Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 367: Above the earl, the marquis is not full


   This sentence is like a bomb, and the whole house that was blown up is full of stormy waves.

  The complexions of many blood races became cold.

  Arnold was even more gloomy, "Human, you have angered me, prepare to bear the anger of a **** earl!"

   said, Arnold rushed forward.

   He had already coveted Quintina, and now he wanted to kill Xue An directly, and then get Quintina.

   But when he just rushed halfway.

   Xue An flicked his finger.

   A ray of sword light flew over, directly shattering Arnold's body.

   The blood mixed with the meat fell one after another, filling the room with a nauseating smell of blood.

   The house is full of silence.

   After a while, the flesh and blood on the ground began to squirm, trying to regroup.

   This is the blood race talent.

   As long as it is not crushed into pieces, as long as there is blood, then he can be reborn.

   At this moment, Arnold, who has become a pool of flesh and blood, is full of fear, trying to control the flesh and blood, and wants to recover as soon as possible.

   can't be recovered anyway.

   Because once the flesh and blood of his body try to gather together, there will be a slight flash of sword light, cutting everything back.

   So everyone can only watch the flesh and blood on the ground trying to gather together, and then they are constantly blocked by white light.

   Soon, Arnold's blood will be exhausted.

  Arnold finally felt the real fear.

"no, do not want!"

   All the blood races looked at this scene with horror.

   At this moment, a middle-aged man with an arrogant expression suddenly appeared on the court, and with a wave of his hand, a drop of pale golden blood dripped into Arnold's flesh and blood.

   With this drop of blood, Arnold's rebirth speed increased many times, and finally he ran out of sword energy and barely reborn back.

   "Patriarch!" Arnold paled with fright and trembled.

   The kinsmen in the house also bend down and salute.

   "I have seen the Patriarch!"

  It was the Marquis Cecil who came.

   He glanced at Quintina.

   Quintina shuddered all over, taking a step back with a wince.

   Then Cecil smiled at Xue An, "The strong man among humans, why do you want to deal with my descendants?"

   Xue An looked at Cecil playfully, "Marquis of Blood?"

   Cecil nodded proudly, "Yes, I am the Marquis of the blood race, human, you haven't answered my question, why are you attacking my descendants?"

   At this time, Arnold said with a spiteful expression: "Master Patriarch, this Quintina actually regards this human as his master!"


   "Huh?" Cecil's face sank.

   "Quentina, do you dare to betray the family?"

   Quintina lowered her head, her expression blank but painful.

   This is because of the suppression from the lineage level. As a descendant of Cecil, she has no power to resist.

   Xue An said indifferently at this time: "I will answer your question, I am here, nothing more than two things!"

   "Oh? What's the matter?" Cecil said solemnly.

   "First kill you all, second use you to condense the blood beads!"

   Xue An’s indifferent tone was full of strong murderous aura.

   The words made Cecil startled, and then couldn't help furious.

   "It is so arrogant, today I will let you taste the power of the Cecil family!"

   said, he waved his hand.

   The kinsmen in the banquet hall showed their wings one after another, and then went straight to Xue An.

   The whole banquet hall is boiling with magic.

   Cecil also showed his three pairs of pale golden wings, standing proudly in the air.

   For Xue An, he was a little afraid.

   But he never thought that a human could win so many blood races on his side.

   Unless he is a god.

   And when I defeat this human being, I will drain all his blood.

   The vigorous vitality in his body can make my cultivation level improve.

   Thinking of this, a smug smile appeared on the corner of Cecil's mouth.

   But his wishful thinking soon fell through.

   I saw Xue An suddenly raise his head, two groups of fire burning in his eyes.

   As far as the kinsmen's eyes could be, a white flame rose from their bodies, and the flames followed like a shadow, causing these powerful kinsmen to scream.

   then burned it into nothingness little by little.

   Cecil, who was standing in mid-air, almost fell, and shouted with horror: "Bright Flame, who are you from the Bright Church?"

   Xue An doesn't bother to care about him at all.

   Dealing with these **** kinsmen, he still couldn't use any punches, so a ray of sword light flew past.

   Cecil was able to avoid, with a look of horror on his face, and then turned to run.

   Xue An stepped forward, came directly behind him, kicked it to the ground with one foot, and stepped forward.

   Cecil let out a harsh scream.

   Quintina shuddered all over and yelled, "Be careful, master!"

   I saw a ray of blood coming straight to Xue An.

   This is Cecil's life-saving skill.

   But Xue An did not panic at all, just waved casually.

   These blood lights were directly fanned away.

   Cecil almost stared out.

   His move is so powerful that even the Duke has to deal with it carefully.

   This man was broken by hand?

   "Who are you anyway?" Cecil let out a horrified cry.

   Xue An smiled faintly, "Come and harvest people from your blood race!"

   said, a white flame rose from under Cecil's feet and soon covered it.

   Cecil screamed.

"no, do not want……."

   The cry stopped abruptly.

   The blood marquis who could live for thousands of years without accident was directly burned into nothingness by Xue An.

   And a little red blood bead appeared in Xue An's hands.

   This is Cecil's blood bead after condensing.

   Xue An picked it up and looked at it for a while, then shook his head disappointedly.

   "The energy is not, there are no rules."

   and threw it directly to Quintina.

   Quintina caught it in a hurry.

   From the beginning to the present, Quintina's brain has been in a state of confusion.

   Because Xue An shot too fast.

   In the time of a cup of tea, the blood family who just filled the house has been wiped out at this moment.

  Even Cecil was condensed into blood beads.

   Quintina had already raised Xue An's strength as high as possible, but she did not expect that she was still shocked so much in the end.

   After Xue An gave her this blood bead, she was even more at a loss.

   "Master, you..."

   "This blood bead is useless for me to keep, you can eat it!" Xue An said lightly, turned and left.

   Quintina froze for a long time, then looked at the blood drop in her hand with a complicated expression.

   After so many years of squeezing, she has no good feelings for this family.

   Now that the Patriarch is dead, he has a chance to inherit his abilities!

  After thinking for a moment, Quintina swallowed the bead of blood in one bite.


   A wave of formidable aura exudes from Quintina.

   Then two pairs of pale golden wings stick out from behind.

   But the third pair of wings only grew halfway and stopped.

   Quintina slowly opened her eyes, a bright red flashing in her eyes.

   Above the earl, the marquis is not full!

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