"Octopus?" Xue An was startled slightly.

"Yeah! An octopus loli!" Tang Xuan'er looked at the octopus who was stealing snacks from the table, and added, "And it's still a very edible one!"

Before the words were over, Zhang Xiaoyu was caught by Xiaosha.

"Dare to steal my snacks! I am going to kill you, mother!" Xiao Sha ran away again.

Tang Xuan'er had a strict limit on her daily snacks, so she couldn't bear to eat it, and wanted to save it until evening when she watched TV.

But I didn't expect to be eaten most of by this hateful octopus.

"Sister Long, I just want to taste it, but who knows that I can't stop eating, I was wrong! Ah... don't slap your face, OK!"

Octopus was knocked to the ground by the angry Xiao Sha again.

Watching this scene, several black lines gradually appeared on Tang Xuan'er's forehead, and finally couldn't help but shout: "Enough, I just wiped the floor in the room, I want to beat you out!"

Xiao Sha nodded, "Good idea!"

As he said, he grabbed one of Zhang Xiaoyu's leg and dragged her out.

Zhang Xiaoyu was scared and yelled, "Sister Xuan, help, Sister Xuan..."

After a dragon and a demon came out of the room, Zhang Xiaoyu's scream came again after a while.

Tang Xuan'er said helplessly to the phone: "Did you hear that? I guess if you come back later, this octopus might be stewed by Xiao Sha."

Xue An laughed blankly, "Give the phone to Xiaosha!"

Tang Xuan'er walked out of the room and saw Xiao Sha kicking Octopus's body, pulling her arm with one hand, stretching at the limit.

The short arm was pulled out like a rubber band.

Zhang Xiaoyu yelled in pain, "Sister Long, it's going to be broken! Ah! Don't pull it anymore! I promise I won't steal it again!"

Xiao Sha was full of anger, "Next time? Do you think you have another next time?"

At this time Tang Xuan'er came over, "Nuo, your boss's call!"

Xiao Sha was taken aback when she heard it, and then hurriedly picked it up.


Xue An sighed softly on the other side of the phone, "Okay, don't call! I will go back tomorrow! Let this octopus monster wait for me!"


Zhang Xiaoyu also heard Xue An's voice on the phone, and after a moment she couldn't help crying.

"Is it Master Xianshi? Help Master Xianshi! I am about to be killed by this evil dragon!"

Tang Xuan'er covered her eyes.

This Zhang Xiaoyu is not only a gluttonous glutton, but also a great dramatist.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Don't worry, she won't kill you! Wait for now, I will go back tomorrow!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

An Yan looked at Xue An with a confused expression.

"Husband, what's the matter? Why do I listen to such excitement, what Xiaosha or octopus!"

Xue An smiled slightly, "It's nothing, let's go back to Beijiang tomorrow."


And in front of Tianzi No. 1 Villa, when Xue An hung up the phone.

The howling and crying Zhang Xiaoyu was stunned, and then turned his head cautiously to look at the sinking sand, and smiled flatteringly.

"Sister Long..."

Xiao Sha smiled sadly, "Sister Long? Didn't you tell the boss that I am a dragon?"

Zhang Xiaoyu trembled all over, "A slip of the tongue, it was pure slip of words just now! How could a powerful and beautiful flood dragon like you be an evil dragon!"

"That's it!" Xiao Sha nodded.

Zhang Xiaoyu let out a sigh of relief, and said his heart had finally stalled.

But in the next second, she felt that the whole person was flying.

Xiaosha grabbed one of her arms like a windmill, and huffed her into the wind.

"Ahhhhh! Sister Long, what are you going to do?"

"What are you doing? Naturally, I will send you to a fun place." Xiao Sha said, suddenly letting go.

The rounded octopus was launched like a cannonball, and flew into the distance in a parabolic trajectory.

"Ahhhhhhh...don't do this, I'm afraid of heights!" Zhang Xiaoyu shouted in the air.

Then he fell into Yunmeng Lake with a plop, and there was no more sound.

Xiao Sha stood on the top of the hill and looked at.

Tang Xuan'er asked with some worry: "There won't be any accidents!"

"Huh, she is also a water monster anyway, how could something happen?" Xiaosha sneered.

"But isn't she a monster in the sea? Yunmeng Lake is a freshwater lake!" Tang Xuaner said.

Xiao Sha was stunned, then scratched his scalp, "It seems to be too!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Xiaoyu slowly floated to the surface, motionless, like a corpse.

Xiaosha is also a little nervous, isn't it really dead?

That's it!

Tomorrow the boss will come back to find out about it, and he will have to follow it.

"Or, let me go and have a look?" Xiao Sha said.

At this moment, the octopus lying on the water sprayed a fountain with one mouth, and then coughed.

"God, almost drowned me!"

Xiao Sha let out a sigh, "Hmph, I knew she couldn't die!"

Tang Xuan'er looked at Xiao Sha with a weird look at this time.

"Sister Xuan, what do you always see me doing?"

"Didn't you find that you are still in human form?" Tang Xuan'er said quietly.

Xiao Sha was stunned when he heard it, and looked down at his body, "It's really true! Only when you are drunk can you transform into a human being. When he wakes up, he recovers. What happened this time?"

"It's probably because of her!" Tang Xuan'er looked at the small octopus swimming in the Yunmeng Lake in the form of a dog, and said softly.

Xue An dealt with the matter of Zhongdu for a while, and was planning to fly back to Beijiang directly with his family.

Chen Rushi is here.

"Sir!" Chen Rushi said softly.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Miss Chen, what's the matter?"

Chen Rushi lowered his head, never daring to look at Xue An.

She thought that she had forgotten this relationship, but she did not expect her heartbeat to speed up frantically when she met Xue An.

She took a deep breath and said calmly: "Sir, I'm here to bring a friend to thank you!"



Speaking of Chen Rushi turning sideways, UU reading www.uukanshu.com saw a woman walking in staggeringly.

Xue An was startled slightly, then smiled and nodded, "So it's Miss Wei!"

This faltering girl is the same Wei Rulan who was able to travel in a wheelchair before.

Wei Rulan smiled and said: "Mr. Xue, I heard that you are returning to Zhongdu, I hurried to find Rushi to come over to thank you! If you hadn't given me the spiritual stone, maybe I still can't walk in a wheelchair. Yeah!"

People who have not experienced it may not be able to imagine the desire of a person in a wheelchair to walk.

Wei Rulan's leg disease was born with him, and he had been treated by famous doctors all over the world to no avail.

Later, she was even desperate, but she did not expect that at Xue An and An Yan's wedding, the spiritual stone Xue An handed her had a miraculous effect.

Now she can walk slowly without relying on crutches and other objects.

So she was naturally very grateful to Xue An, and this time she came here to express her gratitude.

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