Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2969: Kill several people in a row

Chapter 2969

This ray of brilliance was extremely fast, and it came to Xue An almost instantly.

But just as it was trying to stab further in, an invisible barrier appeared, directly blocking the blow.

Only then did people realize that this brilliance was actually a giant axe.

The ax blade was slanted, and the closest point was only a dozen centimeters away from Xue An's face.

But this short distance is like a moat. Although the giant ax trembled extremely fast and tried to slash down, it still couldn't move an inch.

At the same time, Xue An stretched out his hand and flicked the giant ax lightly.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, the giant ax shattered directly.

Xue An raised his eyes to look in the direction of Feixian Mountain, and said lightly: "It's almost impossible to want me to die with this strength!"

"Jie Jie, that's just an appetizer, the main show will be next!"

Following the voice, a figure rushed out from the Feixian Temple. After standing still, the crowd couldn't help but commotion.

The person who came was a burly man with a height of two meters. He was wearing leather armor, but there was no lining inside, exposing his large abdominal muscles.

"It's the general who moves the mountain!"

"I didn't expect that Feixian Temple would be shot by Wang Bo. This Xue An is dangerous!"

People talked a lot, but without exception, they were not very optimistic about Xue An.

Everyone in Dari Island knows that there are seven great generals in the Feixian Temple, and each of them is a top master with unique skills.

Qianshan is the best of the seven generals.

His strange strength is beyond imagination, and he once set a record of fighting against three bodybuilders with one hand without losing the wind, and his ax skill with one hand is even more superb.

He was the first to appear on the stage, which obviously proved the importance that Feixian Temple attached to Xue An and his determination to kill him.

Xue An's expression was as usual, "Oh? The show? Is it you?"

"Boy, you are already proud to be dealt with with my own hands, and I will personally smash your little head with an ax later!"

After saying that, Qianshan rushed over aggressively.

Don't look at this mountain mover who is tall and strong, and his body is as strong as a mountain, so he thinks his speed is his weakness.

In fact, the speed of moving the mountain is not only not slow, it is even among the best in Feixian Temple.

It can be seen from this pounce.

Qianshan rushed to Xue An with a speed that was extremely disproportionate to his size, and the giant ax in his hand fell down before him.

Not to mention hitting a hit, even a little bit of sharpness will break bones and tendons.

Instead of retreating, Xue An advanced, and at the same time raised his fist to strike, directly meeting the axe.

I am overjoyed to move the mountain.

It can be seen that the patriarch values ​​this kid very much, otherwise he would not let himself take the lead.

And Qianshan also tried his best to show his ability in front of the patriarch.

But moving mountains is not stupid, knowing that this Xue An must be capable since he dared to step on mountains.

So it's bound to be an uphill battle.

He was ready for a protracted battle, but he never expected that this guy would come to die on his own initiative as soon as the war started.

Don't blame me for being cruel.

Qianshan recited a sentence silently in his heart, and at the same time frantically transported the blood in his body, the arm holding the ax instantly swelled more than double, and then smashed it down with all the strength of his body.

He planned to smash Xue An into pieces with an axe.

Xue An naturally also saw this, but he was not flustered, but a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


There was a loud bang.

Many people subconsciously closed their eyes, thinking that Xue An was going to die now.

But the exclamation that followed made these people look up immediately, and then they were stunned.

The huge ax that moved the mountain was held by Xue An with one hand.

Even though Qianshan's face was flushed red and he tried his best to press down on the axe, it still didn't help.

Not only that, but Xue Anyun raised his hand slowly and calmly.

cluck cluck!

The loud sound of bone friction came from Qianshan's body, which proved that he had reached the critical point.

"Ah, ah, I don't believe it!" Qianshan roared violently, and threw his other fist at Xue An.

But Xue An didn't even lift his eyelids, he just stretched out his hand and lightly touched the punching fist.

Qianshan let out a muffled snort, and the hand dropped limply.

At the same time, Xue An smiled slightly.

"Don't you let go?"

After saying that, Xue An grabbed the huge ax and pulled it out suddenly, directly pulling the giant ax out of the hand that moved the mountain.

Qianshan turned around and ran.

As I said before, although he is full of muscles, his head is not stupid at all.

Although it was only a back and forth, Qianshan had already seen that the gap between himself and Xue An was beyond measure.

If you don't run now, when will you wait?

But he wanted to run, but Xue An didn't want to let him go.

He weighed the giant ax in his hand, "I thought it was heavy, but this is it?"

"I'll give it back to you!"

With that said, Xue An casually threw out the giant axe.

The gigantic ax made a sharp whistling sound, and slammed towards Qianshan like an arrow leaving the string.

Qianshan heard the bad wind behind him, and knew that something was wrong, but he didn't even dare to turn his head, and forced himself to move sideways several feet away with his strong muscle strength.

This dodge is not bad, but it's a pity that he met Xue An.

As if he had expected it before starting the move, the giant ax moved a few feet horizontally at the moment Qianshan dodged, and then cut across Qianshan's neck like a dragonfly.

Qianshan was shocked, and then froze in place.

Immediately afterwards, a red line appeared on his neck.

The red line expanded rapidly, and then Qianshan's head soared into the sky, leaving a headless corpse standing in the air and slowly falling to the ground.

one strike!

Move the mountain and die!

Countless people gasped and looked at the boy standing in the air with shocked eyes.

Xue An didn't feel much.

He opened his hand, and the huge ax that circled in the air fell into his hand again.

There was not even a trace of blood on the snow-like blade.

"Okay!" Nezha couldn't help shouting "Hello."

Xue An smiled slightly, but looked at Feixian Temple.

Because he knows that this is just the beginning.


I saw several figures rushing out of Feixian Temple.

"Brother Qianshan!"


Amidst the shouts, these figures didn't talk nonsense, and directly attacked Xue An.

Those who came were none other than the other generals from Feixian But their strength is not as good as moving mountains, so how can they be Xue An's opponent?

After only a moment, these people became the souls of the axe.

After the head of the last general was crushed by Xue Ansheng, the crowd fell silent.

Because the tragedy of this battle has exceeded their imagination.

Who would have thought that this young man in white would be so ruthless in his actions, killing people at every turn?

But Xue An didn't notice it, he casually threw away the giant ax that was already curled in his hand.

Even though he had killed several people in a row, he was still dressed in white, without any blood.

"The so-called Feixian it all this kind of thing?"

(end of this chapter)


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