Chapter 3088 Cooperation?

But as soon as these bullets rushed out of the muzzle, they lost all power and floated in the air.

Not only that, when Xue An took a step forward, the bullets rushed back at a faster speed.

bang bang bang!

There were repeated explosions, and all of Kang Xiaozhan's subordinates had their heads shot and fell to the ground exhausted.

Kang Xiaozhan didn't run away.

Not only did he not run away, but when he saw this **** scene, he was not surprised but happy, his face was full of excitement.

"What a powerful force, yes! That's how it feels..."

Kang Xiaozhan muttered to himself, but when Xue An looked at him, he immediately shouted.

"Let's work together!"

Xue An also didn't expect this guy to be so bold. After seeing that he killed all his subordinates, instead of running away, he even talked about cooperation with him with great interest.

"Oh? What cooperation?"

"I know you really want to destroy Tianlong Company. To be honest, I really want to. I've already had enough of those old bastards."

"And now you have proved your strength with practical actions, so we can cooperate to deal with Tianlong Company together!"

Xue An slightly raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Let's deal with Tianlong Company together? How should we deal with it?"

"It's very simple. I'm the illegitimate son of one of the top ten directors of Tianlong Company. No one will suspect me. So as long as you go back with me, you can sneak into Tianlong Company smoothly. As long as you kill all the ten directors at that time, this Tianlong Company will belong to you and me!"

Even Xue An couldn't help being silent now.

"Get rid of all the directors?"

"Yeah, what's the problem? Don't you want to destroy them?"

"But the question is aren't you the illegitimate son of one of the directors?"

"Yes, but does this have anything to do with what we are going to do next? It is true that he is my father, but I can't even give up my own future for my father's sake!" Kang Xiaozhan said very naturally.

Xue An suddenly understood that the thickness of some people's skins cannot be judged by common sense.

For example, the person in front of him can actually say that his father is so important that his own future is so important, it is simply amazing.

"The question is why should I cooperate with you? You have seen my strength. I can directly kill Tianlong company headquarters, so the role you can play is very limited!" Xue An said lightly.

Kang Xiaozhan seemed to have expected Xue An to ask this question a long time ago, so he said very calmly: "Believe me, it would be very difficult for you to find those directors without me!"

"The gang of immortals are smarter than foxes, and the places where they usually hide are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even if you razed the entire headquarters of Tianlong Company to the ground, you won't be able to hurt a single hair of them."

"I don't think you should let these culprits go unpunished!"

Xue An took a deep look at Kang Xiaozhan, then nodded, "Okay, in this case, I will cooperate with you, but the premise is that you better not play tricks on me, otherwise..."

Before the words fell, Kang Xiaozhan floated up uncontrollably.

But this person still didn't show the slightest bit of fear, on the contrary, he became more and more excited.

"What kind of power is this? It's so powerful, it's really fascinating!"

But he couldn't get excited in the next second, because at this moment his hands were suddenly broken at a strange angle.

His ribs were also broken.

Kang Xiaozhan spit out a big mouthful of blood with a pop.

"As you said, since you are going back this time to deceive the directors of Tianlong Company, you have to make some sacrifices, otherwise how can you explain the deaths of your subordinates?" Xue An said indifferently.

"Ahem, that's how it is... I understand, cough!" Kang Xiaozhan coughed a few times and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, but he didn't groan in pain.

"Let's go!"

Xue An directly carried Kang Xiaozhan back to the shelter.

At this time, Gu Yan was waiting anxiously.

Ever since Xue An left, she has fallen into anxiety and fear.

She didn't know if Xue An could come back after this trip.

If you can't come back, then what should you do.

Fortunately, this anxiety didn't last long before Xue An returned.

Gu Yan shouted happily: "Xue An, you..."

At this time, she already knew Xue An's name, so she stepped forward happily, and then saw Kang Xiaozhan who was carried back by Xue An, and couldn't help being startled.

"Who is this?"

"Ahem, my name is Kang Xiaozhan, nice to meet you." Kang Xiaozhan said hello while vomiting blood.

"Kang Xiaozhan? Director Kang Ming's son, that famous playboy?" Gu Yan quickly ran behind Xue An, looking full of fear.

without him.

It's because Kang Xiaozhan's reputation is too bad.

Bullying men and women is just normal, and those perverted behaviors he committed cannot even be understood with common sense.

Before today, Kang Xiaozhan was someone she could only look up to, but today he was reduced to a prisoner, and he seemed to be seriously injured.

"Hehe, I didn't expect my reputation to be so great. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Kang Xiaozhan grinned.

Xue An ignored him, "Pack up your things and come with me!"

"Go? Where are you going?" Gu Yan was a little confused.

"Go to the headquarters of Tianlong Company!"

Gu Yan was taken aback, but she knew from Xue An's serious expression that he was not joking, so she nodded without hesitation.


She said she was packing things, but in fact she didn't have anything, so Gu Yan quickly took care of everything.

"Let's go!"

"Wait a moment!"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"I need to go to the bar for something, you watch him here."

After finishing speaking, Xue An didn't care whether Gu Yantong agreed or not, he flew up and disappeared into the sky.

Gu Yan and Kang Xiaozhan were the only ones left in the shelter.

Gu Yan's whole body trembled, and she understood in an instant, then took out a dagger from the small bag behind her and pointed it at Kang Xiaozhan not far away.

"You...don't come here!"

Kang Xiaozhan Big sister, why are you so nervous? I can't eat you again! "

"Hmph, don't you know what your own reputation is?" Gu Yan didn't relax her vigilance at all.

"But do you think I am capable of doing anything now?" Kang Xiaozhan sighed, and then sat down with difficulty leaning against the wall.

Seeing this, Gu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not put down the dagger in her hand.

Kang Xiaozhan naturally knew this, but he didn't care.

He does prefer female sex, but compared to the power he will gain next, mere female **** is like a joke.

So he began to close his eyes and meditate.

At the same time, Xue An had also returned to the Drunken Life, Dreams and Death bar.

Unlike last time, the bar at this time was very deserted.

(end of this chapter)

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