Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 426: Tragic brother and sister

   "Why?" Xue An said lightly while eating the avocado that An Yan had prepared for him.

"Because you just offended Brother M's local gang. These people have their own armed forces and act so arrogantly that they don't even look at Ms. Brother's home! If they find out, you can Crap!"

   "What did you find me?" Xue An said lightly.

   "The disappearance of those people..."

Xue An smiled faintly, "If I said that a tornado just suddenly blew up the group of guys and threw them into the sea, would you believe it?" New 81 Chinese network updated the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   David gradually widened his eyes, then shook his head, "Although I hope it is true, it is absolutely impossible!"

   Xue An spread his hands, "But those people did disappear, and there is no evidence. What does it have to do with me?"

   After that, Xue An called Yuna and others back, and then said to the cheerful little boy: "Go, I'll send you back!"

   Wait for Xue An and others to leave.

   David was still standing on the spot, his face blank.

   He still didn’t want to understand why those thugs just disappeared strangely?

   If you were killed, then there must be corpses and blood?

   But the scene was empty. Even the sand on the beach was still as white as jade, and there was no sign at all.

   David was puzzled, but he knew it well.

   For those thugs who killed the red eye, the evidence does not have much meaning at all.

   As long as they believe that you did it, then you will suffer.

   Thinking of this, David took out his cell phone, and he hesitated before dialing a call.

   After a while, the phone was connected, and then a woman's cold voice came.

   "David, I'm surprised, you haven't died yet?"

   David smiled bitterly, "Nikita, why do you expect me to die when you meet?"

   "Because no woman will be in a good mood for a man who has always been chaotic and abandoned!" Nikita said coldly on the phone.

   "Nikita, to be honest, I am sorry for the previous relationship, but I am an artist, and my relationship is to serve art. When there is no passion..."

   Nikita raised his wrist and looked at the special watch, and said lightly: "If you are going to continue talking nonsense, then I'll hang up!"

   "No! I really have something to ask you this time!"

   "What's the matter that a famous artist should ask a small FBI agent?" Nikita said with a sneer.

   David told the story with a wry smile, and finally emphasized Yuna's artistic talent.

   "Trust me Nikita! That girl's art is the most perfect I have ever seen. With a little adjustment, she will shock the whole world!"

   Although I did not see it, Nikita can imagine that David must be dancing at the moment.

   "Do you mean to call your ex-girlfriend to save a little girl you admire?" Nikita said coldly.

David was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Nikita, I was wrong before, but this time I hope you can help me, and as soon as possible, because I just heard the little boy talk about that group The name of the thug is Hash!"

   "Hash?" Nikita's expression became serious after hearing the name, "Those Chinese people are in big trouble!"

   "The backstage boss of this hash is Gonzalez, the big drug lord who dominates most of the M xi Ge D product market."

   David's face also turned pale, "What should I do?"

Nikitalo hesitated for a while, and then said: "You wait for me on the beach, and I will pass now. The top priority now is to let these people leave M West! Whether you go to M country or return to China , But I just can’t stay with Brother M!"

   "Okay! I'll wait for you, and...thank you Nikita!" David said sincerely.

  Nikita didn't bother to pay attention to the man's thanks, hung up the phone, and drove straight to the beach.

   Her heart is very heavy, because she knows the power of Gonzales better than anyone.

   That is a fierce figure that even the previous president dared to assassinate!

   When it was on the beach, it was dark and the temperature on the beach dropped sharply.

   David stood shivering in the sea breeze. After seeing Nikita's car, he rushed up and said with a smile: "Nikita, you are so much more beautiful!"

   "Stop talking nonsense, since that little boy sells fruit here, he should live near here, I'll go find them now!"

   Speaking, Nikita drove away.

   just as she expected.

   The little boy’s house is not far from the beach.

   is different from the beautiful buildings and scenery on the beach.

   Here are low houses and dirty roads.

   Along the way, countless villagers stood on the side of the road curiously watching Xue An and others.

   The little boy kept introducing excitedly.

   Waiting to come to the little boy's house.

   This is located in a deserted place by the village, and the house is crumbling, as if it is about to collapse. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   The little boy stood by the gate and shouted, "Salo, Ina, come out!"

   As he shouted, two little girls, a big and a little girl, walked out of the room in surprise.

  The older one is only five or six years old, and the young one is only three or four years old. They are very shabby, and when they see Xue An and others, their expressions become a little weak.

   The little boy raised the bottle in his hand and said grinningly: "Look, what is this?"

   "Coke!" The eyes of the two little girls came and ran over.

   "Salo drink first! Give the rest to Ina!" the little boy assigned.

   Salo is the older girl. She glanced at the Coke bottle with greedy eyes, then shook her head, "Give it to Ina, she hasn't drank it yet!"

  , she handed the Coke bottle to Ina. After receiving it, the three or four-year-old girl eagerly opened the cap and drank in a few mouthfuls.

   "Does it taste good?" the little boy asked with a grin.

   "Delicious!" Ina said, licking her lips.

   At this time, Salo noticed that his brother's clothes were all torn, and it looked like they were torn, and he was taken aback.

   "Brother, you...were beaten again?"

   The little boy waved his hand nonchalantly, "It's okay, I'm used to it! And this time I would like to thank this gentleman and madam so much! Otherwise I might still be lying on the beach!"

   Salo heard tears in his eyes, and then took a few steps forward and said with great respect: "Thank you! Thank you for saving my brother!"

   Xue An saw everything just now, especially when he saw the boy's shoes on Salo's feet, he couldn't help sighing slightly.

   And An Yan looked at her eyes red, and hurriedly took out all the coke.

   "Come on, everyone has it!"

   Seeing the bottle of Coke exuding alluring light, the eyes of the three brothers and sisters gradually brightened.

   At this moment, a Msi brother and his wife walked into the courtyard from outside.

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