Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2980: the calm before the decisive battle

Chapter 2980 The calm before the decisive battle

Although most of the buildings of Feixian Temple have been destroyed in the war, there are still some buildings that survived.

For example, this iconic tower is one of them.

At this moment, Naiyingying was sitting on the outer edge of the tower, with his feet dangling slightly outside.

I have to say, aside from Nai Yingying's evil nature, she is indeed extremely beautiful.

Especially among the ruins, it adds a thrilling beauty.

"Come on?" Nai Yingying skillfully took out a pack of cigarettes and signaled to Xue An who was far away.

Looking at the familiar packaging, Xue An couldn't help frowning, "Is this also for you?"

During this period of time, the relationship between Nai Yingying and Xiang Nian Nian can be said to be quite good.

The Apple phone that Nai Yingying had been playing with in her hand before was given to her by Miss.

So don't ask, this pack of cigarettes is naturally too.

Nai Yingying smiled, "Don't worry, I didn't seduce them. They gave it to them on their own initiative. They said that this thing is harmful to your human health, so leave it to me to destroy it!"

As she spoke, Nai Yingying skillfully took out one, and with a twist of her fingers, the cigarette was lit, and then Nai Yingying took a deep breath, with a look of satisfaction that only old smokers would have on her face.

"I have to say that you human beings enjoy this matter beyond our evil flattery!" Naiying said lightly.

"To each other, your evil spirits' achievements in destroying other species and the world are beyond our reach!" Xue An replied bluntly.

Nai ying chu chi laughed, a touch of helplessness emerged on the face that looked like a human girl.

"It seems that getting along for such a long time still can't make you let go of your hostility towards me!"

"Do you think that's possible?" Xue An asked back.

Nai Yingying let out a mouthful of smoke rings and nodded, "You're right, it's really impossible!"

"But you have to be careful!" Nai Yingying raised his head and looked at Xue An, "The giant spider you killed this time is no small character, its death means that the conflict between you and those old guys is completely open!"

Xue An showed no signs of fear, "Of course I know this. In fact, I've been waiting for this day all the way!"

"I advise you not to be so optimistic. What happened this time is no small matter. Before you were protected by big figures, those old guys didn't dare to take action directly, but this time your backstage has collapsed, and with this opportunity to do it again, it is very likely that those old guys will take action directly!"

Speaking of this, a look of worry appeared on Nai Yingying's face, "By then even this world will be destroyed!"

Xue An was as cold as ice, "I will try my best not to let that happen, but if the ending is destined to be unchangeable, then destroy it!"

"If you want to use this incident to persuade me to stop, then you'd better stop talking about it, because it's those evil things that are wrong, not me!"

"You're going to be wrong!" Nai Ying shook his head with a wry smile, "Since the matter has developed to this level, it's impossible for you to stop even if you want to, and I'm not so boring doing useless work!"

"I'm just telling you the seriousness of the matter, so that you can prepare in advance!"

Xue An glanced at Nai Yingying, and said suddenly: "I remember you said before that you represent the lawful camp among evil things, and you are my friend rather than enemy, and you are here to help me?"


"Then how do you or the lawful camp behind you plan to help me now?"

Nai laughed, "I thought you wouldn't ask me for help!"

"Help?" Xue An shook his head, "This is not asking for help, but asking!"

"Whether you make a move or not, it won't have much impact on the result, but I believe you will not or dare not stand by! Because compared to me, you are more afraid of those evil things occupying this world, right?"

Nai Yingying was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, "You guessed right!"

"So we can't talk about who asks whom for help in this matter, but we should work together, right?"

Saying that, Nai Yingying stood up out of thin air, and stretched out her hand to Xue An.

The white and tender little hands were very delicate, but Xue An didn't reach out to respond, but just smiled faintly.

"Cooperation is fine, but I hope you can figure out one thing!"

"What's the matter?" Nai Yingying let go of her hand very naturally, without feeling embarrassed by Xue An's indifference at all.

"I'm absolutely at home in this battle. Whether you make a move or stand by and watch, it's all your own business, but there is a premise that you don't hinder me, understand?"

Seeing the expression on Xue An's face, Nai Yingying suddenly sighed, "Why are you always so wary of us? I've emphasized it again and again, we are different from those guys!"

Xue An sneered, "But in my eyes, you are all evil!"

After saying that, Xue An turned and left.

Nai Yingying stood quietly in the air, and after a while, a little brilliance appeared in front of her.

"Wang, this guy is simply too arrogant. He dared to speak to you in such a tone. Shall we teach him a lesson!"

"Shut up!" Nai Yingying suddenly shouted.

And this stern shout caused the already crumbling tower under his feet to collapse instantly, turning into pieces.

The brilliance also dimmed, and he said anxiously: "Your Majesty, calm down, Your Majesty, calm down!"

"From now on, you are not allowed to make any claims concerning this Xue An, and if you violate it, your bloodline will be deprived!" Naiying said coldly.

Guanghua trembled slightly in fright, "Yes!"

Then it quickly disappeared.

At the same time, Xue An returned to the crowd.

Shu Jingchu greeted her.

"How about it?"

"Everything is going well, I have already said what needs to be said!" Xue An said.

Shu Jingchu nodded, suddenly thought of something, and said with a sad expression: "Just now I got in touch with the God of Light, what he means is that he can't intervene in this matter!"

Xue An This is understandable, after all, the gods you believe in have always upheld neutrality, how could you be willing to intervene in such a battle! "


Shu Jingchu wanted to say something else, but Xue An waved his hand.

"This kind of thing cannot be forced, and now is not the time to be entangled in these things. I will integrate Xuanyuan Mirror immediately. This period is the most dangerous time, so you have to be vigilant and help me protect the law!"

Shu Jingchu's expression became serious, and she nodded immediately, "Don't worry, I..."

Before he finished talking, Nezha on the side took the lead, "Well! You can do it boldly, I am watching here, even if those evil things really dare to come, they will never get cheap!"

At the end of the speech, it was full of arrogance.

Xue An smiled, "Okay, then I can rest assured!"

(end of this chapter)


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