Chapter 2958 Turmoil

She just wants to see this guy now, and then fight him well to see what's wrong with her weapon.

After flying into the void, Yang Mufeng said softly: "Activate the propulsion device!"

With an order, countless mechanical gears emerged from around Yang Mufeng's body, and then arranged and combined at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, a silver-white ship with a perfectly streamlined body appeared in the void, and Yang Mufeng was contained in it.

In the next moment, a faint blue flame erupted from the rear of the ship, and then disappeared into the vast space.


Wu Nianyin is very busy now.

Although his father's body has not been buried yet, he is now the de facto head of the Wu family.

Wu Qiaojun has completely given up. During this period of time, even the mourning hall seldom comes, and has been hiding in the back house.

This amounts to a silent announcement.

Tell everyone your attitude.

As for Wu Shaobei.

When he led the crowd to Sen Luo Valley, he had already shown his submission.

As a result, there were no objections from inside or outside the Wu family. Although Wu Nianyin hadn't held a formal ceremony, the position of the patriarch had already been stabilized.

It is also because of this that Wu Nianyin is so busy.

Because his father's death was so sudden that many things were shelved without having time to explain.

It all needs him to deal with it one by one.

In addition to these intricate things, the more intricate thing is to stabilize people's hearts.

After all, the old lord died suddenly, and the new lord was not stable. There was an overt and covert power grab around the position of the Patriarch.

Although the turmoil passed in the end, people's hearts were still floating.

At this time, Wu Nianyin's ability was fully displayed.

Although the coffin of the old Patriarch hadn't been buried yet, and even the mourning hall hadn't been removed, Wu Nianyin still used thunder to sweep away the evil spirits.

Especially those old ministers who relied on the elders of the two dynasties and took credit for their pride were the most important targets of Wu Nianyin's attack.

Wu Nianyin's philosophy is very simple, what should be fought should be killed, and those who take the initiative to confess will be dealt with lightly.

After this series of measures, the originally precarious ship of the Wu family finally stabilized gradually.

But Wu Nianyin's heart never relaxed for a moment.

Because he knew that the situation of the Wu family at this time was like a person sitting on a crater to rest.

Beneath the seemingly calm surface is actually boiling magma.

And the key among the key points is what kind of news will Xue An and others who went to Sen Luo Valley bring in the end.

If everything goes well, Xue An gets what he wants, and Sen Luogu also admits that the previous cooperation will continue to be effective, then the situation of the Wu family will be completely stabilized.

Otherwise, the volcano will erupt at any time.

Today, all kinds of troublesome things were finally dealt with. Wu Nianyin came to the mourning hall, first burned incense, and then knelt aside to watch the spirit.

In fact, this is what he should do the most, but now that the situation is special, he can't help staying here every day.

So he can only spare as much time as possible to come here for a while.

However, there are some changes in today's mourning hall.

Wu Niantang, who hadn't appeared for several days, unexpectedly also appeared.

"Brother!" Wu Niantang shouted timidly.

Wu Nianyin smiled and said gently, "Sit down!"

Although Wu Niantang is young, he can still notice a thing or two about what happened these days.

Especially after his mother retired to the back house, the attitude of the people around him changed subtly.

Fortunately, Wu Nianyin discovered it in time and severely punished those servants who were contemptuous and disrespectful to him, so that this change can be considered to be contained.

But this also made Wu Niantang a little more in awe of his half-brother.

At this time, he knelt down beside Wu Nianyin respectfully, not even daring to lift his head.

Naturally, Wu Nianyin could see his panic, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

He is not the kind of cold-blooded and ruthless person who would do anything to gain power.

Even when the fight with Wu Qiaojun was the most intense, he never thought about what to do to Wu Niantang.

After all, this is also his own brother, with the blood of the Wu family flowing on his body, how can he fight in the same room and make outsiders laugh at him?

"Did someone still bully you during this time?" Wu Nianyin asked warmly.

Wu Niantang hurriedly said: "If you go back to brother, there is no one, everyone treats me very well!"

"Well! If someone bullies you again, you can go to me directly. People from the Wu family can't be bullied by outsiders!" Wu Nianyin said lightly.


Wu Niantang responded in a low voice, and a warm current surged in his young heart.

Is this what it feels like to be cared for by your brother?

It seems that my brother is not as scary as my mother said before!

Just when Wu Niantang was thinking wildly, Yang Mufeng also arrived at the headquarters of the Wu family by driving the ship.

As one of the common surnames in Dari Island, Yang Mufeng still knows where the headquarters of the Wu family is.

But it was her first time here.

When she stepped off the ship, the ship quickly disintegrated and folded, and finally disappeared into nothingness.

Only then did Yang Mufeng descend to the sky above the headquarters of the Wu family.


No matter how much the Wu family is in decline, it is impossible not to notice Yang Mufeng approaching so blatantly.

Therefore, when it was found that she was rushing forward without even making a sound, several guards immediately rushed forward and blocked the way.

"Is Xue An here?" Yang Mufeng asked calmly.

"Xue An?"

These people are just the low-level guards of the Wu family, they may not know of Xue An's existence, so they are a little suspicious.

"Since you don't know, get out of the way!"

"You tell us to get out of the way, so we get out of the way? Girl, the front is the important place of the Wu family. Please don't enter if you have to. Please leave by yourself!"

Yang Mufeng frowned, "If you don't let me, then don't blame me for being rude!"

As he spoke, Yang Mufeng let out a light breath.

The guards wanted to laugh.

A charming and charming girl came here and kept telling us to get out of the way, and said that you are welcome when we don't let us go.

In the end, is the so-called impolite just exhaling?

Just when these guards were secretly amused, a gust of wind suddenly blew These guards were caught off guard and were directly blown out.

Then Yang Mufeng continued to walk in Shi Shiran.

"Stop her!"

There were shouts of shouting, and guards from all sides surged up, trying to block Yang Mufeng's way.

But Yang Mufeng didn't even blink his eyelids, he waved his hands nonchalantly, and used all kinds of unimaginable means to repel the people.

It may be the countless drizzle-like ice needles hit by a flip of the hand, or it may be a colorless and odorless drug that makes people fall asleep instantly.

All in all, these guards are not even qualified to slow down Yang Mufeng's pace.

Soon, she came to the core of the Wu Family Headquarters.

"Where is Xue An?" Yang Mufeng looked at the building under his feet and shouted softly.

(end of this chapter)


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