Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 402: An Yan who eats breakthrough

   The news of the extinction of the blood race quickly spread throughout Europe.

  All the forces from all sides are terrified.

   No one thought that Xue An would destroy such a powerful force as the blood clan with his own power.

   Before the news of the eradication of the Church of Illumination was dissatisfied, people who thought it was impossible were all discovered with horror at this moment.

   It seems that Xue An really has the strength to do this.

   Now, many forces suppressed by the Church of Illumination began to move around.

  The big guys from all sides focused their attention on the Guangming Church, wanting to see how he would react.

   To everyone's expectation, the always arrogant Bright Church actually kept silent this time.

   did not even respond to this matter.

   This made many people feel even more shocked. First release https://https://

   A somewhat absurd idea emerged spontaneously.

   Could it be... the Bright Church is afraid?

  The situation passed in this strange silence for three days.

   Not only the Bright Church did not move, but even Xue An seemed to have disappeared.

   Many forces began to lose control, and started their own small actions.

   For a time, various skirmishes continued in the underground world throughout Europe, and the contradictions accumulated over the years began to be released at this time.

   Someone who has the courage even started to attack the Bright Church frequently.

   Within three days, the Bright Church lost more than a dozen chapels, and even a deacon in purple clothes died.

   But even in this situation, the Bright Church still did not make any response.

   This has made many people more and more courageous.

  Many forces that have been ravaged by the Church of Illumination for many years have all jumped out, ready to take this opportunity to give a good breath.

   Anyone with a discerning eye can see that all that are popping out now are small forces that are not on the stage.

   The really big forces, such as the Dark Council, did not come forward.

  The situation has become more complicated.

   In the dark council.

Anastasia shook her head and said, "Don’t act rashly. All of these attacks on the Church of Illumination are scratching and can’t hurt him at all. The silence of the Church of Illumination is also weird. I always feel a little bit Something's wrong!"

   Karthus also nodded and said: "Yes! It always feels like the calm before the storm! These bright pests are not the ones to lose, and they don't know what conspiracy they are thinking about!"

   The Titans and others nodded their heads. As they have been dealing with the Bright Church for many years, they naturally understand that the Bright Church is not easy to provoke.

   The nightmare sighed faintly, and said softly: "I don't know what our Mr. Xue is up to now."

   Not only she has this doubt.

  At this moment, all parties cast their doubts at Xue An, who was the initiator, and wanted to know what he was doing. Starting

   Secret Realm of Elves.

   Xue An took out all the blood beads, and selected all the marquis.

   There are probably dozens of blood beads of the remaining dukes and princes.

   These blood beads can really be used. That is the power of the rules contained therein.

   And these add up, probably worth a golden fairy.

   Xue An took a deep breath, Lin Kong wrote out a mysterious seal, and uttered softly, "Fun!"

   All the blood beads floated into the air, and then began to gradually decompose under the reflection of this seal.

   The blood and light in the blood bead began to peel off like running water, and what was left was a trace of regular power that radiated bright light.

   These blood lights are pure blood essence, which is a pity to throw them away.

   Xue An glanced at Quintina on the side, and said lightly: "It may be a little painful, just bear with it!"

   Before Quintina had time to react, Xue An waved his hand, and the blood began to flood Quintina's head crazily.

   Quintina screamed, and the whole person was burst by the huge energy in an instant.

   The white skin broke apart instantly, and the whole person even turned into a **** person.


   The wings behind Quintina stretched out, and at the same time the fifth pair of wings began to grow again.

   But even so, Quintina still can't bear such a powerful energy.

   Even the whole person began to show signs of collapse.

   Xue An frowned slightly, saw Serena on the side, and said lightly: "Are you afraid?"

   Serena's eyes lit up.

   She was full of envy for Quintina just now and felt Xue An was so kind to her.

   These are the purest blood energy, and they are all given to her.

   But Serena is very self-aware, knowing that she was not killed by Xue An is a fluke.

   Naturally, I dare not ask for more.

   Now that Xue An asked, she was slightly startled, and then hurriedly shook her head.

   "Not afraid!"

   Xue An nodded slightly and waved his hand, and the blood began to flow into Serena's body.


  Selena felt that her whole person began to fragment at the cellular level, and then reorganized.

   This kind of pain can drive ordinary people crazy.

   But Serena just frowned slightly.

   Compared to the abuse she has suffered over the past century, this pain is nothing to mention.


   These blood lights were given to Serena and Quintina respectively.

   But this energy is so huge, it takes a long time for the two of them to absorb this energy completely.

   At this time, the rest is the power of rules.

   Xue An emptied his palm, and the power of these rules was concentrated one after another, and gradually formed a ball of light.

   Xue Anchong smiled and smiled, "Yan'er, close your eyes!"

   is like that, it's like coaxing a child to get an injection.

   An Yan nodded, "Hmm!"

   Xue An first wrapped the ball of light with his own spirit and then slammed An Yan's forehead suddenly.

  If you directly infuse the power of the rules, it may be a little painful.

   Xue An, of course, was reluctant to let his wife suffer a bit of grievance, so he protected it with divine consciousness.

   The power of these rules, guided by Xue An’s mind, went straight to the seal of An Yan.


   After the power of these rules was exhausted, the seal was cracked again.

After    was completed, Xue An withdrew from Spiritual Mind and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

   Xue An was afraid of hurting An Yan's soul, so he protected him with divine consciousness throughout the process.

   So he is more tired than Anyan.

   At this time, An Yan blinked and blinked, and the whole person's momentum suddenly rose.


   A powerful aura exudes from An Yan.

   Xue An looked a little surprised.

   My wife... actually broke through again.

   And this time it was a direct breakthrough from half-step Sanxian to Sanxian.

   You must know that many people may not make it through their entire lives.

  , but it's soothing but it's like breathing, and it breaks through very easily!

   "My husband, I seem to be a little better again!" An Yan said excitedly.

   Xue An smiled and rubbed An Yan's head, and said proudly, "Yes, my wife is amazing!"

   Then stood up, smiled faintly, "Okay, now it's time to settle accounts with the Bright Church...!"

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