Chapter 2962 Difficulties


Yang Mufeng opened his eyes wide, as if he never expected Xue An to say such a sentence.

"No...won't you fight me?"

"What? Is there a problem?"

"But...but aren't you afraid that I'll kill this guy?" Yang Mufeng pointed at Wu Nianyin behind him.

"Then you can do it as much as you want, but I believe you won't!" Xue An said lightly.

Yang Mufeng's face turned green right then, and after a long time he said shyly, "How do you know I can't?"

"It's very simple, because you never killed anyone!"

Xue An's words hit Yang Mufeng's soul directly, she stood there with her mouth gaping, her face full of complicated expressions.

As Xue An said, she really didn't kill anyone.

There is nothing strange about this, but if you add her own realm and status, it will be worth pondering.

After all, the journey of cultivation is to compete with the sky and others, and very few people can go all the way safely.

In any case, you will encounter one thing or another that makes you have to take action.

But Yang Mufeng is a wonderful flower.

Because her hands were indeed not stained with blood,

Others couldn't see this, but Xue An knew it at a glance, that's why he said that.

But soon, a look of embarrassment appeared on Yang Mufeng's face.

" are a coward!"

Xue An's eyes were slightly cold, but the smile on his face was still the same, but with a strong sarcasm.

"It's better than you playing prestige on a child!"

"You..." Yang Mufeng became more and more annoyed.

She had never met such a rascal.

It seemed that he was sure that he would not dare to kill anyone.

"There's no need to make such an expression!" Xue An said calmly.

"I know that you can cultivate to this state and still be spotless. There must be powerful resources behind you to support you, but your mistake is that you shouldn't bring this sense of superiority to me!"

Yang Mufeng wanted to complain about my sense of superiority.

But Xue An never gave her this chance.

"No need to explain, from the moment you ran to the Wu family excitedly and **** the head of the Wu family to wait for my return, your hidden sense of superiority was fully revealed!"

Speaking of this, a sneering smile appeared on the corner of Xue An's mouth.

"Do you think this is fun, and you seem to be very temperamental? Even if you really lose to me, if you lose, someone will finish it for you?"

Yang Mufeng was turned pale by Xue An's words.

Even she herself could not help but have doubts.

Do you really think so?

And at this moment, a metal Rubik's Cube that kept spinning appeared between Xue An's eyebrows.

"Don't you want to fight with me? I can give you this chance, but only if you can unlock it!"

After saying that, the metal demon appeared in front of Yang Mufeng.

At the beginning, Yang Mufeng didn't pay much attention to it, and even had a trace of disdain in his heart.

This guy is too contemptuous of people, actually trying to test me with a metal Rubik's cube?

Didn't he know that he didn't like to play such tricks as early as three years old?

It is undeniable that Yang Mufeng has a very high talent in the mechanical field.

She started working with machines when she was just able to walk, and her mechanical attainments improved by leaps and bounds as she grew older.

That's why she was able to become the logistics director and R&D director of the Musket Club at such an age.

But when she really came into contact with this metal Rubik's Cube, the original slight of contempt disappeared in an instant.

Because this Rubik's Cube is obviously different from what I expected.

It seems like a lot more.


The metal Rubik's Cube was spinning rapidly in the air in an almost dizzying manner.

This extremely complex Rubik's Cube cannot be controlled by hand, and must be passed through consciousness.

And the more he cracked it, the more dignified Yang Mufeng's face became, and the excitement in his eyes became even fainter.


The design concept of this thing is very interesting!

No, this not only involves mechanics, but also seems to have the shadow of ancient alchemy.

Yang Mufeng naturally knows about alchemy and has studied it quite a lot for the proud son of heaven who has been deeply immersed in the road of mechanics.

But the more so, the more shocked she was.

There are many ideas involved in this thing, even she is touching it for the first time.

This made her feel even more awed.

Who wrote this Rubik's Cube?

Was it done by the man in front of him?

But soon these thoughts were thrown away.

Because she has been deeply attracted by the endless novel ideas in this metal Rubik's Cube.

At the same time, Shu Jingchu, Wu Shaobei and others also arrived.

On the way back to the samurai family, they met someone who saw the situation was not good and immediately rushed to Senluo Valley to report.

So they all knew what happened to the Wu family.

Xue An let them chase after him, and he went back to the Wu family first.

However, the time difference is not long.

So it didn't take long for Wu Shaobei and others to rush over.

I thought it would be a cruel scene of blood flowing into rivers and corpses strewn across the field, but Wu Shaobei was even ready for the complete destruction of the Wu Family Headquarters.

But after waiting, I found that nothing had changed much.

Except for the vigilant crowd in the air, not even a drop of blood could be seen on the ground.

"This... Mr. Xue, what's going on here?" Wu Shaobei fell to the ground in a daze, and asked Xue An who was untying the rope on Wu Nianyin's body.

Xue An broke through the extremely tough metal rope, and said in a calm tone: "It's nothing, it's just a lunatic who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

Wu Nianyin moved his bloodless hands and feet, and immediately thanked Xue An: "Mr. Xue, I..."

Xue An waved his hand, "You're welcome, in a sense you've helped me, so naturally I can't just do nothing!"

"Hey, this girl is actually proving the Dao mechanically?" Nezha on the side was suddenly surprised.

"Senior also knows about machines?" Xue An asked with a smile.

"Don't think of me as an old antique, I've been exposed to this stuff before!" Nezha curled his lips.

"But is the mechanical Rubik's Cube she is solving from your handwriting?"

Xue An's just a toy made out of boredom! "

Nezha took a deep look at Xue An, "I didn't realize that you have such alchemy attainments!"

"It's just that I've learned a little bit by chance, but it's not a problem to deal with this guy!" Xue An's expression was very calm.

At this moment, Yang Mufeng's body swayed, and his complexion became a little pale.

But her eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Xue An, you are very powerful. I can't untie this thing right away. I need to go back!"


"After I untie it, I will come to settle accounts with you again!" Yang Mufeng gritted his teeth.

Xue An smiled calmly, "Let's untie it first and then talk about it."

(end of this chapter)


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