Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2977: turn hostility into treasure

Chapter 2977

It turned out that Xue An had already seen that the giant spider had devoured the blood of the Yi Guyun clan.

This is nothing unusual, even the giant spider didn't take it seriously.

In its words, it is just a dilapidated small clan. If you swallow it, you will swallow it. It is nothing special at all.

But the problem lies with the Yi clan.

Xue An and Nezha had said before in the secret realm of Senluo Valley that Yi Guyun had the blood of Yi Guyun who shot nine suns with arrows in ancient Chinese myths and legends.

Although after so many years of inheritance, this bloodline is already very thin, but that is the great **** who was second to none in ancient times!

The blood that has been handed down is naturally even more extraordinary.

Because of this, Yi Guyun's talent on the way of arrows is excellent, and he is coveted by Sen Luogu.

As for Yi Guyun's clansmen, although their blood is not as strong as Yi Guyun's, in other words, they haven't awakened yet, but they still exist after all.

Therefore, after being devoured by the giant spider, the souls of the Yi family could not die at all, living in the belly of the giant spider.

The giant spider didn't care too much about it, it had already swallowed it anyway, so could it cause some trouble?

According to the normal situation, the giant spider is really right to think so.

After all, as the world's top evil, a few immortal souls are not even ants to it.

Didn't those people in the Feixian Temple who were raised by it and finally swallowed by it not completely wear away the last soul?

But it miscalculated a little, that is the unyielding nature of the Chinese people.

Even though it was swallowed and worn down, the remaining soul never gave in, but lay dormant, waiting for the right time.

Xue An also saw this and borrowed the cloud bow from Yi Guyun and shot those three arrows.

Of course, these three arrows cannot harm the giant spider, but they can awaken the dormant soul in the giant spider's body.

Then Xue An was devoured by the giant spider on purpose, and then with the help of the souls of the Yi clan, he successfully broke the invincible golden body of the giant spider.

After listening to Xue An's narration, tears welled up in Yi Guyun's eyes, and he bowed his head silently for a long time.

Seeing this, Xue An sighed, "Miss Yi, don't be sad..."

Before Xue An could finish speaking, Yi Guyun suddenly raised his head. Although tears were already covering his cheeks, his eyes were surprisingly firm.

"My lord, I am not sad, on the contrary, I am very happy!"

"Although my people are dead, they have made the murderer pay the due price before they disappear completely. This is enough. The only thing I can do now is to live well!"

Seeing this surprisingly resolute girl, even Xue An couldn't help being moved, and finally nodded solemnly.

"It's great that you can think that way!"

"But there is something I would like to ask your lord to agree to!" Yi Guyun said suddenly.

"Let's talk, as long as I can do it, there is no difference!" Xue An said in a deep voice.

In a sense, the reason why it was so easy to kill the giant spider this time was largely due to the help of the Yi clan.

Without their help, even though Xue An could destroy this giant spider, he would have to pay a huge price.

Although these members of the Yi clan had all died, with only a little soul left, even if they didn't help Xue An, they couldn't be revived.

But no matter what, now they have vanished together with the giant spider.

There was still a trace of guilt in Xue An's heart, so after hearing what Yi Guyun said, he immediately agreed without asking what it was.

"It's very simple, I want to follow my lord and accompany you to deal with this evil creature!" Yi Guyun's tone was very firm.

Xue An was quite surprised, because he never thought that Yi Guyun would make such a request, so he couldn't help hesitating.

"Miss Yi, of course your idea is not wrong, but..."

"But what? Didn't you just say that I can ask for anything?" Yi Guyun asked immediately.

Xue An was helpless, "But it's not easy to deal with that invading evil thing. Even I can't guarantee that everyone will retreat unscathed, but you, Miss Yi..."

Xue An hesitated for a moment and finally sighed: "Your clansmen have all died, and now you can be said to be the only one left in the Yi clan. What if something happens to you?"

This is exactly Xue An's real concern.

Unexpectedly, Yi Guyun smiled after listening to it, "Your Excellency has considered too much, I think my father and other clansmen will agree with my proposal if they have spirits in the sky!"

"After all...the Yi clan has never been a coward!"

Looking at Yi Guyun with a resolute expression on his face, Xue An couldn't help but feel a little bit taken aback, but suddenly came to his senses, and then sighed secretly.

How could I forget that Yi Guyun has the blood of that ancient **** Yi running through his body!

The pride in his bones can't be changed!

At this moment, Nezha, who had been standing by the side without speaking, also spoke.

"Xue An, you should agree to her request, otherwise she won't let it go!"

Xue An nodded, "Okay, then I promise you!"

A smile appeared on Yi Guyun's face, and then he nodded vigorously, "Yes! I promise that I will not disappoint my lord's expectations!"

Xue An smiled, but before he could respond, he heard a hearty laughter from beside him.

"Since even an orphan girl has such courage, how can my Musketeer Club stand idly by? This time, let's count my Musketeer Club as one of them!"

Everyone suddenly turned their heads, and saw Yang Fu walking slowly, standing beside him was Yang Mufeng, and behind him were Wei Qingfeng, Meng Yi and others.

Although Xue An didn't know Yang Fu, he recognized Yang Mufeng, who challenged him before, and knew that she had a very special status in the Gun Club, being the president's younger sister.

Combined with what Yang Fu said before, he couldn't help but recognize his identity.

"President Yang?" Xue An slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Hahaha just call me Yang Fu!"

Standing behind Xue An, Wu Nianyin and the others couldn't help being agitated, and a look of shock appeared on their faces.

Yang Fu!

Creator of the Gun Club!

The most legendary figure in Dari Island in recent years.

People from the Musket Club even assassinated Wu Nianyin Yang Mufeng also came to challenge him afterwards, it can be said that he is not a friend but an enemy!

But he never expected that such a character would bluntly state his support for Xue An.

In fact, not only the members of the Wu family, but even the members of the Musketeer Club were a little bit taken aback.

Yang Mufeng didn't think about it, and couldn't help shouting: "Brother..."

But before she finished speaking, Yang Fu waved his hand, "Stop talking, how can a little grudge compare to this incident!"

Speaking of which, Yang Fu raised his head to look at Xue An, without hiding his admiring eyes.

"Are you saying I'm right?"

??One more chapter! keep it up!



(end of this chapter)


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