Chapter 2949 Cloud Bow

Xue An dodged sideways.

But Yi Guyun refused to let anyone do it. With a slight shake of his hand, the pillar of cloud turned into a long whip and was drawn from behind.

Xue An dodged slightly, narrowly dodging the blow.

Yi Guyun pushed forward, and at the same time turned the palm of the other hand, the cloud gas quickly condensed and turned into a long whip.

Then Yi Guyun waved his hands, the shadow of the whip enveloping Xue An's figure.

At the beginning, the sharp whistling sound of the long whip tearing the air could still be heard, but as Yi Guyun swung the long whip faster and faster, the whistling sound gradually disappeared into nothingness.

Soon, he could only see the phantoms left by countless long whips stacked together, completely covering Xue An's figure.

Shu Jingchu's expression changed slightly.

This Yi Guyun's attack can be said to be fierce, I don't know if he can beat this round.

Compared to her worries, Nai Yingying's performance was much more relaxed.

I saw her sitting on the stone steps beside her in a leisurely manner, her legs dangling slightly, with a faint smile on her face, as if she didn't pay attention to the result of this battle at all.

Lei Boping here was secretly happy.

He had long disliked Xue An.

This guy can actually find such a tender girl, why can't he be himself?

It would be better if he died!

Lei Boping was gloating, but at this moment, he only heard two sounds like something extremely tough breaking suddenly.

Then I saw Yi Guyun staggered back from the shock, and the long whip made of cloud gas in his hand had already broken.

Xue An stood unscathed not far away, holding two pieces of cloud in his hands.

Yun Qi struggled and twisted like a living thing, but Xue An squeezed it to pieces with a little force.

Then Xue An clapped his hands, said with a smile: "If it's just this little ability, then you admit defeat!"

Yi Guyun's originally pale face was flushed, obviously he was angry.

This guy not only has a dirty mind, but also speaks so irritatingly.

And in front of so many people, I can't admit defeat no matter what.

Thinking of this, Yi Guyun sneered, "What's wrong with this, today I will let you see how powerful my aunt is!"

Speaking of this, Yi Guyun clasped his palms together and combined the two pieces of luck remaining in his hands to form a bulging cloud.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Guyun separated his hands, and the cloud cluster separated like brown sugar, forming the shape of a bow.

Then Houyi Guyun stroked the long hair at the back of his head with his hands, pulled off a black thread and put it on Gongyun, tying it together.

In the end, Yi Guyun held the bow with one hand, and with the other hand an arrow made of cloud gas, and put it on the cloud bow.

The whole process sounds complicated, but in fact it only takes a blink of an eye at most.

Yi Guyun had already drawn his bow and arrow, aiming at Xue An with a stern face.

All of a sudden, the audience fell silent.

Because when Yi Guyun held the cloud bow, he seemed to have changed into a different person, and his aura became extremely cold and chilling.

"Admit defeat now, and I can save you some face. If not, my subordinates will never show affection!" Yi Guyun said coldly.

Ever since Yi Guyun Ningyun became the bow, Xue An's gaze never left, he was always staring at the bow in her hand, thinking about something.

It wasn't until after hearing her words that Xue An withdrew his contemplative gaze, and then smiled.

"You don't have to save face for me, just unleash your strongest blow!"

Yi Guyun snorted angrily, she thought that Xue An was just provoking her, so she couldn't bear it anymore, and let go of the hand holding the bowstring.

The arrow shot out like lightning, with violent power, it went straight to Xue An's face.

Jin Shanquan and the others who were standing near Xue An were forced back again and again by this coercion.

Only Xue An was as calm as a mountain, raised his hand abruptly, and lifted his palm to the front door within a short time, blocking the terrifying arrow.


When the two collided, the cloud arrow was instantly shattered, and Xue An's figure was also shaken.

But other than that, Xue An was unharmed.

Yi Guyun was also shocked.

You must know that this cloud bow is his bottom-line trick, and he won't use it easily. Once he makes a move, even an opponent who is a level higher than himself will be defeated.

But he didn't expect Xue An's work to be all useless.

However, Yi Guyun's reaction was extremely fast, and he condensed the cloud into an arrow and shot it again.

The arrow didn't go straight, but made a big bend and shot at the back of Xue An's head.

But the result was the same as the first arrow, Xue An's hand suddenly appeared, grasped the body of the arrow, and crushed it.

After two consecutive arrows missed, Yi Guyun was really anxious.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, the energy accumulated in her hand was about to strike again.

But at this moment, Xue An's voice came from behind her ear.

"Your bow is good, but it's only good. It's impossible to beat me!"

Yi Guyun was terrified, but she didn't look back, but directly used the cloud bow in her hand as a weapon, and swung it towards the back.

The bowstring made of black silk is extremely sharp, enough to cut a person without hindrance.

But at this moment, Xue An, who was standing behind her, stretched out his hand and flicked it lightly.

The cloud bow immediately trembled violently, causing Yi Guyun's wrist to ache, and he had no choice but to take the cloud bow out of his hand.

Then the cloud bow fell into Xue An's hands.

I saw Xue An holding the cloud bow, looking at it with great interest, especially the bowstring made of black silk, and stretched out his hand to touch it lightly.

Yi Guyun's face turned blue and red, full of shame and anger.

This apprentice, not to mention peeping at himself in the shower last night, dared to molested himself in front of so many people today.

In Yi Guyun's view, Xue An was actually teasing himself by playing with the bowstring.

After all, it was made of my own hair!

As a result, Xue An's not so good evaluation in her mind dropped again.

Xue An didn't know this, his attention was all on this cloud bow, and he didn't raise his head to smile at Yi Guyun until after looking at it for a while.

"Fun toy!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and threw the cloud bow over. UU reading

Yi Guyun raised his hand to catch it, and the anger in his heart became more intense.

How dare to say that the stunt that he is famous for is a toy, it is really intolerable.

Therefore, at the moment when Yun Bow was in his hand, four arrows condensed from Yi Guyun's five fingers, and they all rested on the bowstring, and he was about to shoot Xue An.

At this moment, a calm voice suddenly came from above the throne.

"Well, you are not her opponent, step back!"

As soon as these words came out, not only Yi Guyun was stunned, but Shen Hao and Lei Boping were also stunned.

Because it was the owner of Sen Luo Valley who spoke to dissuade him.

Not only to dissuade, but also to see a figure slowly standing on the tall and lonely throne.

(end of this chapter)


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