Chapter 2907 "Ghost"

"It's very simple, just come in with me and you will know!"

After saying that, the treasure entrance opened automatically, Jin Shanquan resisted the excitement in his heart, and followed Xue An into the treasure.

At this time, the mist that once enveloped the entire space has dissipated, showing its true colors.

But apart from an empty stone platform, nothing else could be seen at all.

Jin Shanquan and Shu Jingchu both looked at Xue An with puzzled eyes.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Let them out!"

The fragment of the Xuanyuan Mirror trembled, and then shot out a dazzling light.

Where the light passed, shadowy figures appeared on the originally empty stone platform.

These figures are illusory and transparent, like jellyfish, and when they are illuminated by this light, they show a different kind of brilliance.

Jin Shanquan's eyes gradually widened, because although they were a little blurry, he still recognized many familiar faces.

"Old Kong, Yang San, Zhao Zi..."

The more I talked about Jinshanquan, the more excited I became.

Because these people were all his former subordinates.

Named as a subordinate, in fact, they are like brothers and sisters.

After all, if the relationship is not close enough, it is impossible to survive in a dangerous environment.

Only when you have deep feelings can you safely give your back to the other party.

This is also the reason why Jin Shanquan is so worried about the death of his brothers.

And now seeing them appear in front of him again, Jin Shanquan's excitement can be imagined.

But when the ray of light dissipated, Jin Shanquan gradually came to his senses.

Especially when he saw that although his brothers were all standing on the stone platform, their figures were transparent, not like living people at all, he couldn't help but feel horrified.

"What... what's going on here?" He asked in a trembling voice.

"This is what I call dead, but not completely dead. Your subordinates are actually dead. It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible to survive. However, the particularity of the rules contained in this piece of debris has preserved them a glimmer of life!"

Because of the confusion in his mind, Jin Shanquan had a headache when he heard it, but he still understood a little bit.

"What do you mean by this lifeline?"

"Their own timeline has actually disappeared, but this fragment can manipulate time, so it retains consciousness for them, making them an existence beyond the time of this universe!"

Jinshanquan was still a little dazed.

At this moment, these subordinates of his rushed forward one after another, their faces so transparent that they could see the scenery behind them were full of excitement, and they waved their arms with teeth and claws, as if they were saying something.

But Jin Shanquan couldn't hear anything, even when he reached out to touch these brothers, he failed.

His hands passed through the bodies of these "people" without hindrance, without any feeling during the whole process, just like passing through the air,

"Don't be surprised, because they have lost time, so what you see at this moment is actually just a projection of their consciousness. Besides, they don't interfere with this world in any way, so you can't touch them, and you can't even hear their words!"

"Because sound also needs to interfere with this world to do it, even if the air doesn't vibrate, where does the sound come from?"

Jin Shanquan's face was full of sadness, "Then...then what's the difference between my brothers and me being dead?"

"Of course there is a difference. After all, their consciousness is still there. More importantly, they have obtained another sense of immortality through this method. After all, without time, aging is naturally out of the question!"

"But is the eternal life that cannot communicate with anyone really eternal life?" Jin Shanquan murmured.

Xue An smiled.

The fragment of the Xuanyuan mirror then separated a ray of light and projected it on Jinshanquan's body.

Jin Shanquan was shocked, and then he heard loud and chaotic voices.

"Brother Jin, why don't you speak?"

"Third brother, don't bother, the boss can't hear our voices, we are dead, and now we are just ghosts without any substance!" Someone said sadly.

"I don't believe it. If this is the case, I might as well die!"

Amidst the din, someone wept with grief.

Jin Shanquan even burst into tears, and then choked up and said: "Brothers, I heard, I heard everything you said!"

This sentence was like a shock to the sky. These "ghosts" were stunned for a moment, and then burst into huge cheers.



Amidst the shouts, these ghosts rushed forward and hugged Jinshanquan.

As long as Jinshanquan can hear their voices, it means that he has also interfered with these ghosts, and naturally he can have substantive contact.

Reunions after a long absence are always touching.

What's more, this is a more precious existence than reunion after a long absence, after all, it has spanned a long life and death.

Shu Jingchu's eye sockets were moist.

Although she couldn't hear the words of these ghosts, she watched Jin Shanquan's performance.

The kind of joy and excitement that comes from the heart cannot be faked at Seeing this scene, she suddenly thought of herself.

I traveled from the original time and space to this strange world, opened my eyes and began to face a group of old monsters who had become spirits.

In order to survive, she can only maintain her previous image like walking on eggshells.

This situation did not change until she established contact with the God of Light.

But the kind of loneliness that seeps into the bone marrow can't get rid of it.

That's why she was so excited after seeing Xue An.

On the one hand, it is indeed because I met a rare handsome guy, but more importantly, I found someone who can confide in my inner thoughts.

But after seeing these cheering ghosts, Shu Jingchu suddenly felt a little sad.

She is a little homesick!

I miss the plain and watery student days.

Whenever she dreams back at midnight, Shu Jingchu will recall those days.

Although these memories have become blurred after years of erosion, sometimes even Shu Jingchu doubts whether they really existed.

Or is it just a dream.

But now she is still homesick.

At this moment, Xue An's deep but magnetic voice came from beside his ears.


Shu Jingchu nodded.

Xue An smiled, "Don't worry, I will take you home one day!"

Shu Jingchu suddenly opened her eyes when she heard the words, and looked at Xue An with piercing eyes.

Xue An said lightly: "Don't be surprised, after all, I really want to see the earth in another time and space, and I want to know what kind of power sent you to this world!"

The corners of Shu Jingchu's mouth gradually raised, revealing a bright smile.

"Okay! I'm waiting for that day!"

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