Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2994: Critical look and causal judgment

Chapter 2994 Critical look and causal judgment

Nai Yingying pressed on step by step, the fierceness and bravery of her fists formed a sharp contrast with her delicate figure.

Xiuling retreated again and again, but without the slightest sign of panic, and even fought back from time to time.

The two girls fought back and forth in the void, it was really beautiful.

Nezha was eager to try and wanted to join the battle group, but Yang Fu held him back.

"I think it's best for you not to intervene in this battle. After all, this is an internal battle between them, let's see the result first!"

Although Nezha was anxious, he knew that Yang Fu was right, so he suppressed his excitement and watched quietly.

"Don't tell me, this Naiying looks delicate and weak, but when he punches, he is not inferior to those rough guys who specialize in body training!" Yang Fu sighed in admiration, but his eyes kept looking at the key parts of the second daughter.

Others couldn't see this, but Yang Mufeng, who was his own younger sister, could, so he couldn't help but secretly tugged on Yang Fu's lapel.

Yang Fu came to his senses and coughed quickly, "Ahem, I'm looking at it critically!"

No one paid attention to his explanation, because at this moment, the two who were fighting suddenly moved back.

Seeing that Xiuling's complexion was slightly pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth, she was obviously injured.

But even so, the smile on Xiu Ling's face remained unchanged, and even became more rampant.

"As expected of Queen Nai, she really has some strength!"

Nai frowned, "Get out of here before I completely lose my patience, otherwise..."

Xiuling sneered, "Otherwise, what if? Kill me? Don't be ridiculous, I admit that your strength is higher than mine, but trying to kill me is tantamount to nonsense! And do you really think that I will lose?"

"Isn't it?" Nai raised his eyebrows.

Xiuling giggled, "Baldhead, why don't you come here?"

The bald monster appeared behind Xiuling in an instant.

"Is it impossible to judge?" Xiu Ling said lightly.

The bald monster nodded, "Well! If I could judge, I would have done it long ago, why wait until now!"

"Okay! Then I will cooperate with you!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiuling's body shape changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, she changed into Naiyingying's appearance.

This is an imitation at the cellular level, even a single hair is exactly the same as Nai Yingying.

Nai Yingying suddenly thought of something, her face darkened, and she coldly snorted, "You're courting death!"

Then he rushed towards Xiu Ling who was pretending to be him.

Xiuling calmly said, "Start judging!"

The eyes of this bald monster flickered with brilliance, and he immediately judged Xiuling.

This process sounds slow, but it is actually extremely fast.

In just a moment, Nai Yingying, who had already rushed halfway, let out a muffled snort, and the figure that was rushing forward immediately retreated sharply, and at the same time, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

what happened?

Everyone was a little dazed.

Why did Nai Yingying, who had the upper hand just now, suddenly lose?

Xiu Ling let out a burst of triumphant laughter.

"Hahahaha Naiying, do you really think I can't do anything about you if I wait? Now you know why I came with the bald head!"

Nai Yingying stopped and wiped away the blood dripping from his mouth and nose, but this did not help at all. More blood dripped from his mouth, nose and even his ears, showing the seriousness of his injury.

Even so, Nai Yingying's expression was still as cold as ice, without any trace of fear.

"Understood! Before, people thought that the rule mastered by the bald monster was the law of words, but now I understand that what it masters is the judgment of cause and effect!"

Many people didn't understand what it meant, only Shu Jingchu among the crowd gasped.

As someone who has been with the God of Light for a long time, she still has some understanding of the rules of these evil things.

And this causal judgment is one of the extremely difficult powers of law.

As the name suggests, this so-called causal judgment is to judge the result of an event after it happens.

If everything in the world can be summed up, it is nothing more than two states, life or death.

Of course, the life and death mentioned here does not simply refer to life, including things.

Because no matter what happens, there are only two endings, good or bad!

And this causal judgment is to abandon the process, simply and rudely rehearse the final result in advance.

This explanation may be a bit convoluted, but you will understand with an example.

Take the bazooka that Yang Fu fired at the head monster just now, the results are nothing more than two.

One is that it was hit by the bombardment, and the evil head was severely injured, and even died without a place to bury it.

Second, there was no hit, and everything seemed to have never happened.

Originally, no one knew how these two possibilities would happen before the final result came.

However, the rules mastered by the head monster allow it to judge in advance.

So at that moment, the head evil thing made countless judgments on the rocket launcher in the air, and chose the most favorable result among them.

This is why it can easily destroy this wave of attacks.

And because its external performance is so resembling that it is easy to speak, it makes many people misunderstand.

Of course, no matter how powerful the rules are, they also have their limitations, and this causal judgment is no exception.

It cannot judge things whose strength or realm is higher than its own.

Otherwise, if it is free to judge the universe it is in, and then chooses an ending of destruction, wouldn't it be a direct ending?

And Nai Yingying's strength or realm is higher than it, so it had nothing to do with Nai Yingying before.

But if it matches this rule with Xiuling, its power will increase dramatically in an instant.

Don't forget that the most powerful rule that Xiu Ling masters is the imitation of people.

Moreover, this kind of imitation is so meticulous that it can even deceive the laws of heaven, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

In this case, the head evil thing judges the existence that Xiuling pretends to be, and the damage is directly on the main body.

It sounds a little convoluted, but it's scary to think about it.

Because this means that as long as these two evil things cooperate tacitly, UU Reading can even easily kill the existence stronger than them in seconds,

And Naiying suffered a great loss because of this.

"Understood? It's a pity that it's a bit late!" Xiu Ling sighed, but her face was full of pride.

It's just that her current expression is on the face of the pretended Nai Yingying, which seems to be out of harmony.

"I just don't know how many judgments you can bear, Queen Nai?" Xiuling said slowly.

Before the words were finished, a spear tip pierced through the void and appeared directly in front of Xiuling's eyes, with flames lingering on it, and its power was infinite.

This blow was beyond everyone's expectations, not even Xiu Ling.

Seeing that the tip of the spear was about to pierce the temple, Xiu Ling's face instantly transformed into the image of Nezha, and then the evil head was judged immediately.

(end of this chapter)


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