Chapter 2867 Internal Auction

"Are these enough?" Xue An asked.

"Enough, enough!" The middle-aged man nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, with a flattering smile on his face.

What a joke, if this is not enough for qualifications, what else is enough!

You must know that the best-selling and most in-demand in today's Nether Ghost Market, apart from pills, belong to this secret book technique.

And this kind of thing is hard to come by, after all, anyone who has the chance to get the secret book of magic skills will not sell this kind of thing.

Those that can be sold are not high-level exercises.

As a result, the supply of advanced exercises that can be traded on the market has been in short supply.

It can be said that as long as you have it, you don't have to worry about selling it.

And looking at the light of the exercises displayed in the hands of this mysterious senior expert in front of him, they are all first-class advanced exercises.

Among them are several books of the brilliance of precious light, which even he saw for the first time.

For a moment, even he couldn't help being dazzled.

At this moment, Xue An clasped his palms together, and the beam of light in his hands disappeared.

The middle-aged man withdrew his gaze with some regret, and then solemnly punched Xue An.

"It's not that I don't trust seniors, it's because we have this rule, please forgive me!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I have all the conditions you want, so what about the things I want!" Xue An said coldly, without any words.

The middle-aged man was not annoyed, in fact, the more Xue An was like this, the higher Xue An's status in his heart.

Because any strong man with some strength is not so arrogant!

"Senior, don't worry. If in the past you asked for ten such top-quality goods, I might not dare to respond, but today is different. Today, senior, you came at the right time, because there will be an internal auction soon!"

"Internal auction?"

"That's right!" The middle-aged man smiled self-confidently, "To be honest, this is the highest-level auction of our Baishanpu. You can't find a second auction in the entire Nether Ghost City!"

"Why haven't I heard of it before?" Xue An said coldly.

"Hehe, seniors don't know that this auction of our Baishanpu is not open to the public at all. If you want to participate, you must go through strict screening. Wealth, strength and status are indispensable. Only after you have met the standards, you are eligible to be invited by us!"

"Hmph, it's so mysterious, who knows if I will be disappointed by then?" Xue An said coldly, playing the role of an arrogant and unruly senior to the extreme.

Shu Jingchu stood behind him, secretly amused in her heart.

This guy... is pretty good at acting.

"Senior, don't worry, if you can't find what you want in our Baishanpu auction, then you probably won't be able to find it even if you search the entire Nether Ghost Market!"

"Then what are you waiting for, why don't you hurry up and take me there?" Xue An said impatiently.

"Senior, don't be impatient, because there will be many important treasures in the upcoming auction, which can be described as extremely grand and grand, so there are many participants, so we still need to wait patiently, but before that, I can take you to the venue to take a seat!"

The middle-aged man was very attentive, because in his opinion, clients like Xue An were definitely worth recruiting.

After all, it is mysterious and powerful, and at the same time possesses massive wealth.

Building a good relationship with such customers is a compulsory course.

What's more, if Xue An succeeds in bidding at the auction, he, as the introducer, will also get a handsome commission.

All this led to his extreme respect for Xue An.

Xue An naturally understood this, and in fact this was exactly the effect he wanted to achieve.

After all, people like middle-aged men can only be moved by visible benefits.

And the more you boss him around, the more he respects you, because in the eyes of people like them, that's what a person with ability and status should be like.

So Xue An became more impolite.

"What a hassle! Can't you just take out what I want, and I'll just give you how much money is missing?" Xue An said coldly.

"Yes, yes, senior taught me a lesson, but this auction is not something I can control, so please senior, follow me to the venue and wait!" The middle-aged man nodded and bowed.

Xue An snorted coldly, then stood up impatiently, after walking a few steps, he suddenly remembered something, raised his hand and pointed out the door.

"I already want these two women, you quickly bring them into the store, the things I fancy can't be taken advantage of by the ordinary people outside!"

"Understood, I will arrange for someone to do it!"

"Also, treat them well, don't bully them at will, or I won't agree!"

"Scared to death, villains dare not touch a single hair of them. Senior, don't worry, I will treat them like aunts and grandmas!"

"Hmph, that's about the same!"

Xue An walked towards the back of Baishanpu. The middle-aged man called someone to give some instructions, and then chased after him with a smile on his face.

Behind Baishanpu, there is a hole in the sky, it is actually a huge garden.

Although it is said that this ghost city is an illusory, what Xue An has seen and heard along the way tells him that this ghost city is by no means an illusion in the general sense, on the contrary it is very real.

Therefore, this huge Nether Ghost City can be described as every inch of land, and it is really a luxury for Baishanpu to have a large garden in such a place.

But Xue An didn't pay attention to this, he saw a small building standing in the middle of the garden at a glance.

The building is not too high, and it is almost perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment. If you don't look carefully, it is difficult to find the existence of this building.

"Han Bao, is that the auction venue you mentioned?"

Along the way, besides talking with Xue An, the middle-aged man also introduced himself in detail.

So Xue An knew his name.

Han Bao smiled and said, "That's right, my lord, the venue is right in front of you!"

"It looks deserted, and it's so small, how many people can it fit?" Xue An asked in a doubtful tone.

"Hehe, you'll know as long as you follow me in!"

While talking, they came to this small building.

There was a guard standing in front of the door. When he saw Han Bao, he hurried forward to say hello.

"The shopkeeper Han is here!"

"Well, are all the distinguished guests attending the meeting here?"

When talking to Xue An, Han Bao's face was full of joy, but when he was in front of his subordinates, his demeanor changed drastically, and he became very proud.

"If you go back to the shopkeeper, everyone has already arrived!"

"Well, open the door!"


The guards had already seen Xue An standing not far away, but Han Bao didn't say anything, so he naturally didn't dare to ask.

Anyway, if something goes wrong, a big shot will take the lead, so a small character like myself should stop meddling in his own business.

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