Chapter 2922 Mecha

Facing the overwhelming bullets, Xue An stood there without moving as if he had been frightened into a fool.

Meng Yi laughed triumphantly, as if he had seen the scene of Xue An being smashed into powder.

As for Shu Jingchu and Jin Shanquan, they raised their hearts to their throats.

At the same time, there are still many concerned eyes cast from above the ship.

"Young master, this supporter's situation seems to be a bit unfavorable, so you should hurry up and leave here by boat. I believe that the people from the Musketeer Club are only looking for money, so they probably won't pursue you!" A man with a wound on his forehead said anxiously.

A slender, fair-skinned boy stood in front of the observation window of the ship, his slightly sick face was unclear.

"Wait a little longer, there should be a turning point!" The young man said in a soft voice.

The man looked at the figure in the observation window that was about to be engulfed by the artillery fire, and really couldn't imagine any turning point.

In desperation, he fell to his knees with a plop.

"Young Master, no matter whether there is a turning point or not, the situation is already so urgent. I don't regret waiting for death, but how can you fall into the hands of the Musket Club with your golden body. To be on the safe side, you should leave as soon as possible!"

The young man watched helplessly as the white figure was engulfed by the boundless gunfire, and the flames in his eyes also dimmed.

Sure enough, it still failed?

What a pity!

Thinking of this, he finally nodded, "Okay, let's get ready!"

The man was overjoyed, "Everything is ready, you can board the ship now!"

The boy took one last look at the scene in the observation window, turned around and was about to leave.

But at this moment, a glimpse of white light from the corner of his eye made him stop, and he looked straight at the observation window.

The man is in a hurry.

At this time, it is really too late, so I just wanted to urge her, but then I was also stunned.

From the observation window, it can be seen that countless blazing white lights burst out suddenly in space.

As soon as these white lights appeared, they overwhelmed the boundless artillery fire, and pressed back with a ferocious posture.

"What... what is this?" the man murmured with a dull gaze.

"It's Jian Guang!" The young man said suddenly.

"Sword light?"

"That's right! And it's the purest sword light!"

As soon as the voice fell, it seemed that because of being too excited or for other reasons, the boy suddenly started coughing violently.

This cough is so uncomfortable that it sounds like you can vomit your lungs out.

The man hurried forward and took out a black-painted pill from a jade gourd the size of a palm at the boy's waist, and handed it to the boy.

The young man took it with trembling hands, and swallowed it with his neck up. It was only after a while that he suppressed the violent cough and gasped for breath.

"Master, how are you?" the man asked with a worried face.

The boy waved his hand, his face was flushed sickly, but his eyes were as bright as stars.

"Has the origin of this person been found out?"

"I checked it once just now, but I have no clue. It seems to be a newcomer who has never been born!"

"Oh? A newcomer who has never been born? That means he came from the outside world?" The young man seemed a little surprised.

But the man said in surprise: "Look, young master, the second wave of attacks is coming again!"

In fact, there was no need for him to shout at all, the boy had already seen the scene outside.

Meng Yi saw that the first wave of attacks that were sure to fail failed, and his original laughter was also choked in his throat, unable to rise or fall.

Frustrated, he immediately launched a second wave of attacks.

This time, not only did he have no reservations, but so did those men holding muskets.

The violent bullets struck again.

But this time they couldn't even get close.

A ray of sword light appeared between Xue An's eyebrows, and then split into two, and then into four...

In just a moment, the sword glow collided with the incoming bullets like heavy snow falling all over the sky.


A sound of crisp metal friction joined together.

That was the subtle sound of the bullet being cut by the sword light.

Not only that, even the boiling bottom flame was wiped out by the sword light, and there was no residue left.

In the blink of an eye, Ruxue Jianmang pushed across.

The bullets stagnated in the air, and then fell down in a rustle, becoming useless dust in the universe.

This scene stunned the people in the ship, and shocked Meng Yi at the same time.

Naturally, he could also see the means used by this young man.

It is not uncommon for a sword repairer to be in Dari Island.

But the problem is that the sword cultivator he saw was nothing more than fighting fiercely with a flying sword in his hand.

I have never seen such a magnificent scene of sword aura.

But Meng Yi's mind was sober very quickly, and he turned around and fled away without hesitation almost at the moment when the second wave of attacks failed.

Sure enough, he didn't expect it.

These snow-like sword lights did not stop after killing the gun attack, but continued to attack.

Puff puff!

These Musketeers members were decapitated before they even had time to snort.

At the same time, the spears they were holding were cut in half.

But because these long spears were all made by alchemists and blessed by rune masters, when they were cut into pieces, the remaining energy burst with loud noises.

Meng Yi, who had already fled to a distance, was so frightened by the explosions that he didn't even dare to turn his head. He only hated the mech's speed for being too slow.

Ding ding ding!

There was a crisp metal crashing sound behind him.

That was the sound made by Jianmang's momentum after beheading the Musketeers, continuing to attack, coming behind Meng Yi, and colliding with the mecha.

Although it has been consumed twice, the energy contained in these sword glows is still astonishing.

At least Meng Yi, who was wrapped in the mecha, could clearly feel the force of these impacts.

This made him run forward like a madman, just wanting to get away from here as soon as possible.

Xue An looked at the back of the one who was galloping forward, smiled faintly, and did not go forward to pursue it.

Xue An could see clearly that Meng Yi was just a small character, and he wasn't worth chasing after him.

What's more, there are more important things to do right now.

Thinking of this, Xue An turned around and flew back to Shu Jingchu and the two of them.

The two of them were also shocked by the scene just now.

Especially Shu Jingchu, little stars appeared in her eyes.

"Wow, so handsome!"

Even if he is as calm as Xue An, he can't help being a little proud when he hears Shu Jingchu's praise.

But in the next second, Shu Jingchu's words made him a little dumbfounded.

"What a handsome mecha, hey! I really want to have one too!"

At this moment, someone on the ship behind him spoke loudly.

"Benefactor, please stay!"

As he said that, the side of the ship opened, and a spiral staircase protruded from it. A young man walked down from the spiral staircase, came to Xue An and the other three, and gave a deep salute.

"Thank you benefactor for saving me just now!"

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