Chapter 2966 War Letter

"Because on the tenth day of your retreat, the Xue An you wanted to defeat has already issued an ultimatum to Feixian Temple!"

Yang Mufeng trembled all over, and said anxiously: "What ultimatum?"

"He asked Feixian Temple to hand over the Wanling Mirror, the treasure of the Zhenpai, within ten days!"

"Mirror of all spirits? Is it the legendary mirror that can know everything about the past and the future?"


"Why did he do this?"

Yang Fu shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows! Maybe that thing is very important to him, and now the outside world has gone crazy, saying that this guy's origin is very mysterious, and even the fact that Sen Luogu was wiped out a while ago and became a branch of the Wu family was also written by him!"

"However, I still admire this kid. That's Feixian Temple! Even I have to weigh up against him, but he actually went straight to the challenge, tsk tsk, what a hero from a young age!" Yang Fu's face showed admiration.

But Yang Mufeng didn't listen at all, there was only one thought in her mind.

That was when Xue An promised himself that as long as he solved the metal Rubik's Cube, he would fight with him.

It was because of this Yang Mufeng that he spent so much time in seclusion and study, but after leaving the seclusion, this guy actually met Feixian Temple. Does that mean he has no chance?

At this moment, Yang Fu suddenly thought of something, "Oh, I forgot to mention, today happens to be the tenth day after Xue An's battle!"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Mufeng immediately turned around and ran outside.

"Where are you going?"


"Don't go, he probably has left now, if you want to see him, go directly to Feixian Temple!" Yang Fu shouted.

Although Yang Mufeng didn't respond, the naked eye could see that the direction she was heading for had changed.

A faint smile appeared on Yang Fu's face.

"Send the order and leave immediately!"

"President, where are we going?"

Wei Qingfeng who was standing behind Yang Fu asked cautiously.

After he was dismissed, he became Yang Fu's personal attendant, running around all day serving tea and water.

However, Wei Qingfeng has a very strong adaptability, and he is not dissatisfied with this, but rather enjoys it.

"Of course we went to Feixian Temple. It's so lively, how can we not take a look!" Yang Fu said with a smile.

The time is temporarily set back to ten days ago.

Among the Wu family, Xue An sat at the head seat, and next to him were Wu Nianyin, Shu Jingchu and others.

There is a piece of paper in front of everyone, on which everything about Feixian Temple is described in detail in the form of a table.

The atmosphere in the meeting room was a bit oppressive.

Because everyone understands that what they are about to face is a behemoth.

This behemoth is even more terrifying than the Wu family and Sen Luogu combined.

However, compared to the seriousness of these people, Xue An was as relaxed and indifferent as ever.

"I believe that everyone has read the above information, so please share your thoughts!" It was Wu Shaobei who spoke.

He is also the moderator of this meeting, and the piece of paper in front of everyone is from his handwriting.

Xue An finally discovered that this Wu Shaobei might not be able to do other things, but he is definitely good at intelligence work.

In just a few days, he collected all the information that could be collected in the world, classified it into categories, summarized it, and finally condensed it into this thin paper.

The meticulousness is astonishing.

"I don't think this matter should be rushed. After all, it is Feixian Temple, one of the top sects in Dari Island. With our current strength, fighting against it is like hitting a stone with an egg!" Wu Nianyin spoke first.

His words also attracted the nods of everyone in the Wu family.

After all, this gap in strength is not a star and a half, but an almost insurmountable gap.

"Everyone understands the difference in strength, so there is no need to repeat it. The question is how to achieve the goal in this situation?" Shu Jing said clearly.

"Why don't you try to take it for profit?" Wu Nianyin hesitated for a long time, and finally said.

A mocking look appeared on Shu Jingchu's face, "You mean you want us to lure each other with benefits so that Feixian Temple sells their treasure?"

Wu Nianyin rubbed his hands together in embarrassment, "I think I can try it, although the hope is a little slim..."

Shu Jingchu directly interrupted him, "It's not that the hope is slim, but it's simply impossible!"

Wu Nianyin's cheeks were flushed, but he didn't dare to refute.

Because Shu Jingchu is Xue An's "closer", he naturally dare not have any dissatisfaction with such a relationship.

But it’s also a fact that you can’t get off stage if you’re bullied….

Fortunately, Wu Shaobei made a timely rescue.

"I don't know how Miss Nai thinks about this matter?"

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Naiying, who was sitting at the very end and was concentrating on playing with her mobile phone with her head down.


You read that right!

Nai Yingying was indeed playing with her mobile phone.

And it's playing a very boring fruit cutting game.

But it's such a long-outdated game, but Nai Yingying has a lot of fun playing it.

Naturally, this phone was given to her in memory of those two little girls.

Although Nezha had a deep opinion of Naiying, Xue An was quite wary of him.

But the two little girls really like this elder sister who looks not much older than themselves!

On the contrary, Nai Yingying is also very gentle when getting along with these two little girls.

The two get along very happily, and their friendship grows day by day.

If it weren't for Nezha's arrival, it is estimated that they would have become acquaintances in previous years.

Even when Nezha came, the two little girls often kept in touch with Nai Yingying in private.

This mobile phone was intended to be given to Nai Yingying, so that he could contact her secretly.

As for how to get in touch with a mobile phone in a place where there is no signal at all....

Nian Nian, a little girl with strong hands-on ability and a talent for speaking and speaking, unexpectedly learned without a teacher, and came up with a set of wireless networks that can be carried with her.

Through this thing, wireless networking can be realized within a certain range.

However, compared to mobile phone communication, Nai Yingying is more interested in these small games on the mobile phone.

Especially cutting fruit, it is simply never tired of it.

And if you get up close to her screen and watch it, you'll be amazed.

Because you can't see the fruit falling from the screen at all, UU reading www.uukanshu. There are only continuous shredding sound effects and soaring points.

This is because Nai Yingying adjusted the threshold of the fruit cutting software to a perverted level.

Now the speed of the fruit falling has reached the fastest, and it is impossible to see it with the eyesight of ordinary people.

Of course, this is all irrelevant off topic.

After hearing Wu Shaobei's question, Naiyingying didn't even raise his head, but just said calmly.

"What's the use of saying this now? Someone has already made the decision for you!"


Everyone present was shocked.

Nai Yingying put down the phone at this time, and there were continuous explosions coming from the phone, obviously the level had been cleared.

(end of this chapter)


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