Chapter 2996 The Arrival of Sword Three

Xiuling didn't expect things to turn out like this.

I thought that as long as we cooperated tacitly with the bald head, we could easily kill these people in seconds, and then make a contribution in front of Mr. Shu.

Unexpectedly, Li Lang would arrive in time and kill the bald head instantly.

This time, he was trapped in isolation and helplessness, and his situation could be described as extremely dangerous.

So when it heard Li Lang's question, it couldn't help but tremble, and then forced a laugh.

"Li... Master Li, we are all of the same clan, why not... just let me go this time!"

"Let you go?" Li Lang spat, then pointed at him.

"If I hadn't arrived in time, would you have let her go?"

Xiuling was speechless.

"I have nothing to say!" Li Lang took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled the smoke.

"Since you have nothing to say, you can go on your way!"

Speaking of which, Li Lang wanted to draw the image of Xiuling.

But at this moment, a melodious music came.

These people present couldn't help but commotion.

what happened?

Why did music suddenly appear?

Xiuling was also taken aback for a moment, and then was overjoyed.

Because it knows that its savior has come.


Accompanied by the melodious music, a faint phantom appeared in front of everyone.

This phantom is almost transparent, if you don't observe it carefully, you can easily ignore it.

And that music came from the hand of this phantom.

"Master Leshen!" Xiuling shouted excitedly.

Li Lang's pupils shrank for a moment, but immediately showed an indifferent expression.

"Today is really lively. It seems that all the sleeping ghosts and monsters in the entire universe should have come!"

The music finally stopped, and then this phantom gradually manifested.

But even if the outline of the body emerged, it was still impossible to see its face clearly.

"Li Lang, you speak in such a tone as if you are not an evil thing!" the Le God said lightly.

Although it is just a simple narrative, every word implies rhythm, which sounds so comfortable.

The comer is one of the sub-top evil gods ranked in the entire universe, and is honored as the existence of the God of Music.

From the name, it can be seen what the rules of this music **** are.

It's very simple, it's the ubiquitous rhythm.

But such a simple rule makes it a feared existence for many evil things.

All this is because the rhythm it masters can innately restrain evil things to a large extent.

There are even some evil things that can't even hold on to one of its tunes and will fall into madness.

But what really troubled Li Lang was the special form of existence of the God of Music.

No one knows what it looks like, so it is impossible to describe the graphics.

Therefore, Li Lang's most powerful rule is equivalent to being restrained.

This is why Xiuling was ecstatic after seeing Leshen.

"It's up to you to judge whether it's an evil thing, why? Are you going to protect this Xiuling?" Li Lang said lightly.

"Of course, it is my friend, so I naturally want to protect it. At the same time, I have another purpose for coming here!"

Leshen has a haughty voice, and even though you can't see its face, you can still imagine his arrogant expression.

"What purpose?" Li Lang's expression turned cold.

"I don't care what agreement you have reached with this Xue An, in short, this time you will hand him over obediently!"

Li Lang laughed back angrily, "Did you think about the consequences when you said those words?"

"Or do you really think that your strength can crush us?"

"Isn't it?" Le Shen asked back.

"Hmph!" Li Lang didn't respond, just let out a cold snort, and then spit out the cigarette **** in his mouth.

The cigarette **** blasted towards Leshen like a shooting star, and expanded rapidly in mid-air.

But before he rushed to the front, he heard a clang.

As the sound wave passed by, the cigarette **** instantly shattered.

At the same time, the sound of drums that was so dense that it was breathless hit Li Lang.

Li Lang stomped hard, and a shield rose up, barely blocking the blow.

But after this music **** gained the upper hand, he refused to let others go. Countless noisy or melodious music turned into waves and came straight to Li Lang.

Li Lang's face turned pale.

This **** is not something I can resist.

At this critical moment, everyone suddenly felt a bright white light burst out in front of them.

Caught off guard, many people's eyes were burned.

But even so, these people were reluctant to close their eyes, because at this moment, an indescribable sword light struck, easily defusing Leshen's attack and forcing him back.

Immediately afterwards, a girl with a dark red vertical line between her eyebrows appeared in the field.

It was Jiansan Shen Suqian.

After she got the news from Yunlongyuan, she immediately rushed towards Feixian Temple non-stop.

Finally arrived at the most critical time.

When they saw her, everyone including Nai Yingying were astonished.

Because no one knows Jian San.

And no one knew where this peerless swordsman who shocked the audience came from.

Li Lang's eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

This girl... is interesting!

At the same time, Leshen who was forced to retreat stood still in embarrassment, and then stared at Jian San.

"Where did the sword cultivator come from to make such a domineering move?"

Jian San didn't bother to pay attention to its question at all, and kept his eyes on Xue An's retreat in the distance.

This kind of blatant disregard made Leshen nearly explode.

No one has ever dared to do this to himself.

It snorted angrily, and countless terrifying sound waves turned into various weapons, attacking Jiansan overwhelmingly.

Jian San didn't even look back, he just raised his hand.

No matter how much you attack, I will return it with a single sword.

A more pure sword intent formed instantly, cut through these sonic attacks in an instant, and came to Leshen.

Leshen was so frightened that all his souls trembled.

It smelled death for the first time.

At this time, it was too late to dodge, but Leshen reacted very quickly, grabbing Xiuling hiding behind him, and using it as a shield in front of him.

Xiuling screamed for a while, and then was split in two by the sword.

The sword's intent is like ice, even an evil creature with strong vitality can't resist this shocking spattered, Xiuling died tragically.

Leshen, who was lucky enough to survive, fled out desperately.

It doesn't know who this girl is!

But it knew that if it stayed here again, what awaited it would be the ending of dying under the sword.

Nothing is more precious than your own life!

This is especially true for an evil like Leshen.

Although Shuming woke him up from his deep sleep, that didn't mean he had to work for it.

It would be great if he could get Xue An smoothly, but if not, when would he not run away?

But although its wishful thinking is loud, Jiansan does not intend to let it go.

(end of this chapter)


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