Chapter 2892 Treasure Hunting Pavilion

The composition of Nether Ghost City is very special, it is a place that seems to be unreal.

So even though there was such a big commotion in Baishanpu just now, and it was swallowed up by the sea of ​​flames, the outside didn't know anything about it.

After Xue An led Shu Jingchu out of Baishanpu, he went straight to the Treasure Hunting Pavilion located at the highest point of Nether Ghost City.

No obstacles were encountered along the way, and soon they came to the door of the Treasure Hunting Pavilion.

But before he could go in, a man who was wearing the first-class clothes and didn't even have any fog to cover his face caught Xue An's attention.

The man huddled in the corner next to the door of the Treasure Hunting Pavilion, his face was full of fear and uneasiness, and he was carefully sizing up the passers-by.

But those who can appear here are basically covered with fog, and he can't see any clues at all.

For some reason, after seeing this man, Xue An's heart was moved, and he said clearly to Shu Jing beside him.

"You wait here for me!"

After saying that, Xue An walked towards the man.

The man trembled when he noticed that Xue An was walking towards him, and his shrinking figure curled up even tighter.

At this moment, Xue An had already walked in front of him, then he knelt down to look at this face full of fear, and said softly.

"Don't be afraid, I don't mean anything malicious, just seeing that you seem to have encountered some difficulties in your current state, so come here and ask, is there anything I can do for you?"

Hearing this, the trembling man calmed down a little, but his eyes were still full of fear.

"'s fine!" the man said with difficulty.

"Don't be afraid, I really don't mean anything malicious, I just think you seem to have encountered something terrible, so I came here to ask!" Xue Anrou said.

At this time, the man suddenly burst into tears, and said in a choked tone while crying: "I... I'm fine, I'm really fine! Anyway, every day is the same, so I'm really fine!"

The more the man spoke, the more excited he became. At the end, the man's crying turned into a hysterical scream.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of passers-by on the street, but when they saw that the person who made the sound was this man, many of them snorted coldly, and then left as usual.

Among them were a few "well-meaning people" who said when they passed by Xue An, "Don't pay attention to him, this person is a complete lunatic!"

Xue An ignored the dissuasion of these people, but looked at the man with deep eyes, and he didn't stand up until a moment later.

"My name is Xue An, if you have anything to say, you can come to me!"

After finishing speaking, Xue An turned and left.

After he left, the crazy man gradually calmed down, and looked at Xue An's back with a thoughtful expression.

Here Xue An returned to Shu Jingchu.

Shu Jingchu smiled a little weirdly, "How about it, you're going to be deflated!"


Shu Jingchu chuckled, "It's okay, it's not embarrassing! You must know that I noticed this man when I first came to Xunbao Pavilion."

"At that time, I also thought that this person must be an important NPC, so I tried various methods to get close to him, but all failed. Later, I realized that this guy is just a lunatic!"

Speaking of this, Shu Jingchu's tone was full of gloating, "Well, he didn't scold you, did he?"

Xue An just smiled lightly at this, and then walked towards the Treasure Hunting Pavilion.

"Hey, what are you doing so fast, tell me, did he scold you?" Shu Jingchu followed quickly.

But Xue An ignored her at all, and went straight into the Treasure Hunting Pavilion.

This Treasure Hunting Pavilion is an extremely unique existence in the Nether Ghost City.

It is said that there is also a semi-official background.

That's why it can occupy a pivotal position in the Nether Ghost City.

If you want to find something rare that cannot be found in the market, then this Treasure Hunting Pavilion is your only choice.

Of course, the premise is that you can afford the extremely high price.

It is possible that almost all those who enter the Nether Ghost City are among the best, so the business of this Treasure Hunting Pavilion is very good.

For example, now, the huge hall is full of people, and the many windows are even more crowded.

But the most eye-catching thing is the huge water curtain in the center of the hall.

All kinds of information are constantly being refreshed on the water curtain, some need to be released, and some provide various clues and even real objects.

To put it bluntly, this Treasure Hunting Pavilion is very similar to an authoritative information release organization.

Through it, the channels for you to obtain information will be infinitely broadened.

Before Xue An came to one of the windows, there was a handsome woman inside.

"Guest officer, what do you need?" The woman had a professional smile on her face.

Isn't this the customer service **** Earth!

This thought flashed in Xue An's mind, but he still told the customer service girl what he was going to find.

The woman recorded it very seriously, and even asked Xue An to draw the shape of the Xuanyuan Mirror fragment.

After confirming that it is correct, UU reads www.uukanshu. The customer service staff at com asked in a stylized way: "Guest officer, may I ask how high the reward you plan to offer? Friendly reminder, the higher the reward, the greater the chance of completing the task!"

"Then let's tentatively set a standard point of one million!" Xue An said lightly.

As soon as this sentence came out, not only the customer service girl in the window was shocked, but even the few people who lined up behind Xue An were dumbfounded.

Points are the common currency in the Nether Ghost City, and the channels for obtaining them are very limited, so this million points is an unimaginable amount of wealth.

Fortunately, the customer service girl's professionalism is high enough, so she was the first to respond.

"Guest officer, are you sure it's 1 million standard points? You must know that every task needs to pay a deposit in advance when it is released!"

The customer service girl reminded very carefully, for fear that Xue An wouldn't understand the rules and make a fuss.

But Xue An didn't care about these things.

After getting Baishanpu, the so-called points have completely become a number in his eyes.

You must know that Baishanpu has been in operation for so many years, and the wealth it has accumulated is unimaginably huge, but now it all belongs to Xue An, so it is natural to have a lot of money when doing things.

I saw Xue An casually throw in a card, "There are 1.5 million credits in it, besides the security deposit, I paid the principal together!"

The customer service girl was so surprised by Xue An's "bold" method, she picked up the card and agreed, "Yes, please wait a moment, officer!"

At the same time, the people around also noticed the change here, they looked here one after another, and some whispered about it.

"Tsk tsk, it's 1.5 million points when you make a move. Where did this high-roller come from?"

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