Speaking of these, Bian Qingmu felt heavy in his heart.

Over the past year or so, the two new sects, the Fire King Palace and Xuanfeng Tower, have swept through most of the Kunlun Secret Realm with wildfires.

Many martial arts that have been passed down for thousands of years have been destroyed by it, and countless experts who have been famous for a long time have also been killed by it.

This growth rate is enough to prove the horror of the strength of these two schools.

Moreover, these two schools have threatened more than once that if Xue An dares to return, he will definitely be killed.

Bian Qingmu admires Xue An's strength very much, but this time he faces two clans whose strength is not inferior to the fairy palace in the heyday.

Bian Qingmu always felt a little unsure in his heart.

Xue An laughed when he heard the words, "It's interesting."

Then he turned his head and stroked Cheng Hao and the others and said: "This is the Kunlun Secret Realm, which is here to train you. Now that there is a ready-made whetstone, we will set off tomorrow!"

"Yes!" Cheng Hao and the others bowed together.

The sound shook the roof tiles.

Bian Qingmu looked at the murderous Fire Phoenix members and couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring.


It turns out that in the eyes of the husband, these two giants that have stirred Kunlun are just two whetstones?

Bian Tian couldn't help asking at this moment: "Master Xianshi, where do you want to go first tomorrow?"

"Since our lord of the city wants to make up the tax, we must give him face! Let's go to Jizhou first!" Xue An said lightly.

Jizhou City.

Jia Yingfa is in a good mood these past two days.

Since embracing the thigh of the Fire King Palace, Jia Yingfa felt that the time had come.

Otherwise, how could he become the lord of Jizhou City?

"Has the tax from Qingmu Town been delivered?" Jia Ying asked.

"Return to the Lord of the City, not yet!"

"Asshole!" Jia Ying started to shoot the case, "I sent an official letter, ordering him to pay all the taxes owed within three days. Tomorrow is the third day, and now there is no personal image! It can be seen that this Qingmu Zhenyan There is no city owner like me!"

Jia Yingfa blew his beard and stared, burst into thunder, and then said coldly: "If tomorrow doesn't come, then send someone to level this little Qingmu Town!"


Jia Yingfa waved his hand, and the servant retreated.

Then Jia Yingfa put on a flattering face, ran to the back room in small steps, and fell to the ground with a plop.

"The disciple has seen the hall master!"

"Get up!"

Jia Yingfa stood up, nodded and said with a bow: "Back to the Hall Master, the people in Qingmu Town haven't come until today, I guess they will definitely not come tomorrow!"

Du Bing, the hall master of the Fire God Temple, put down his tea cup and smiled, "Very well, you did a good job! I will report it to the hall master later."

Jia Yingfa was almost exasperated, "Thank you for your cultivation! I have already sent a message. If they have not arrived in Qingmu Town tomorrow, they will immediately send someone to level the Qingmu Town!"

Du Bing nodded, and suddenly lowered his voice, "I heard that the lord of Qingmu Town is a woman?"

Jia Ying showed a knowing smile when she heard the words, and went forward and whispered: "My lord, the town lord of Qingmu Town, Bian Qingmu Nai, is a very famous woman in the east of Kunlun with beautiful appearance, and I also heard that one of her My sister is called Bian Tian, ​​she is in the cardamom years, and she looks even more like a country."

Du Bing's eyes lit up and he coughed a few times: "I think these two women must know some secrets about Xue An. Don't hurt them at that time, and send them to me for detailed questioning."

"My Lord, don't worry, I will do this for you properly."

Du Bing patted Jia Yingfa's shoulder with satisfaction, "Very well, you are a man of work, and the hall master is sure to be expected in the future, let's go on!"


Jia Yingfa walked out of the back house, feeling that his bones were all three points lighter, and his whole body was light and light.

Now he was just a incense master of the Fire God Temple, and he was already the city master guarding one side.

If you really become the hall master, wouldn't it be easy to have glory and wealth and immortality?

Thinking about it, Jia Yingfa felt that Qingmu Town was a key to his better life in the future.

This matter must be dealt with! Jia Yingfa secretly made up his mind.

That night, he summoned many of his masters overnight and worked out various plans in detail.

At the same time, Jia Ying issued a death order.

Be sure to capture the two sisters Bian Aoki and Bian Tian alive.

When everything is ready, it is already noon the next day, and Jia Yingfa is about to set off.

The butler rushed in, with a strange expression on his face.

"My lord! The people from Qingmu Town...coming!"

"Huh?" Jia Yingfa widened his eyes.

"How many people came?"

"People are pretty, listen to them, they are here to pay taxes!"

Jia Yingfa was a little silly.

At that time, he just wanted to find an excuse to conquer Qingmu Town, so he demanded a surprisingly large amount with one mouth.

I didn't expect that they could really make it together.

Jia Ying was in deep thought for a moment, and said with a deep face: "Go, let's take a look first!"

Jia Yingfa walked to the front.


I saw many people standing in front of the mansion gate.

Jia Ying coughed, walked slowly to the steps in front of the mansion gate, looked at the people below, and then said solemnly: "Are you...are all from Qingmu Town?"

Bian Qingmu was talking to Xue An. After hearing the shout, he looked up at Jia Yingfa and couldn't help gritting his teeth.

"Sir, this is the lord of Jizhou City."

Jia Yingfa also saw Bian Qingmu at this moment, and said with a sneer: "Bian Town Lord, I said that it will be delivered within three days. You are really punctual, but it is stuck at the last time. This is despising my Jizhou city. Huh?"

Bian Qingmu hasn't spoken yet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xue An smiled slightly and took a step forward.

"who are you?"

"Me?" Jia Yingfa raised her head arrogantly, "I am the lord of Jizhou City! Boy, you ask who I am, what about you?"

"Oh, it turns out that you are the lord of Jizhou. In this way, you did the same thing that forced Qingmu Town to pay taxes!"

"What is persecution? This is what they should pay!"

"You fart!" Bian Hua couldn't bear it, jumping up and saying.

"I asked, you just let us pay in Qingmu Town in Jizhou, and you keep saying what should be?"

Jia Yingfa's face condensed after being scolded, and said with a sneer: "Bian Town Lord, it looks like you are here to find something!"

Xue An smiled upon hearing this, shook his head and said: "You are wrong!"

"We are not here to find things, but to kill people!"

Xue An's words just fell.

The members of the Fire Phoenix who had been hiding in the crowd all violently.

Before the guards around Jia Yingfa could react, he was caught off guard by Cheng Hao and others.

All this happened like an electric flint. Jia Yingfa didn't react at all. It wasn't until the guards around him died that he trembled all over, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

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