Chapter 2899 Hate

This is simply a big joke.

Imagine that you have gone through a terrible samsara and completely wiped out your brothers and sisters in order to get rid of it.

But when you are left alone, the black hand behind the scenes gloats and tells you that reincarnation is over and you are free!

What a mood this must be!

At least Shu Jingchu was full of admiration and sympathy for Jinshanquan, because if it were her, she probably would not just go crazy.

"I don't remember exactly how I got out of the turbulent time, how I got home, and how I entered the ghost city. I just know that I want to live!"

"Because I want to tell others these secrets, and then find a way to break the time loop and find out the murderer who killed all my brothers!"

"Then why are so many people behind you trying to pry your mouth open, but you refuse to say it?" Han Bao asked.

"Firstly, because I really couldn't bear the blow, my mind collapsed, and secondly, because I gave myself a hint before going crazy!"

"Unless someone who has the ability to break the cycle appears, you must not reveal these things! Because I don't want to harm anyone!"

"So you think he can break this time loop?" Shu Jingchu pointed to Xue An and asked.

"I don't know either, but at least he didn't beat and kick me like everyone else because he didn't get the information he wanted from me, and he still has the ability to restore my sanity, so I decided to give it a try!"

Speaking of this, Jin Shanquan looked at Xue An very seriously.

Xue An smiled, "Okay, although I dare not promise that I can break this time loop 100%, but I do have some clues!"

Hearing Xue An's words, Jinshanquan heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank you!"

"You don't have to thank me, if you want to thank you, thank yourself, because of your persistence, this secret can be brought to light again!"

"Then when will we leave!" Jin Shanquan obviously couldn't wait.

"Can your body handle it now?"

Jin Shanquan nodded immediately, "Of course I can bear it!"

"That can't be too hasty, how about this, after all, you can't rest well in this ghost city, how about I take you back to the real world first?"

"Okay!" Jin Shanquan immediately agreed without any hesitation.

The next thing is very simple.

Jin Shanquan followed Xue An back to the real world without hesitation.

After seeing the Guangming Palace, Jin Shanquan couldn't help being a little surprised.

"You are actually from the Guangming Palace?"

"It's not me, but her!" Xue An pointed at Shu Jingchu.

Shu Jingchu chuckled, "Shu Jingchu, the contemporary saint of Guangming Palace!"

Even the well-informed Jinshanquan was a little shocked.

Who would have thought that this girl was actually the saint of the famous Guangming Palace!

But immediately his heart became hot.

The background of Guangming Palace is good, but the saintess of such a big sect is actually the maid of this Lord Xue Anxue, which shows that the strength of this Lord Xue is even more unfathomable.

Thinking of this, Jinshanquan became more confident.

If Shu Jingchu knew what Jin Shanquan was thinking at the moment, she would probably die of anger on the spot.

How did she become Xue An's maid?

But she didn't know, so at this time, she can be said to have a peaceful life, and she even sympathized with Jinshanquan's experience.

After settling in Jinshan Spring, Xue Anlue pondered for a while, and did not return to his room, but went outside the room where Yun Lingxuan, Tang Xiao, and Tuan'er and the three daughters lived. He raised his hand to knock on the door, but heard the sound of arguing inside.

Xue An had no intention of listening to other people's corners, and was about to retreat, but at this moment, a word that came into his ears made him stop.

"No, I'm going to ask that guy Xue An, if he is fascinated by that little goblin!" The voice obviously came from Tang Xiao.

"No, you can't go!" The blocking voice came from Tuan'er.

"Tuan'er, are you still defending that guy at this time? You protect him with all your heart, but what about him? After leaving us here, he ignored us and hung out with that so-called saint girl all day long. Has he ever missed you?" Tang Xiao shouted.

"That's not okay, I believe my son, the reason why he didn't come must be due to his difficulties, and he is not the kind of person you said! In short, you are not allowed to go!"

"If you don't allow me to go, I won't go? Get out of the way!"

"I won't!" Tuan'er's voice was already crying.

"Yun Lingxuan, don't you care about your little maid?" Tang Xiao shouted.

At this time, Yun Lingxuan's voice came, "Miss Tang, I don't think you need to get too excited. Just as Tuan'er said, the young master is definitely not the kind of person you think!"

"Okay, even you are defending that philandering carrot, okay! You won't let me go, I will go anyway!"

As he spoke, he heard a mess of footsteps, Tang Xiao apparently rushed past Tuan'er's obstruction, then pushed the door and walked out.

Then she confronted Xue An who was standing in front of the door, and her arrogance was half extinguished in an instant.


Xue An gave her a cold look, then passed by and entered the room. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

At this time, Tuan'er was squatting on the ground and crying, while Yun Lingxuan was comforting her.

"Okay, don't cry, Miss Tang has no malicious intentions, I believe nothing will happen to her even if she goes!"

"Miss woo woo woo, that's not what I'm crying about. Do you think the young master really forgot about us?" Tuan'er cried pear blossoms with rain.

Hearing this, Xue An sighed in his heart. This little maid had such deep affection for him, which made him feel very stressed.

So he coughed lightly.

The two girls turned their heads at the same time.

"Your...Young Master? Is it really you?" Tuan'er shouted in disbelief.

Xue An smiled slightly, "What? Didn't see you for a few days and forgot me?"

Tuan'er blushed, and frantically wiped away the tears on his face.

"I... I didn't mean that!"

"Okay, don't cry, I'm not here!"

As he said that, Xue An looked at Yun Lingxuan, smiled slightly, and said, "Miss Yun, I have been involved in some trivial matters in the past few days, and I haven't been able to come here, please forgive me!"

"Ah... It's okay, it's okay! You are too polite!" Yun Lingxuan responded quickly.

But at this moment, Tang Xiao's voice came from behind.

"I don't think it's because of trifles, but because of women!"

The language is sarcasm, very ugly.

Xue An turned his head abruptly, and Tang Xiao was shocked back a few steps by a mighty aura.

Tang Xiao didn't expect that Xue An would dare to attack him, so he couldn't help being a little dazed.


Xue An's face was as cold as ice, "Miss Tang, I hope you can figure out your current situation. Sometimes stupidity and ignorance often go hand in hand!"

Faced with this blatant question, Tang Xiao's face turned blue and red, and he was so choked that he couldn't speak at all.

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