Chapter 2955 His descendants?

But after a stick of incense, Nezha's aura soared to an unimaginable level.

Even Xue An couldn't help but change slightly.

Because at this time, the aura shown by the third prince Nezha has reached the level of his own, or even surpassed it.

One must know that this was cultivated by Nezha under close surveillance and imprisonment, and the difficulty of it can be imagined.

Ka Ka Ka!

Accompanied by a slight cracking sound, the huge iron chains that bound Nezha began to show cracks.

At the same time, the Dharma image loomed above Nezha's head.

This is a handsome young man with three heads and six arms sitting on a lotus.

When it appeared, these iron chains finally couldn't bear the huge pressure and began to disintegrate at an accelerated rate.

But even so, these iron chains still did not unravel.

Because the runes carved on it exude a faint brilliance, binding these iron chains together.

Xue An slightly raised his eyebrows.

In his opinion, if you don't break these runes, you can't get out just by breaking the iron chain itself.

He could see it not long after he arrived, and Nezha, who had been trapped for so many years, naturally knew this too.

The dharma figure floating above his head slowly opened his eyes, and the six eyes exuded a icy-cold brilliance, then waved his six arms, grabbed the three chains that bound the body, and exerted a sudden force.


A loud sound came, and the chains were pulled to the limit in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of breaking was heard, and the talisman brilliance attached to the chain was completely shattered.

Then a beam of brilliance soared into the sky, causing the disturbed sky to change color.

"Hahahahahahahaha been trapped for so many years, I finally came out, my lord! Hahahahaha!"

The laughter was loud.

Xue An looked up, and saw a figure standing between the sky and the earth. Although thin and thin, his waist was as straight as a sword, just like the character of this nation, who never knew what the word "subdue" meant.

A faint smile could not help but appear on Xue An's face.

He was really happy for Nezha.

Ten thousand years of captivity sounds hopeless just by sounding it.

It is commendable enough that Nezha can persist under such inhuman torture for so long without changing his temperament.

So once he was out of trouble, he couldn't be too ecstatic.

At this moment, the wild laughter stopped abruptly, and then Nezha appeared in front of Xue An.

At this moment, he was standing in mid-air, looking down at Xue An from a high position.

Xue An was not afraid, and faced it calmly.

After a while, Nezha nodded.

"You are very good!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your praise!"

"It's not a compliment, but a fact. As a Chinese, it's not easy for you to achieve such achievements at such an age. In addition, you can still stick to your heart and work hard for the catastrophe of that year. This is even more commendable!"

Xue An smiled, "This is just the duty of the Chinese people!"

"But it's just that many people can't even do their own duty!" Nezha sighed.

Xue An felt that there was something in the words, but it was inconvenient to ask more at this time, so he just kept it in his heart.

At this moment, Nezha raised his head and focused his eyes on Nai Yingying again, and the expression on his face became serious and serious.

"What's the matter with this evil girl?"

Xue An knew that there would be such a question, so he didn't hide it, and told the story exactly.

After listening, Nezha's face did not look much better.

After all, after tens of thousands of years, the hatred between him and the evil thing has reached an irresolvable level.

Even if this nai ying ying really came from the lawful camp among the evil things as Xue An said, he couldn't let it go.

But he didn't say anything more, just snorted coldly, and then looked at Yi Guyun who was standing beside him.

Yi Guyun witnessed the whole process, and the horror in his heart was beyond words, so when he found this powerful and frightening child looking at him, he couldn't help but tremble.

Unexpectedly, Nezha didn't have much prejudice against Yi Guyun, but said softly: "You brought her in, but you also saw her clues?"

Xue An nodded, "I have been skeptical since I saw her use the cloud bow, and combined with her surname, I am even more skeptical!"

"You're right in your suspicions. She does have the blood of the Yi clan. Although it's thin, it's true!" Nezha said in a deep voice.

Although he had expected it, Xue An still had an indescribable feeling after it was confirmed.

Because compared to Nezha Yangjian, even Xing Tian, ​​who is alone in the black hole guarding the throne of bones, is not as famous as Yi Guyun's ancestor.

Arrow that shoots the sun!

Even thinking about it now makes my heart beat.

"How did his descendants end up in this place?" Xue An couldn't help asking.

"I don't know! Because he disappeared as early as when we were born, as for why his descendants came to this place, it's beyond my knowledge!"

"The only thing I can do is to do my best to protect her in secret, otherwise, do you think these wolves in Sen Luo Valley would really be so kind and take care of her an orphan girl with a strong blood?"

Hearing Nezha's words, Xue An was suddenly taken aback.

"So, using her comb to open this secret realm was also a secret door left by you?" Xue An asked.

"Yes! I was not imprisoned so harshly back then, a ray of my divine sense can sneak out of this secret realm and enter Senluo Valley!"

"After seeing Yi Guyun, I saw her bloodline at a glance. I knew that these guys from Senluo Valley had no good intentions in recruiting her, so I quietly left a mark on her comb. If she is really in a critical moment in the future, she can also use this thing to enter the secret realm!" Nezha said.

And Yi Guyun was also taken aback when he heard these words, and then he said in shock: "You... are you the fairy teacher who often guided me in dreams?"

Nezha smiled and nodded.

"I can't talk to the immortal master, I just helped you a few times!"

Yi Guyun's reaction was very violent, he fell to his knees with a plop, and said with a choked voice: "Master Immortal, I tried my best to find you after you suddenly disappeared, but because I couldn't confirm your identity, I finally returned without success."

"If I know that you are trapped here, I will try to rescue you no matter what!"

It turned out that when Yi Guyun first entered Senluo Valley, he often heard a voice in his dreams.

This voice guided her to avoid possible risks, and all of them were fulfilled afterwards.

After a few times, this Yi Guyun could be said to obey the voice, and was very grateful.

But unexpectedly, almost suddenly, this voice never appeared again.

Before leaving, the voice just told Yi Guyun that if there is any special and serious situation, he can bring his usual comb to the main hall of Senluo Valley.

Before Yi Guyun could ask about the specific situation, UU Reading's voice completely disappeared.

Because of this, Yi Guyun was depressed for a long time, and she didn't know until today that the voice that had saved her countless times was actually Nezha.

??I'm really sorry, today is another update! Even tomorrow and the next two days, I may have to stop writing for a few days to take a break, because I really can't write. After three years, the plot has reached the later stage. As a result, my brain seems to have been hollowed out. Even if I know the next development of the plot, I can't write it. My friend said I was too tired and needed a rest! So I plan to set aside three days to go on a trip to relax and adjust the plot at the same time!

?Don't worry, I will definitely resume normal updates within a week at the most. This book is strictly my first book. I have devoted countless efforts to it. It is like my child, and I will naturally not abandon it!



(end of this chapter)


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