Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 393: Slaughter the Blood Mountain

Serena blew a big bubble, waited for it to explode, and then slowly ate it back.

Dennis frowned and said coldly: "Selena, the noble prince is asking you questions, you must answer as soon as possible!"

Serena laughed nervously, then walked to the front of the stage carrying a baseball bat, and said to the blood races: "I did investigate it, and then I found a shocking secret!"

"Oh? What's the secret?" Wilson also showed some interest.

"That was the one who killed Aldington, a human!"

"Human? How could it be possible!" There was a commotion among the many blood races, and they showed unbelief.

In their view, they would rather believe that it was a sneak attack by people from the Dark Council than admit that a grand duke died in human hands.

After all, only a few hundred years back, in the Dark Middle Ages, human beings were talking beasts in the eyes of these blood races.

"Hehe, then you say, why does this human want to deal with our blood?" Dennis asked with a sneer.

"It's very simple! It's because you are unhappy to see you who have high self-esteem! Do you know why the Grand Duke of Aldington didn't even leave a trace of flesh and blood?"

"Because this human powerhouse has condensed the duke into blood beads!"

This sentence made many dukes' expressions slightly changed, and Wilson even snorted, "The means of the Bright Church!"

There was indeed a grand duke who was ambushed by the Church of Illumination and fell. He was then condensed into blood beads and became the trophy of the Church of Illumination.

But I didn't expect this method to happen again.

"Then who is this human? Have you investigated it clearly?" Dennis asked in a deep voice.

"Naturally, I checked it out, and even I already consider it the master!" Serena became more excited as she said.

Her words caused an uproar.

Many people think Serena is crazy.

Dennis even snorted, "How can the noble blood marquis recognize a humble human as the master? You have tarnished the reputation of the blood!"

Serena laughed loudly, "Noble blood? Haha, in my opinion, each of you is not as good as a pig or a dog!"

"Dennis, grab her, she is crazy!" Wilson said lightly.

"Yes!" Dennis moved forward with a grin.

At this moment, a calm voice rang in the ears of all the blood races.

"Should all be here, right?"

Hearing this voice, many blood races were taken aback.

Serena showed a look of admiration and leaned respectfully, "My lord, it's almost all here!"

"Very good!" Xue An led An Yan and stepped to the front of the stage.

"Human!" Many blood races exclaimed slightly.

And Quintina also walked behind Xue An.

"How come humble humans come in? Harriman, how do you guard the blood gate?" Some blood said angrily.

Harriman, who was beaten by Serena with a bruised nose and swollen face, trembled and hurried out and said with a wry smile: "At that time Serena said that this was her friend and I refused to let in. She even beat me violently. "

"Selena, what do you want to do?" Dennis said harshly.

Serena giggled, "What are you doing? Naturally, I will get back the humiliation I have suffered over the past century!"

Hearing these words, Wilson's face sank, and he said coldly: "I'm looking for death!"

As he said, a ray of blood came straight to Serena.

The speed was so fast that it even shook the entire hall of the blood family.

The prestige of the prince is evident.

But at this moment, two slender fingers suddenly appeared in front of the blood awn, and then gently clamped the blood awn in the hand.

Then Xue Ancai smiled faintly, "I killed Aldington!"

The complexion of many blood races changed.

Xue An looked at Andrew again, "I killed your descendant too!"

Andrew's face was pale.

Xue An looked around at all the blood races present, the light in his eyes became colder, "And I am here today to slaughter your filthy mountain of blood!"

This sentence left the room completely silent, and then there was a roar.

"Humble human, you will pay the price for your arrogance!" The blood clan roared and shot out.

One after another, **** glows exuding cold and murderous intent directed towards Xue An.

But under the offensive of this stormy sea, Xue An just raised his hand gently, "Fire...Bailian!"

Following his voice, lotus flowers made of white flames appeared in the air.

The blood light in front of the white lotus is like seeing the ice and snow of the sun, melting silently.

A rich and holy breath filled the entire temple.

Wilson stood up suddenly and said coldly: "It's the flame of light, kill him! At all costs!"

The flame of light is a kind of divine flame that is full of threats to the blood race.

The kinship has always regarded it as a deadly enemy.

Now that Xue An showed this move, it was naturally regarded as the target of public criticism.

All the blood races shot together, and countless blood lights formed a sea of ​​blood, and they went straight to Xue An.

Quintina and Serena turned pale, and staggered back a few steps. This combination of attacks was clearly beyond their capacity.

Xue An laughed, then took a step.

"Lotus breaks ten thousand magic!"


These white lotus suddenly increased countless times, densely covering the entire hall.

Wherever I passed the flames cover the sky.

Countless blood races did not even hum, they were refined by this flame.

Dennis yelled in horror, "My lord save me!"

Wilson snorted, and a blood beam stretched out, which was worthy of saving Dennis.

But Harriman was not so lucky, and he was directly reduced to nothingness by the flames.

Countless marquis or duke blood drops fell into Xue An's hands like running water.

Xue An smiled and said to An Yan: "Wife, take it!"

An Yan nodded, opened the mustard ring, and directly sucked all the blood beads into it.

In this scene, Wilson and the many powerhouses of the blood clan were distraught.

"Let's shoot together and kill him!" Wilson roared.

This human being is simply terrifying, and there is also a flame of light, which is a big trouble for the blood race and must be removed!

The lowest of the twelve speakers is also the top of the Duke, and the rest are princes.

And top princes such as Andrew also shot together,

Under the combined blow of these powerful blood races.

Wilson grinned and said, "Bloodlight hell!"

boom! The endless blood light wrapped the people of Xue An layer by layer.

Wilson laughed, "No matter how strong you are, you will be turned into blood in my **** hell!"

With that said, Wilson was full of pride.

If you can refine this human powerhouse, it will be of great benefit to your own cultivation.

But his excitement didn't last for a few seconds. A calm voice came.

"Really? But in my opinion, it's nothing more than that!"

Following the voice, a pair of white and slender hands stretched out, directly torn apart the blood that envelops him!

Then Xue An walked out slowly, and smiled at the stunned Wilson and others, "Today, you all can't run away!"

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