Chapter 2951 kill


A deep hole was smashed into the ground.

Xue An fell into the pit right after him, stepped on the owner of the Sun Luo Valley, and raised his fist to beat him violently.

bang bang bang!

A loud noise came from the pit, making people's eyelids twitch.

Yi Guyun opened his eyes wide, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

In fact, it wasn't just her, Shen Hao and Lei Boping were even more shocked.

In their minds, Gu Zhu is an omnipotent god.

But today, this image was shattered by Xue An's punches.

At this moment, an extremely angry howl suddenly came from the deep pit.

"I am going to kill you!"

Following the words, a beam of light shot up from the deep pit, directly throwing Xue An out.

Then he saw the figure of the owner of the Senluo Valley appearing in the air.

It's just that at this moment, he no longer has the calmness he had at the beginning, but instead has a bruised nose and a swollen face.

An incomparably angry light burst out from the eyes that were swollen to the point where only a gap remained.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

He said with a ferocious face, and then he rushed towards Xue An like an arrow from the string.

Xue An didn't panic in the slightest, he just turned his side slightly, and dodged the blow like a peak.

After missing a hit, the owner of the Senluo Valley immediately made a roundabout, and rushed towards Xue An again.

Not only that, during his pounce, the entire space of Sen Luo Valley was repelling Xue An.

Xue An seemed to be stuck in glue, even a slight movement would consume a huge amount of strength.

This inevitably slowed down his speed a lot.

And the main effect of Senluo Valley is this effect.

I saw an almost crazy light flashing in his eyes, wishing he could tear Xue An alive in the next second.

What I have to say is that the strength of the owner of the Sen Luo Valley is not inferior to Xue An, or even surpassed.

What Xue An has the advantage of is only the supernatural power that is so powerful that it is almost abnormal, and his superb speed.

But now under the exclusion of space, the speed is no longer dominant, and the divine sense can't stop the Senluo Valley Lord who is in a state of madness.

Xue An's situation was instantly critical.

At least a smug smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the Senluo Valley owner, as if he had already seen the scene where Xue An was torn apart in the next second.

But at this moment, Xue An suddenly took out something.

It was this kind of thing that made the owner of Senluo Valley, who was already full of ambitions, look terrified.


He shouted loudly, but it was already too late, because at this moment, the incomplete piece of ancient mirror in Xue An's hand had exploded into brilliant brilliance.

The first one to bear the brunt was the owner of the Senluo Valley, and he was pierced by the surging brilliance before he even had time to react.

Puff puff!

Blood splashed out, and the owner of Sen Luo Valley howled in pain.

But Xue An would not let him go, Xue An stepped forward, grabbed the head of Valley Master Sen Luo with both hands, and twisted it forcefully.

Hearing a tooth-piercing sound, the head of the Sen Luo Valley Master was turned around abruptly by Xue An.

But at this time, it has to be said that the vitality of the Senluo Valley Master is very strong.

Even though he was seriously injured, the owner of Sun Luo Valley was still alive, not only was he not dead, his mouth was full of unbearable swear words.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I must peel off your skin bit by bit!"

"You have no chance!"

Xue An said calmly, then stepped on the head of Valley Master Sun Luo who had been twisted 360 degrees, and then grabbed the grafted arms on his back, and exerted a sudden force.


An arm dropped in response.

The owner of Sen Luo Valley twitched violently, obviously in extreme pain.

But Xue An would not pity him, only to see Xue An waving his hands one after another, and after a few crackling sounds, all six arms behind the Master of Sun Luo were pulled off.

Xue An put these arms into the space, and then stared coldly at the dying Sun Luo Valley Master.

"Where did you imprison him?"

"Hehe, it's useless. I won't tell you his whereabouts. Even if you kill me, you won't be able to rescue him!" the owner of Sun Luo Valley said with a sneer.

"Okay, then I'll kill you!"

Xue An didn't hesitate at all when he said the words, and immediately made a death move.

Bang bang bang, the fists rained down, hitting the back of the head and the back of the heart of Valley Master Sen Luo.

The owner of Sun Luo Valley wailed in pain, but Xue An didn't have the slightest intention to stop.

The people around were shocked.

Because Xue An's current appearance is really terrifying.

Every punch will stir up countless blood, staining Xue An's white clothes and his cheeks red.

Yi Guyun shuddered Lingling, then woke up suddenly, and then shouted: "Don't hurt my Valley Master!"

As she said that, she rushed up desperately.

But how could she be Xue An's opponent when she was already injured.

Especially for Xue An who was in a state of anger.

So before she could rush forward, Xue An raised his hand and waved it out.

Yi Guyun was sent flying by the power of this palm.

This time the audience was shocked.

Who would have imagined that the seemingly invincible Master of Sun Luo Valley would be completely crushed by Xue An?

At this moment, a crisp sound like a watermelon bursting was heard, and then the brains of the Sun Luo Valley Master splashed all over the ground.

But Xue An still didn't intend to let go, but continued to punch him down until his head was completely gone, and then he stopped.

Looking at Xue An at this moment, the white clothes had long been stained with blood and brains.

His face was also covered with blood, which made people shudder.

Xue An let go, stood up slowly, and looked at these people in Sen Luo Valley.

Wherever their eyes went, everyone bowed their heads.

But Xue An just smiled coldly, then turned his head and said to Nai Yingying: "Then it's up to you!"

Nai Yingying looked at Xue An who was covered in blood with bright eyes, and said with a slight smile, "Don't worry!"

After all, she stepped up to the tall throne, stretched out her hand to feel it silently, and then smiled.

"It's right here!"

As she said that, she reached out and took out the comb she had obtained from Yi Guyun before, and pressed it on the throne.


The throne erupted with brilliance Everyone's eyes widened.

Especially Yi Guyun.

After being knocked into the air by Xue An, she didn't suffer too much injury, and quickly calmed down.

But when she saw the comb in Naiying's hand, she couldn't calm down anyway.

Was it her own comb that she stole?

Was it she who peeped at her bathing in the room?

For a while, Yi Guyun fell into deep thought.

It was at this time that the brilliance on the throne gradually disappeared, and a thick bronze gate was replaced.

(end of this chapter)


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