Lu Hui smiled wryly: "It's very simple, it blocks all our destiny paths, which means that now we have no other way but to stand still and wait for death!"

Hearing this, Tang Xiao finally showed deep fear on his face, and then said in a crying voice.

"Then... are we going to die then?"

Lu Hui sighed softly, and instead of answering Tang Xiao's words, he slowly closed his eyes.

It seemed to him that it was all over.

No one can survive such a powerful attack.

It seems that the scene I saw in the meditation has finally come true! Lu Hui thought to himself.

But just when he gave up all resistance and lay down completely, Tang Xiao beside him suddenly let out an exclamation.

"God, what is he doing?"

Lu Hui suddenly opened his eyes, and then saw a scene that shocked him.

Seeing that Xue An, who was supposed to have been blocked from all paths of fate, was not affected at all, he leaped into the sky, UU reading, and rushed towards the Shuming who swallowed it with his mouth wide open.

"What is he going to do? Suicide?" Seeing this, Tang Xiao couldn't help asking.

Because the direction Xue An rushed towards was Shu Ming's open mouth, what's the difference between this and death?

Lu Hui didn't speak, but just looked at this scene solemnly.

Originally, he thought that no one could survive an attack of this intensity.

But now Xue An's performance gave him a glimmer of hope.

He knew very well that a person like Xue An would never give up lightly, especially if he could break through the barrier of fate, he would not take the initiative to ask for death.

Then what is he going to do here?

Do you want to use your own strength to cause harm to this Shuming?

That is simply impossible!

Lu Hui was full of doubts.

And when Shu Ming saw Xue An's actions, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

No matter what you plan to do, it can't change the fact that you will be buried in my mouth!

But at this moment, Xue An who had rushed to Shu Ming's mouth suddenly raised his hand and threw something.

As soon as this thing was shot, it immediately turned into a bright brilliance, and then rushed into Shu Ming's mouth at an extremely fast speed.

Shu Ming was taken aback, and just about to speak, the brilliance passed through his throat and flew into its body.

Immediately afterwards, a faint light appeared in the stomach of this space-time giant snake.

"Ah, Xue An, what is this thing you threw out?" Shu Ming shouted in surprise and anger.

Xue An said lightly: "It's nothing, it's just a fragment of an ancient mirror!"

"Ancient mirror fragments?"

Shu Ming was stunned for a moment, and then all the snake scales on its incomparably huge body stood up.

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