Hearing this, Ding Ran couldn't help being overjoyed, leading everyone behind the priest and walking into the church.

"Gosh, it's so beautiful!"

When seeing the light projected by the exquisite multicolored glass, Ding Ran and the others all sighed in a blurred expression.

The priest curled his lips slightly, with some disdain in his heart.

It's really a bunch of buns who have never seen the world.

So he said arrogantly: "Please don't make noise, this is not an ordinary place! And the bishop also hates people's nonsense!"

Ding Ran and the others hurriedly closed their mouths and dared not say anything.

"Master Bishop, we are here!" The priest led Ding Ran and others to a room and said softly.

"Let them in!"


The priest gently pushed the door open, and then stood by with his hands down.

Ding Ran took a deep breath and walked into the room after calming his mind.

The decoration in this room is the same as the church outside, luxurious and beautiful.

And a man in red was looking at himself and the others with a smile.

Ding Ran felt excited.

The cardinal is a veritable upper-class figure in Europe, and it is very rewarding to be able to contact him this time.

So she took two steps forward and said respectfully: "His honorable bishop, hello!"

Klitschns smiled slightly, "Young people from the far east, I am also very happy to meet you!"

Klitsch’s charity made Ding Ran and the others secretly relieved.

It seems that the bishop is not so difficult to reach.

Ding Ran respectfully said: "My Excellency, it is a great honor for you to meet us!"

"The whole world is God's people. You and I are equal before God. How can we meet?" Klitsch said lightly, with a holy radiance on his face.

Ding Ran and others were all moved by Klitsch's deliberate approachability.

Ding Ran's excited voice trembled, "Master Bishop, you really are a respectable priest!"

Klitschns smiled slightly, "Young man, I heard that your interview this time is about the repair and maintenance of the church?"

"Yes! Lord Bishop, this is the topic of one of our papers. We are very interested in it. I hope you can tell us!"

"Okay! But I think we'd better sit down and have a cup of coffee before talking! You know our coffee is very famous!"

Klitschns deliberately showed off a little humor.

Ding Ran and the others really smiled.

"Thank you, Lord Bishop!"

When the coffee was served, Ding Ran and others began to ask some questions about church architecture.

Klitsch also knows everything without saying anything.

This kind of harmonious atmosphere where the host and the host enjoyed themselves, surprised the priests outside the door.

He really didn't understand why the normally arrogant bishop should value these young Chinese people so much.

However, this has successfully moved Ding Ran and others.

At this moment, in their minds, Klitsch has become a truly respectable figure.

When the question was almost asked, Klitsch smiled and said, "It seems that the time is not too early. Why not stay here for a simple lunch!"

Ding Ran and others nodded excitedly in thanks.

Klitsch slapped his hands, and soon a well-dressed priest came in with the dining car.

Glamorous red wine, savory steak, extremely elegant silver tableware.

These are all aristocratic experiences that can't be bought with much money outside.

Ding Ran and others were even more infected by this atmosphere, and they showed more respect for Klitsch in their gestures.

The atmosphere during the banquet became more and more harmonious.

But just when their host and guest are enjoying themselves.

Xue An has already brought An Yan to the outside of the church.

"What a beautiful church!" An Yan exclaimed.

Xue An smiled slightly, "As the existence that once dominated this continent, every church is the most expensive building in the local area, so it is naturally beautiful!"

With that, Xue An walked inside.

The priests who were guarding the church frowned when they saw it, then stepped forward and said in an arrogant tone: "The church is not open to the public, please leave here!"

Xue An raised his eyes slightly and glanced at the group of priests.


These priests felt an awe-inspiring force attacking them, and directly blasted them out until they were stuck on the wall before they were considered to stop, and then all looked at Xue An with horrified eyes.

Xue An smiled faintly, then stepped inside.

These people are nothing more than small shrimps, they are not guilty of killing them.

When Xue An stepped over the threshold of the church, the whole church suddenly shook slightly.

At the same time, the bright gods inside the church exude a bright light.

But Xue An just glanced randomly.

These trembling idols all quieted down.

It's as if... they are afraid of something.

And such a big movement naturally shocked Klitsch, who was chatting with Ding Ran and others in the reception room.

He was startled first, then his complexion changed drastically.

Ding Ran and the others asked in a little surprise: "Master Bishop, what's the matter with you? Is it unwell?"

Klitsch was in no mood to pretend at the moment, and roared: "Shut up all of you!"

Ding Ran and the others were all taken aback, because Klitsch's complexion at the moment became extremely hideous and terrifying, and there was no longer any elegance.

At this moment, the door of the reception room collapsed, and Xue An slowly walked in with his hands on his back.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your meal!" Xue An smiled and said lightly.

When they saw Xue An, Ding Ran and others were dumbfounded.

Especially Ding Ran.

She couldn't forget the scene of the blood castle to death.

If it wasn't for Xue An that time, he might have been eaten by the blood as a dessert after dinner.

But what is he going to do this time?

Could it be that even this respected cardinal is a vampire?

Ding Ran was thinking wildly.

Klitsch had stood up suddenly and looked at Xue An with horrified eyes.

"Mr. Xue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ came here suddenly, may I ask what's the matter?" Klitsch tried to calm his voice.

"Oh? Do you recognize me?" Xue An said lightly.

"If you say which of the most recent European limelight is, it must be you, and you are still a Chinese, so it is not difficult to guess." Klitsch said.

Xue An nodded, "You are very smart! I am here this time and there is nothing else to do, I just plan to kill you!"

Klitsch was dumbfounded by Xue An's straightforward words, and then said angrily: "Mr. Xue, there doesn't seem to be any enmity between you and me? That Gary **** provokes you, doesn't mean I am your enemy. what!"

Xue An smiled slightly, but looked at Ding Ran and the others who were sitting aside quietly.

"What a coincidence, I actually met you here again!"

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