Chapter 2975 The only flaw

"Fix the formation! Form the formation!" Wu Shaobei shouted desperately.

But because of this distraction, Wu Shaobei couldn't stand firmly, staggered, and then was wrapped in a powerful storm and rolled towards the giant spider.

At the critical moment, Wu Nianyin grabbed him.

"Second uncle, hurry up!"

Wu Nianyin grabbed Wu Shaobei's arm so hard that veins popped out on his forehead.

But the suction was so strong that Wu Nianyin staggered a few steps and almost fell when he was dragged to his death.

Seeing this scene, Wu Shaobei couldn't help being anxious, "Patriarch let go!"

Wu Nianyin uttered two words from between his teeth, "No, the Wu family will never abandon their family members!"

With tears streaming down his face, Wu Shaobei suddenly shook his shoulders and broke free from Wu Nianyin's hand.

Wu Nianyin wanted to catch it again but it was too late, so he could only hiss and shout, "Second Uncle!"

Wu Shaobei's figure flew towards the giant spider uncontrollably, even so, he still didn't panic, just said in a deep voice.

"Nian Yin, you have to live on, because only with you, the Wu family will not be considered dead!"

After that, he closed his eyes with a smile and waited for death to come.

But at this moment, a warm arm suddenly supported him from behind.

Wu Shaobei was shocked all over, suddenly raised his eyes, and then saw Xue An.

At this moment, Xue An was covered in blood, and his face was also covered with blood, only a pair of eyes were shining like stars.

"Xue... Mr. Xue!"

Wu Shaobei couldn't believe his eyes.

Just now countless people saw Xue An buried in the mouth of the giant spider with their own eyes, Wu Shaobei naturally saw it too.

Although there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart, Wu Shaobei was a very rational person and felt that the chances of Xue An surviving were not high, but he didn't say it out loud.

But he didn't expect Xue An to appear in front of him unscathed after only a moment.

How could this not surprise him.

Xue An smiled, didn't say anything, just let go of his hand.

Only then did Wu Shaobei realize that the strong wind that was raging just now had subsided.

He subconsciously turned his head to look, and then saw a scene that he will never forget,

I saw that the giant spider, which was still flaunting its power just now, no longer had any arrogance, and at the same time, a big hole was opened in its abdomen, exposing the internal organs inside.

The stinky blood rushed out like a waterfall. Although the muscles in the wound kept wriggling and trying to repair the wound, they were all stopped by a mysterious force without exception.

Whenever it is about to take shape and heal, this force will tear the wound up again.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa then' the giant spider raised its head and let out a sky-shattering howl.

"Xue An, what did you do to me? Why did this happen!" the giant spider roared, the arrogance it used to say was no longer there, but a deep fear.

Xue An didn't answer, but slowly wiped off the blood on his face, and then spoke in a calm tone.

"It's very simple, it's all because of your greed!"

"I don't understand!" The giant spider's roar became more and more shrill.

Xue An smiled lightly.

"You think you are invincible because you are immune to physical and mental damage, so you devour everything greedily, even the Yi clan living around the Feixian Temple have not escaped your clutches!"

"So what? It's just a dilapidated tribe. I ate them and gave them eternal life. They should be more grateful to Dade!"

Although the giant spider's tone was weak, the words were still full of soaring evil.

However, Xue An was not in a hurry to make a move, instead he stood there and started talking.

"A small thing that you think doesn't matter is actually your biggest flaw!"

Speaking of this, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of Xue An's mouth.

"Do you think the Yi clan is so easy to devour?"

At the same time, the giant spider's originally huge body began to collapse rapidly.

Like a building with its skeleton removed, it collapsed to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

The smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the audience was in an uproar.

In fact, everyone has been stunned by this series of great changes.

First of all, Xue An was swallowed. Many people thought he was going to die, but they didn't expect Xue An to rush out from the giant spider's abdomen just a moment later.

Wu Shaobei didn't see this scene, but the crowd onlookers could see it clearly.

What Xue An said immediately after that also caused many people to fall into deep thought.

The existence of the Yi clan was known to many people present, but as the giant spider said, this tribe is just a dilapidated small tribe, how could it be such a powerful evil creature?

When many people were puzzled, the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, and the picture that appeared surprised many people.

The ugly and weird giant spider no longer exists, replaced by a graceful female body.

I saw her crawling and lying on the ground, revealing her imaginative body lines.

Even if you can't see the face, you can know that this is definitely a beautiful woman just by this graceful body.

Xue An's pace didn't slow down at all, he came straight to the woman, then raised his foot and stepped on the back of the woman's head.

Many people's eyelids twitched when they saw this scene.

Xue An didn't care at all, he just said indifferently: "The golden body is broken, do you think your head will be broken if I kick it down?"

The woman let out a mournful cry, "My lord, spare me! I would like to give you the Wanling Mirror, and I just ask you to let me go!"

Only then did Xue An lift his feet, and then the woman slowly raised her head, revealing a face that made me feel pitiful.


An absolute stunner!

This was the first reaction of countless people after seeing the real appearance of this woman.

At this moment, this stunner was looking at Xue An pitifully.

That look was enough to melt steel.

But Xue An was unmoved at all, "Take it out!"

The woman trembled all over, then opened her mouth and spit out her tongue like a snake letter, on the tip of her tongue was a fragment of a mirror!

Although the fragment was small, it exploded with great power as soon as it appeared.

The woman raised her eyes and looked up, her lenses trembling slightly.

That alluring look is heart-wrenching.

Shu Jingchu, who was originally secretly happy because of Xue An's safe return, couldn't help but spat hard when she saw this.



But all the actions of this woman were Xue An was completely indifferent, his fingertips trembled slightly, and then the fragment of the mirror fell into his hands.

"My lord, this is the fragment of the mirror!" The woman said very obediently, and she still didn't forget to lick her lips lightly with the tip of her tongue, which was indescribably charming.

But instead of being moved in the slightest, Xue An's expression became even colder.

"That's all?"

The woman's expression changed rapidly, and she forced a smile: "What do you mean, I don't quite understand!"

Nai Yingying, who had been watching the battle from a distance, sneered when he saw this, and spit out two words lightly.


(end of this chapter)


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