The vast space is filled with dazzling golden light, and the stars in the distance are embedded in this golden void like big diamonds.

Not only that, a strange fragrance still lingers in the nose, making people feel refreshed just by taking a sip.

As if sensing the shock in her heart, Wu Jun, who was leading the way, stopped suddenly, then turned his head and gave her a sneer smile, which seemed to be saying something.

How about it? We evil things have not polluted your eyes!

Tang Xiao was speechless and could only turn his head to pretend he didn't see it.

Soon the group of people landed on a planet closest to this glorious wall.

This planet is not big, covered with vegetation, only a small city stands in the middle of the continent.

The city is very simple, and the residents inside are very rare.

"My lord, this is the usual residence of the two of us, you can just rest here!" Duanmu Guang said.

Xue An inspected the surroundings, but found no information about the debris on this planet, knowing that the thing should not be here, so he nodded.

"Okay! But why do you two live in this kind of place?"

Duanmu Guang smiled wryly, "To be honest, the two of us were actually sent here to defend the city!"

"Oh? Guard the city?"

"That's right, the wall condensed by this brilliance is the city gate we guard!"

Xue An looked at Duanmu Guang thoughtfully, and smiled faintly.

"It seems that your situation in this Guangming Palace is not particularly good!"

Before Duanmu Guang sighed, Wu Jun beside him spoke first.

"It's not just bad, it's worse than a pig or a dog!"

Speaking of this, Wu Jun's face was full of resentment.

"At the beginning, the two of us defected to the branch of the Guangming Palace on the Xihua Continent according to your suggestion. After providing information about Master, the Guangming Palace attached great importance to it, and soon sent people to take the two of us into this headquarters!"

"At that time, we thought that we were finally going to pay off our hardships, so we wanted to do our best to pay back and find out the reason why our master ended up in exile!"

"But I never expected that after coming here, the attitude of this Guangming Palace has undergone a 180-degree change. No one paid any attention to the two of us, so we were left to hang out for half a month, and finally we were thrown into this place where no **** is guarding the city gate!"

At the end, Wu Jun's face was full of anger.

Duanmu Guang sighed after hearing this.

Xue An's heart moved, "Then who threw you here?"

"Who else is there, of course it's that **** Liao Zhiji!" When the name Liao Zhiji was mentioned, Wu Jun wanted to bite his teeth off.

Duanmu Guang frowned, and shouted, "Wu Jun!"

"What's the matter? Liao Zhiji is so arrogant and domineering, he doesn't pay attention to us brothers at all, can't I scold him a few words?" Wu Jun said angrily.

Duanmu Guang sighed softly, "People have to bow their heads under the eaves, then Liao Zhiji is indeed a snob, but if you want to find out what happened to Master back then, it's nothing to suffer such humiliation!"

When mentioning the matter of Master, Wu Jun was silent.

Xue An naturally listened to the same thing.

It was obvious that the two brothers had no foundation at all, and they came to the headquarters of the Guangming Palace with all their enthusiasm, but they gave a blow to them as soon as they arrived.

This kind of thing couldn't be more common, so Xue An just smiled and didn't express any opinion.

The most important thing for him now is to find the fragment of the ancient mirror.

Although there is only an approximate location, Xue An is at least 80% sure that the fragment is in the headquarters of the Bright Palace.

Although this city is small, it is quite complete with all kinds of things needed for life, especially in terms of food, because 90% of the area of ​​this small planet is covered with dense forests, so there are a lot of wild animals.

Hunting alone is enough to feed the people of this small town.

In order to repay Xue An's kindness at the beginning, Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun prepared meticulously, and soon they made a sumptuous banquet.

However, Xue An didn't eat much at this banquet, and more of it went into the stomachs of Tuan'er and Tang Xiao.

Especially Tang Xiao.

The girl seemed to be ruthless, she wiped out less than half of the meat, and then stopped her chopsticks contentedly.

After drinking and eating, the three women fell asleep very sleepy, and went to rest early.

Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun also retreated.

Only Xue An was left in the room.

He sat by the window, staring at the night sky outside.

Naturally there will be no moon here, but I thought that the void in this territory was glowing with a faint golden light, so even the night sky was dyed with a layer of golden light, and the night it illuminated was like a full moon.

Under this quiet night, Xue An's divine thoughts gradually spread, and then rushed out of this planet, spreading to the depths of the void.

Xue An's current divine sense has reached an unimaginable level, and he can cover an incomparably vast distance in an instant.

Xue An planned to use this method to find out the whereabouts of the fragments of the ancient mirror.

But this kind of behavior is destined to be extremely dangerous, especially in this place where evil things gather.

Although Xue An had already vaguely guessed from the performance of Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang that the Guangming Palace was probably a lawful camp among evil things. UU Reading

After all, there are so many evil things, it is impossible for them all to be bad.

Especially in the case of duality, it is normal to have kinder evils.

But evil things are evil things after all.

The idea that people who are not my race must have different hearts is not only common among human races, but also an irrefutable fact among that evil thing.

No one wants to bet on whether the other party is kind across races.

The chain of suspicion quickly breaks down and descends into a horrific confrontation.

In this case, once the evil thing in the Bright Palace realizes that there are people sneaking in, and secretly detects it with divine sense, it will definitely cause an uproar.

But Xue An still did it.

In addition to being confident in his own strength, the imminent sense of urgency also left him no more time to waste.

After all, no one knows when the space-time giant snake Shuming will appear.

Maybe it is hiding in the depths of the void and spying on itself now!

So Xue An must perfect the only big killer in his hands as soon as possible.

Spiritual thoughts spread aimlessly like the silent rising and falling tide in the darkness.

One planet, two planets….

Soon Xue An's divine sense leaped over the nearby planets, and used them as springboards to quickly travel deep.

But at this moment, an invisible barrier suddenly blocked Xue An's spiritual thoughts and bounced them back.


Xue An's body trembled, and his spiritual thoughts returned to his body immediately. Under the huge shock, his complexion couldn't help but turn pale.

Such a strong blocking force!

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