Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 3041: The main **** component is completed

Chapter 3041 The main **** component is completed

Needless to say, all the extravagance of this wedding.

There are countless guests and friends who came to congratulate.

One must know that this is a marriage between two powerful clans, the Qingqiu Fox Country and the Dragon Clan, plus the astonishing Xue An, who in the entire heavens can not give face?

Not only that, but there were also many families and sects who were out of touch with each other and came to congratulate her with great gifts.

The purpose of these people is also very clear, they are all aiming at the channel connecting the heavens and the outer sky.

At this time, the news that the barrier of nothingness and blackness between the heavens and the outer sky has been broken has spread.

When most people hear this news, they may pass it by without saying a word about Xue An's awesomeness.

But caring people don't see it that way.

They were very keen to capture business opportunities, and this feeling reached its peak after hearing that Xue An had built a city abruptly in the middle of the passage.

The wedding scene at this time is full of guests and friends.

Countless bigwigs who were standing outside stomping their feet and trembling in the four cities all gathered together at this time.

Not to mention anything else, just this kind of opportunity is rare.

However, apart from Hu Ye and Ao Yirou'er, the core of the entire wedding scene should belong to Xue An.

"Master Xue, I am Liu Hua, the head teacher of Xicimen. This is my greeting card. Can I take up some of your precious time to talk about it?"

"Master Xue, I am the owner of Hubao Leiyinfang. We are very interested in this passage. Can we cooperate?"

"Master Xue..."

Such voices filled Xue An's surroundings.

Xue An was smiling, but without saying a word, he walked straight to the outside of the venue.

But these people obviously didn't intend to give up so easily. They surrounded Xue An and moved with him.

At this moment, Xue An suddenly stopped in his tracks, and looked at a pair of young people sitting at a banquet.

Everyone followed his gaze and looked over.

This is a pair of young people who don't seem to have much in common.

The man was dressed in black, and his cultivation was not bad, but that was all.

The woman is carrying a strange weapon that looks like an umbrella but not an umbrella, but she looks extremely beautiful.

Xue An stopped suddenly, could it be that he was looking at this woman?

It seems that he prefers beautiful women!

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through these people's minds.

At the same time, after feeling Xue An's gaze, the couple stood up very excitedly.

"Zhuge Hanzo of the Zhuge family!"

"Zhuge Xuanqing!"

"I've seen Senior Xue!"

That's right!

These two are the family members of Xue An's good friend Zhuge Zang.

When Xue An went to the Amaterasu Starfield, he had seen these two people before.

I didn't expect them to come today.

Xue An smiled and nodded, then looked around, "Didn't your ancestor come?"

In fact, Xue An had already discovered this problem.

This wedding is not only a marriage between the Qingqiu Fox Country and the Dragon Clan, but also a big gathering of the heavens.

Many acquaintances came, including Xue An's old friends.

But only the "magic stick" Zhuge Zang is missing.

Hearing Xue An's question, Zhuge Hanzang smiled wryly, "To be honest, I don't know where my ancestor went, because my ancestor disappeared long before this catastrophe!"

"Before he disappeared, he just told us a word, let me pass it on to you!"

"Oh? What words?"

"The ancestor said that he went to an unknown place to wait for you!"

"The unknowable..." Xue An murmured, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he nodded.

"It's time to work!"

"Senior is too polite, this is the order of the ancestor, and it is what we should do."

Xue An smiled, and looked at Zhuge Hanzang and Zhuge Xuanqing's brother and sister again.

It has to be said that after so many years, although the strength of the two has improved, their entry is not too great.

So much so that in this world of great strife, it seems a little bit out of the crowd.

But it can't blame the two of them.

Who told Zhuge's family to practice Dharma Jue? It's very talented, and it's hard to improve after a little trouble.

Xue An knew this very well, so he didn't say much. He just raised his hand and ejected two rays of light, which directly entered the bodies of Zhuge Hanzang and Zhuge Xuanqing.

The two were shocked.


"I used to have a fate back then, and now I have the ability to spread the message. I have to help you. This is a little modification of your Zhuge family's martial arts. If you study it carefully, it should be beneficial to you!"

After saying that, Xue An turned around and left, leaving Zhuge Hanzang and Zhuge Xuanqing standing there stupidly.

An extra exercise has automatically appeared in their minds.

This exercise has some origins with the Zhuge family's original exercise, but its mystery is far more than a thousand times better.

Not only that, Xue An also explained this exercise in detail.

That's why their siblings were so shocked.

After a long time, Zhuge Xuanqing exhaled lightly.

"elder brother!"


"Tell me... what level has senior's strength reached now?" Zhuge Xuanqing asked softly.

Zhuge Hanzang smiled wryly and shook his head, "I don't know either. Senior was standing in front of us just now, but in my perception, he doesn't exist at all. Maybe his realm has far exceeded our imagination!"

Zhuge Xuanqing looked fascinated, "That's right, you can see the strength of senior with just this exercise!"

Not to mention the shocked Zhuge brothers and sisters.

After Xue An walked out of the venue, he got rid of these chattering entanglements, and flew directly into the void.

This is not to say that he deliberately hid from the quiet, but that he just received a message from the earth.

The message was sent by Zhang Tianyou, with only two words, success!

After Xue An received the news, he didn't stop for a moment, and flew directly to the earth.

With Xue An's current strength, he flew back to the solar system in just a cup of tea, and then came to the Martian laboratory.

When they saw Zhang Tianyou, he and Yang Fu were studying something excitedly.

"Xue You are finally here, take a look, this is the result of our research during this period of time!"

Speaking of Yang Fuxing, he raised the curtain, and behind him was a tall machine with a height of more than ten meters.

This machine is very weird, with densely packed pipelines everywhere, and it also fluctuates and flickers like life.

And in the center of the machine is a mirror.

There are countless brilliance in this mirror, and there seems to be an infinite world hidden in it.

"This is...." Even Xue An was a little dazed.

"This is the main **** component I told you about. Now it has finally become a reality. Look at how beautiful it is!" Yang Fu sighed sincerely.

Xue An, who is beautiful or not, didn't notice it, he only felt an indescribable grandeur from this machine.

(end of this chapter)


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