Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 289: Kunlun villains enter Beijiang

The drink was quickly prepared.

Old Stone also concocted three glasses of juice very intimately and gave them to Anyan mother and daughter.

Xue An drank slowly with a feather goblet.

The old stone hid in the distance, looked at it with awe, and did not dare to come over.

"How is Griffin now?" Xue An said lightly.

After that day, Griffin returned to Sin City.

Old Stone hurriedly said: "Very good, I heard him say, prepare to open a few formal enterprises, and stop doing those bad things!"

Xue An smiled, will the devil change his temper?

At this moment, the door of the bar was pushed open and Vin Sinan walked in.

"Old Stone..."

Then he widened his eyes and looked at Xue An.

Xue An toasted and smiled, "What a coincidence!"

Vin Sinan took a deep breath, nodded at An Yan with a smile, and then walked over.

"Give me a cup of Twilight Love!"

The wine was delivered soon.

But she didn't drink it, just watched it quietly. After a long time, she whispered: "Has the preparation gone?"

Xue An nodded, "Of course I have to go!"

Vince raised his feathers and said, "I wish you a smooth journey!"

Xue An smiled, "Then what should I wish you? Is business prosperous?"

Vin Sinan was a little embarrassed and said after a meeting: "In fact, many girls who were forced to come in during this period have already washed their hands and quit, and the rest are people with no future."

Xue An smiled, "No need to explain, I am not a saint. When there is light, there will be darkness. This is normal! I killed those guys who died, not because of how many heinous crimes they committed, but... they made me feel Very annoying!"

This explanation made Vin Sinan dumbfounded.

One sword destroyed half of the city, just because of an annoyance?

And just when Xue An was drinking wine in Sin City.

In China.


Tang Xuan'er led Xiaosha, preparing to go home.

Now Tang Xuan'er is used to this kind of life.

Bring Xiaosha to work, and buy some food on the way home after work. This is a simple day.

"Xuan'er, go back!" Someone greeted with a smile.

Tang Xuan'er smiled and nodded.

Now Tang Xuan'er is known to everyone in the hospital.

Not only because of her beauty, but more importantly because of her background.

Colleagues in the hospital have seen Qin Yu, Miss Qin's family, and drove to pick up Tang Xuan'er.

Miss Qin family!

What an identity is that!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the dean of this hospital is not even qualified to see others.

So many people even fawned on Tang Xuan'er.

Regarding these, Tang Xuan'er just smiled.

As soon as he got out of the hospital, Xiao Sha walked eastward as he was familiar with the road.

"Hey, going there again! Can you take a day off? I'm embarrassed, OK!" Tang Xuan'er followed Xiao Sha helplessly, and said softly.

Xiao Sha was not moved at all, and walked straight forward.

Soon, he came to the door of a deli.

The pupils were working absent-mindedly, and as soon as they saw Tang Xuan'er's figure, everyone immediately became energetic as if they were electrified.

"Sister, you are here!"

Tang Xuan'er nodded.

"Still the same?"

"Further...more ten pounds!" Tang Xuan'er felt her face a little red when she said this.

"Okay, wait a minute!" The elementary school student started to chop cooked food quickly.

Soon, a large package of cooked food worth forty to fifty catties was cut.

The little student asked: "Sister, can you carry it? How about I send it back to you!"

"No need! Thank you!" Tang Xuan'er took the cooked food, turned and left.

The pupils looked at Tang Xuan'er's back and couldn't help being a little silly.

At this time, someone knocked on his head.

The little student trembled, "Boss!"

The owner of this delicatessen said helplessly: "Look at that again? Even the eyes are flying out!"

The little student lowered his head, "I...I just look at it!"

The boss sighed, "I'm telling you, this girl doesn't have a normal background at first glance. Don't worry about anything else, be clear?"

"Yes!" the little apprentice bowed his head.

But immediately, from the corner of his eye, he saw across the street, and several men suddenly walked forward.

This is normal.

But these men seemed to have just come here with the sister.

Are they following this sister?

The pupils' hairs are standing up.

No way!

Miss sister is in danger, I must save her!

Thinking of this, the pupils didn't have time to take off their work clothes, so they rushed out, leaving behind the boss's scolding.

At this time, these men were talking quietly.

"This little lady looks really good. Kunlun rarely sees such a pretty girl!" said one of the grim-faced people.

"Yes, and the key is to have a pure temperament, which is just a chick at first sight!" someone said greedily.

"But you said she is a mundane person, how could she offend Fairy Qianxue from Kunlun Qianxue Gate?"

"Who knows, anyway, there will be rewards for catching Xiang Xiang!"

That's right, these people are all from Kunlun Wonderland.

It was specially selected and sent by Fairy Qianxue.

Their cultivation base has just entered the secular world without restriction, and it is very appropriate to perform these tasks.

But Tang Xuan'er was completely unaware of this.

Soon, she entered a deserted demolition area.

Tang Xuan'er didn't dare to leave this kind of place.

But now that Xiaosha is by her side, it doesn't matter where she goes.

The few people who followed looked at each other, and their faces showed joy.

"Just stay here! There are no people around, so take her and return to Kunlun directly!"

"Okay! Do it!"

Several men were just about to rush up.

The elementary school student rushed up out of breath, just to see a few men with fierce faces and shouted in fright.

"Miss sister, run!"

Tang Xuan'er was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and saw that several men looked at her with a bad face.

"Where's the kid, get out!" As he said, one of them waved casually.

The apprentice was blasted out and fell into a piece of mud, making it difficult to stand up for a while.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xuan'er couldn't help being shocked.

It's Wu Xiu!

"Hey, girl, as long as you cooperate obediently, we won't hurt you!" a man said with a grin.

A powerful aura enveloped Tang Xuan' Tang Xuan'er's complexion was a little pale, and her figure trembled slightly.

At this moment, Xiao Sha gave a cold snort, and then stood in front of Tang Xuan'er.

Now Tang Xuan'er is its food and clothing parents. Without her, she would have to catch fish all day long in the lake. Where else could she eat these delicious roast chicken?

Therefore, for those who dare to be disadvantageous to Tang Xuan'er, it doesn't mind teaching them what awe is!

And these guys were also taken aback.

Why did a dog suddenly pop out?

And in their eyes, the dog seemed to be... full of disdain!

Is this despised by the dog? The novel is invincible, starting from the Xianzun Dad, the latest chapter Chapter 289 Kunlun villains enter Beijiang (fifth) URL: https://

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