All the members of the Yu family left.

The carriage returned to calm.

Only the blood on the floor reminded people of what just happened.

Everyone looked at Xue An with awe.

Although I don't know who Xue An is.

But looking at the situation just now, it is obviously a big man.

At this time Yuan Mengying got up and left her seat, kneeling down with excitement.

She knew that if Xue An didn't take the shot, she would definitely fall into an extremely dangerous situation now.

She had no way to express her gratitude, so she could only kneel down.

Xue An waved.

A gentle force supported her and prevented her from kneeling, and then said lightly: "I saved you because of your pure filial piety, not for other reasons. You don't have to kneel down!"

Yuan Mengying felt even more grateful, but for a while, she nodded in tears.

At this moment, Tian Bohan, who left with the help of urine, looked at it with a constricted head.

When I saw that there were no bald tigers in the carriage, I was relieved and stepped in.

"Oh, I don't know what's going on, my stomach seems to have been eaten badly, and I went there for so long. Hey, have all those people gone?" Tian Bohan pretended to be surprised, then put on an angry expression on his face.

"It's really cheap for them. If it weren't for my sudden stomach trouble, I would definitely make these guys kneel and beg for mercy."

No one speaks.

The whole carriage looked at him with weird eyes.

It's like... watching a fool's performance.

Tian Bohan, who was a little hairy by these eyes, coughed twice and then smiled at Yuan Mengying.

"Miss Yuan, you are fine! After a while in Zhongdu, I will let my cousin arrange for you to enter Tianyuan!"

Yuan Mengying ignored him with a cold face.

Xue An laughed, "Which Heavenly Destiny do you mean?"

Tian Bohan smiled proudly, "Which Heavenly Fate can be there? Naturally, it is the one that produces Tian Fate potion and ranks among the top ten in the world!"

"Ranked in the top ten in the world?" Xue An said.

"Yeah, don’t you even know this? Although Tianyuan Company has only been established for more than a year, it is now a world-class company because of the excellent efficacy of Tianyuan Potion, and the ranking has soared. I guess it won’t be long before it will be the number one big company in the world!” Tian Bohan said proudly, as if Tianyuan Company belonged to him.

Xue An nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile: "Can you arrange for such a big enterprise?"

"Others may not work, but I definitely can! My cousin is Tianyuan's department manager, and he and Tianyuan's chairman Qiao Leqiao are high school classmates. For this kind of relationship, it is natural to arrange for someone to go in!"

Qiao Le's high school classmate? Xue An's heart moved slightly.

Tian Bohan smiled at Yuan Mengying at this time, "Miss Yuan, let's go back and sit down. There are several forms that you need to fill out in advance!"

Yuan Mengying sat still, a tangled color flashed across her face, and then shook her head, preparing to refuse.

Xue An said with a smile: "It's a good thing to say that, Miss Yuan might as well follow it!"

With that, Xue An blinked at Yuan Mengying.

Yuan Mengying was stunned.

In fact, she has been struggling with this matter just now.

Although the usury matter was resolved, my mother's illness had not yet been resolved.

Although Yuan Mengying believed that as long as she opened her mouth, this mysterious and powerful man would definitely help herself.

But I and others are not relatives, just now this incident is equivalent to a big favor of one million, now how embarrassed to open your mouth again?

At the moment, I still have to find a way to get the Heavenly Fate Potion, otherwise my mother's illness will still be cured.

So although she was extremely disgusted with this Tian Bohan, she could only answer it silently.

I wondered whether if I followed Tian Bohan, would he make the benefactor angry.

When she finally made up her mind to refuse, Xue An unexpectedly motioned her to follow.

She nodded blankly, bowed deeply at Xue An and An Yan, then turned and returned to the seat.

Tian Bohan didn't dare to act blatantly this time, but kept bragging about how good his cousin was.

Yuan Mengying's thoughts were not on this at all. She turned her head and looked at the scenery passing by outside the window, her eyes flickering.

She didn't know what fate was waiting in front of her.

If you really enter the Heavenly Fate, then your mother's illness will be saved, but it also means that you will lose your innocence.

Because Tian Bohan's requirement is to allow himself to enter Tianyuan, and then he has to accompany him for a month.

Thinking of this, Yuan Mengying felt a bit tingling in her heart, and she peeked at Xue An not far away.

Xue An noticed her gaze and smiled at her.

I don't know why, after seeing Xue An's smile, Yuan Mengying's heart settled down.

It's just that she didn't notice, Tian Bohan also noticed this scene, and her expression gradually became gloomy.

The next journey was uneventful, and the train slowly entered Zhongdu Railway Station.

Tian Bohan led Yuan Mengying out of the car.

"Originally, my cousin was here to pick me up, but Director Qiao temporarily notified him to attend the meeting, so he couldn't come. Let's take a taxi and go there!" Tian Bohan said.

Yuan Mengying didn't say a word, but followed him silently, with mixed feelings in her heart, unable to tell what it was like.

At this moment, I heard a calm voice coming, "Are you going to Tianyuan now?"

Yuan Mengying looked up and saw Xue An leading the family standing not far away and said with a smile.

Yuan Mengying nodded.

"Coincidentally, we also want to go to Tianyuan, why not go together!"

There was a warm current in Yuan Mengying's heart, her nose was sour, and she almost cried.

Tian Bohan's complexion became more difficult to look, and he sneered, "What are you going to do in Tianyuan?"

"Because I happen to have a few friends working at Tianyuan!" Xue An said lightly.

Tian Bohan was taken aback for a moment, and then a sardonic smile appeared on his face, "Oh? Then you talk about who is there? Although I don't work in Tianyuan, I know all the big people who have identity."

"Like Lao Zhao, like Xiao Le!"

Tian Bohan was startled at first and then sneered: "Also Lao Zhao, I guess he is a cleaner in Tianyuan!"

Xue An nodded and smiled, "You really guessed it!"

Tian Bohan looked disapproving.

As he said, although he didn't work in Tianyuan, but because of his cousin Tian Bojun, he was very precious to the big people in Tianyuan.

The names Xue An said were not any of them at all.

So he didn't take it seriously.

After getting the taxi, Tian Bohan dragged Yuan Mengying into the car and drove away.

Xue An smiled slightly and said to An Yan: "Go, let's go to Tianyuan."

Xue An didn't disturb anyone during his return to Zhongdu this time, and naturally there was no pick-up and drop-off vehicle.

He simply took a taxi and took the family to Tianyuan.

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