Chapter 2911 Undercurrent

Since the First Battle of Wenhui, the entire Xihua City has become much calmer.

Even those college students who are most active on weekdays have become honest at this moment.

All this is because the stimulation this article will bring to everyone is too great.

Especially in the end even the legendary giant snake of time and space appeared on the stage, which shocked many people even more.

But just under this calm surface, there is an undercurrent surging.

"In my opinion, Xue An is absolutely dead and can't die anymore! After all, even an existence like Shu Ming has appeared on the stage, and the possibility of him successfully escaping is extremely slim!" Someone sneered.

"You can't say that, this Xue An still has two brushes, didn't you see that he actually severely injured Shu Ming with a magic weapon?"

"That's just a coincidence, otherwise why did he run so hard in the end?"

"Tsk tsk, I really don't know where this Xue An came from. Our world has never lived in peace since he appeared, so he deserves to die!" Someone gloated.

There were endless discussions like this. Although Ren Ning didn't hear it with her own ears, she knew that many people were full of jealousy and hatred towards Xue An.

So his final departure was just in line with the wishes of these people. These people wished Xue An could die outside like this.

This malice even extended to Xue An's disciple.

As long as she goes out, Ren Ning can clearly feel those malicious eyes from the dark.

She knows all this, but she doesn't care.

She only cares about one thing, that is when the master will come back.

For this reason, after finishing her daily tasks, she would go to the roof of Xiyue Inn, staring at the sky, hoping to see the figure that haunted her dreams.

But the expectation day after day only brought deeper disappointment.

This kind of emotion made Ren Ning depressed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was no smile on his increasingly thin face.

Regarding her situation, Sheng Hongqian, Niu Dali and the others saw her situation and were anxious.

"Third Sister, it's not a problem if this continues, we have to find a way to make Miss Ren happy!" Niu Dali said.

"Why don't I want to make her happy, but this girl is very righteous, no matter how I persuade her, she will always look calm and calm, and she will remain the same afterward. How can this be broken?" Sheng Hongqian sighed.

"The root of it all comes from my lord, alas, do you think your lord will never come back?" Niu Dali said.

Sheng Hongqian raised her eyebrows, "What are you talking about, my lord will definitely come back!"

Sensing Sheng Hongqian's anger, Niu Dali hurriedly changed his words, "Yes, yes, yes, look at my bad mouth, I also think that the lord will definitely come back, but the premise is that we must first find a way to make Miss Ren not be so depressed!"

"What can we do? She can't get over the hurdle in her heart, no matter how anxious we are, it will be in vain!" Sheng Hongqian said.

"Why don't we have a banquet tonight, and invite Miss Ren to have a few glasses of wine, so that I can relieve the pressure in my heart!" Niu Dali said.

"Can it work?"

"You have to try if you can do it!"

"Okay, let me try, and you are responsible for preparing the banquet!"

"Don't worry, the feast is on me!"

Niu Dali was really prepared. When Sheng Hongqian went to invite Ren Ning, he led Zhang Xiaoqiang, the fourth, fifth, and sixth, and others to busy themselves in the kitchen, and he actually cooked up a high-quality banquet with all kinds of colors, fragrances and flavors.

After everything was ready, Sheng Hongqian also brought Ren Ning here.

In fact, Ren Ning didn't want to come at all. Apart from the daily entertainment, she is not in any other mood. She just wants to sit on the roof of Xiyue Inn and wait for Xue An's return.

But unable to bear Sheng Hongqian's kindness, she finally came.

Seeing her coming, Niu Dali and others couldn't help but get excited.

"Miss Ren, you are here, please take a seat, everything is ready, just waiting for you to take your seat!"

Ren Ning was also quite moved when she saw the table full of carefully prepared dishes.

Although these people in Longhuzhai looked vicious, they were all pretty nice.

This banquet was obviously specially prepared for him.

Therefore, she bowed her head gratefully and said, "I'm sorry for the trouble, village masters!"

"Hahaha, Miss Ren, what are you talking about? Doing things for you is equivalent to doing things for adults. This is our honor!" Niu Dali laughed.

Zhang Xiaoqiang echoed from the side, "Yes, what my elder brother said is right, so you don't have to worry too much, Miss Ren, maybe your lord will come back while we're drinking!"

As soon as the words fell, Niu Dali kicked him secretly.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was also startled by his slip of the tongue, and quickly closed his mouth.

Sheng Hongqian hurriedly smoothed things over, "Hurry up, let's take a seat quickly, otherwise the dishes will not taste good when they get cold!"

Ren Ning smiled and sat down.

I have to admit that the cooking skills of Niu Dali and others are really good, and the banquet carefully prepared can be called sumptuous.

Ren Ning is not the kind of jealous person, knowing that Niu Dali and others are out of good intentions, it would be too boring to put on a sullen face at this time to hurt the spring and the autumn. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Therefore, she rarely showed a smile, the glass of wine was dry, and the chopsticks in her hand did not stop for a moment.

Just when everyone was enjoying their meal, they suddenly heard footsteps outside, and then someone laughed.

"It seems that we came at the right time, the aroma of this meal can be smelled from far away!"

Following the words, Fu Yuanfeng, Zhuang Manning, Zhuo Benzheng and others all walked in.

After the battle of the Japanese Language Society, they should have left each other and returned to their cities.

But because of Xue An, none of them left, but stayed in Xihua City, just to wait for Xue An's return.

And after getting along with each other these days, they have become very good friends with Ren Ning, Niu Dali and others, that's why they made jokes today.

As soon as he saw them, Niu Dali hurriedly stood up, smiled happily and said, "I suspect that you all came here because of the smell, why don't you hurry up and find a seat for yourself!"

"Haha, the Niu Zhai Master can say whatever he likes, anyway, we caught up with today's meal!"

After Fu Yuanfeng finished speaking, he was not polite, and sat down next to Niu Dali, and the rest of the people also took their seats.

All of a sudden, the banquet became more and more lively, and people talked about it, but they didn't mention Xue An's matter tacitly.

Ren Ning knew this well, and couldn't help being secretly moved.

But today's Xiyue Inn seemed to be very lively, the banquet was just getting to the top of the party, when they suddenly heard noises coming from outside.

"What's going on? Fifth, go and have a look!" Niu Dali ordered.

Lao Wu, who was struggling against a giant ox bone, got up and went downstairs after hearing this, and came back after a while, with a strange look on his face.

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