Chapter 3021 Resurrection

As soon as these words came out, these elders were stunned for a moment, and then there was a burst of ghostly crying and wolf howling.

"I can't, Xue... my lord, I have an 8,000-year-old mother on top, and an 800-year-old child on my bottom. The whole family is pointing at me. If something goes wrong with me, it will be over!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xue, we are old and frail, and the scales on our bodies are all white. They are useless at all. Even if I give it to you, you can't make armor, and you can't sell it for money. It is useless except for occupying space!"

Words like this one after another.

At this moment, a clear and beautiful shout came.

"Enough, don't be ashamed, can't you see that Mr. Xue is teasing you?"

As soon as these words came out, the elders fell silent instantly.

At the same time, a beautiful figure flew from the distant sky.


Ao Shu shouted with joy, and then went up to meet him.

The person who came was none other than the eldest princess of the Dragon Clan, Ao Qing, who is also the actual controller of the current Dragon Clan royal court.

I saw her dressed like an urban beauty, with a stern face and an extraordinary aura.

However, all these attitudes disappeared after seeing his third sister Ao Shu.

A rare smile appeared on her face, and she hugged Ao Shu in her arms.

"You dead girl, you don't even say you're safe, but you're worried about me to death!"

With Ao Qing's strength, she naturally retained the memory of this catastrophe, which is why she was so worried.

Especially Ao Shu, she is in the middle of the earth, which is the most turbulent place, and if she makes a mistake, she will be lost forever.


After careful observation, she was sure that the third sister Ao Shu was unscathed, and she let go of the heart that had been hanging all this time.

Then she raised her head and looked at Xue An standing not far away with awe-inspiring eyes.

"Mr. Xue!"

The tone is respectful.

This is purely out of the natural awe of the inferiors towards the superiors.

After all, with Xue An's current strength, he can destroy the entire Dragon Clan Royal Court with just a few clicks.

So no matter how arrogant her temperament is, she has to bow her head.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Princess, you are welcome. I am here to bring Ao Shu back to report safety, and the other is to revive the second princess, Ao Yi."

Xue An got straight to the point without hiding anything.

Ao Qing was shocked all over, and a look of shock appeared on her face immediately.

"Second sister has been dead for many years, can she still be resurrected?"

Xue An nodded, "Others may not be able to do it, but I can!"

At this time, the group of dragons who came over heard the news and there was a commotion.

The eyes of many dragons showed a deep sense of awe.

Even for these powerful creatures that naturally have the advantage of blood and stand at the top of the heavens, it is unimaginable to resurrect an existence that has been dead for a long time.

And Xue An's ability to say these words with such certainty clearly proves that his strength has reached an unimaginable level.

Ao Qing took a deep breath and said solemnly: "In that case, please come with me!"

According to legend, every elephant will go to the cemetery of the isolated ethnic group before it dies, in order to prevent its precious ivory from being coveted by outsiders.

This is especially true for the dragon race whose creature level is higher than anyone knows.

After all, the whole body of the dragon clan is full of treasures, and I don't know how many strong people covet it.

Therefore, every dragon will be buried in the cemetery of the dragon after death, and strictly guarded.

Although Ao Yi is the second princess of the Dragon Clan, she is no exception after her death.

After entering this tightly sealed secret realm, the earth is covered with densely packed dragon bones.

The sky was gloomy blue-gray, just like Hu Ye's mood at the moment.

Recalling the bits and pieces of that year, Hu Ye felt like a knife was twisting his heart.

He still dreams from time to time about the last words Ao Yi said to him before he died.

For me, live well!

Then I wake up in pain and have trouble falling back asleep.

In order to forget these things, Hu Ye could only become more lazy and cynical.

But these are of no help at all, and will only aggravate this feeling.

It was a nightmare day.

Fortunately, this is finally coming to an end.

A group of people came to a tall stone tablet deep in the Dragon Tomb.

The whole body of this stele is pitch black, with only four simple characters written on it.

Ao Yi's tomb.

Ao Qing stopped in her tracks and let out a long breath.

"Second sister's body is buried under this stele!"

Xue An nodded, took a step forward, came to the tombstone, and tapped his finger lightly.

The stele shattered instantly, and then the ground trembled, and then a huge dragon corpse slowly rose into the sky.

Shocking huge scars were found all over the corpse.

"Second Sister!" Ao Shu burst into tears at that moment.

Hu Ye also had a sad look on his face, but he still forced himself to look at Xue An calmly.

"Old Xue, please!"

Xue An smiled, "Don't worry!"

After saying that, Xue An activated the law of time.

Death is not the end, but your time freezes, like a frozen brook.

And the moment Xue An invoked the law of time, the stream of time that was frozen on Ao Yi's body began to unseal.

But this is only the beginning, because to bring her back to life requires not only unblocking, but going back.

This is equivalent to driving a river back to its source, and the difficulty can be imagined.

Even Xue An, who holds the two laws of slamming, can't do this.

But Xue An found another way, he didn't go back, but went deep into it, went upstream, looking for the node of time.

At this moment, Xue An is like a fish swimming in the long river of time, swimming through the chaotic and complicated turbulence of time.


After reaching a certain point in time, Xue An suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's here!"

He could feel that Ao Yi's life and death intersected at this node.

So he took a deep breath and directly used the law of time to forcibly redirect this node.

This is also difficult, but much easier than going back in time.


The river of time was filled with turbulent waves, and countless dark tides invisible to the naked eye roared and attacked Xue An.

That is revenge from time.

But Xue An is like a reef Even though the tide is flooding the sky, he will not move.


The stream of time was abruptly changed, and it ran in a new direction.

As a result, Ao Yi's corpse, which was covered in scars, began to recover quickly.

Not only that, the blood began to flow again, and the scales also made a rattling sound, as if Ao Yi was about to open his eyes in the next second.

But everyone's faces were still serious.

Because they can't feel any vitality.

To put it bluntly, at this moment, Ao Yi's body has returned to its original state, but his soul is not there, just an empty shell.

At this moment, Xue An said calmly: "Fox Ye, come and call her back!"

(end of this chapter)


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