This is a desolate swamp.

There is always a misty demon moon hanging in the sky.

Various poisonous insects are everywhere in the swamp.

The only mission of these poisonous insects is to fight.

Through fighting, they eliminated the weak ones, leaving the slightly stronger ones, and then swallowed by even more powerful ones....

In the end, this entire swamp may only be left with the most powerful one.

This is the survival of the Zerg, cruel and effective.

When Xue An appeared on this swamp, these poisonous insects were all crazy.

Countless poisonous insects are surging, trying to swallow Xue An.

Xue An frowned slightly, and a series of sword qi instantly crushed the poisonous insects within a radius of 100 meters.

But the remaining poisonous insects are still rushing forward, and they don't know how to be afraid.

This is the terrible thing about the Zerg.

But Xue An also knows that these are just the lowest zerg.

The truly powerful Zerg race can escape the mother worm and have its own consciousness, and can even counteract the mother worm.

Naturally, these powerful Zerg races cannot survive despicably in this swamp.

Xue An closed his eyes, opened his mind, and began to explore.

After a while, Xue An opened his eyes, jumped up and disappeared into the sky.

Only large corpses in the swamp were left.

But after a while, these corpses were swallowed by endless poisonous insects.

Any race, when it has a class, it represents civilization.

The Zerg is no exception.

The zerg in this secret realm has obviously been passed on for a long time, and many high-level zergs have evolved, otherwise the overbearing monsters that attack the world will not appear.

Xue An flew by from above, overlooking the small villages and towns below, his complexion gradually becoming hard to look.

There are also human races in this secret realm.

This is not surprising.

As the most powerful race among the heavens, the human races can be said to be all over the world.

But unlike the others, the human race in this secret realm obviously leads a very humiliating life, even almost as if being kept in captivity.

such as…….

Xue An looked at a small town where several high-level Zerg races were slaughtering humans with a grinning smile.

The man was killed.

The female was played to death by several Zerg.

Although there were also people who resisted, human resistance was simply too weak in the face of these Zergs who firmly occupy the top of this secret realm.

"It's so **** cool!" The zerg shouted loudly with a grin, ignoring the tragic shouts.

At this moment, Xue An flew across the sky, snorted coldly, and the sword light emerged, directly cutting all the monsters into powder.

These human races who had escaped from death watched this scene blankly, and after a while, they all knelt to the ground, crying and kowtowing.

Xue An sighed lightly, then turned into streamer and disappeared into the sky.

If at the beginning, Xue An just wanted to retrieve An Qing's soul as soon as possible, now he has another task, which is to slaughter all the Zerg in this secret realm.

This may be a little difficult.

After all, the vastness of this secret realm is even more than that of Kunlun before, and it is more than half the size of the earth.

But for Xue An, what he wants to do must be done.

However, the top priority now is to find An Qing's soul.

In Xue An's spiritual thoughts, a red line of blood that Ruoyouruowu guided him and led to the dark distance.

In this land, there are many cities, all built in the same way as the world.

But among these many cities, only the Lord is the holy land in the hearts of all Zerg races.

Because there is the queen's residence, where the mother worm is.

And around the main capital, there are still many deputy capitals.

These are the places where the dignitaries of the higher zerg live.


In a vice capital.

A woman with a butterfly tattoo on her face slowly opened her eyes, filled with anger and terror.

"Master Huang Quan!"

See her wake up.

Everyone in the room knelt down, shouting loudly.

The woman walked down the high platform with a sinking face, and suddenly stepped on a zerg kneeling on the ground, and a mouthpart appeared in her hand, which was inserted into the zerg's head.

"Master Huang" This advanced zerg struggled a few times before being sucked clean by Huang Quan.

The many worms in the room were all silent.

Huang Quan said coldly to himself at this time: "The **** world can actually hurt me, and even wiped out a clone of me! It's damned!"

No one dared to speak.

There was a dead silence in the room.

At this time, Huang Quan turned his hand, and a halo appeared in his palm, and in the halo, there was a miniature version of An Qing.

"Tsk tusk, what an interesting soul, what the **** is the white light on you? If it swallows you, will it also give me that power?"

Thinking of the white light that wiped out himself, Huang Quan's eyes flashed with greed.

But whenever she was about to swallow it, a faint white light flashed, directly causing Huang Quan to step back in fear.

It is this annoying white light, although faint, but so powerful.

Or... Dedicating her to the Queen? Huang Quan thought unwillingly.

Huangquan was a very special zerg born when the queen was just a small female worm.

It's different from other Zergs who are in the same race.

The body of Huangquan is a butterfly, and it is also the only butterfly of the entire ethnic group.

Her most powerful ability is to increase the fighting ability of the insect swarm almost infinitely.

This also makes her position very detached.

At the same time, Huangquan can also exist independently of the queen, and even disconnected from consciousness.

In other words, Huangquan is already an independent individual.

This also caused Huang Quan's heart to gradually develop an idea.

That is to become the queen of a new ethnic group.

But the prerequisite for this is to eliminate the old king.

Therefore, it has been accumulating strength in secret.

If you offer this soul, if you are successfully swallowed by the Queen, wouldn't your chances of winning be even smaller?

Thinking in his heart, Huang Quan gritted his teeth and simply crushed the soul.

When it was about to start in the sky above the vice capital where it lived, Xue An's figure gradually emerged.

Compared to other small cities, this pair is much more luxurious.

But there are no shops like human cities.

Some are just houses built with black rocks.

After all, Zerg has no aesthetic concept.

Xue An frowned, and he could see the resentment over the sky, showing how many people died at the hands of these insects.

And the red line of blood stretched into the tallest building in the middle.

Xue An took a deep breath and stepped out, with sword lights flashing in his eyes.

"Sword up!"

Countless sword lights appeared, covering the sky above the city.

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