Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 529: 2 little girls who sneaked out

Xiao Sha shuddered when he heard the words, and almost overturned Wei Ruyan and Xie Jingjing.

"You... when did you climb up?"

Zhang Xiaoyu chuckled, "My Royal Highness said that she allowed me to follow Sister Long's death, so I sneaked up! Sister Long, are you very happy? Hehehehe."

Xiao Sha was indeed a little happy in her heart, but this was obviously unacceptable, so she raised her head proudly, "Have fun!"

"Huh, how do you know I like balls?"

Several black lines appeared on Xiaosha's forehead, and her joy was reduced by half.

And Zhang Xiaoyu was not honest on Xiaosha's back.

"Sister Long, you are flying so high!"

"Sister Long, do you think that cloud looks like the corn cooked by Sister Xuan?"

"Sister Long..."

Xiao Sha couldn't bear it, and roared: "Enough! Can you be quiet for a while!"

After three seconds of silence.

Zhang Xiaoyu weakly said: "It's been quiet for a while, can you?"

Xiaosha almost didn't fall from the air, and the warmth in his heart just disappeared.

It looks better to be deserted!

Seeing this scene, Xue An couldn't help but smiled and shook his head, suddenly missing his two daughters.

I don’t know what I miss now.

Did you miss me?

At the same time, in the Tianzi No. 1 Villa in Beijiang.

Tang Xuan'er has not gone to work these days, but has been with An Yan at home.

But apart from Tang Xuan'er, no one knew that An Yan had returned.

At this time, the two were learning to make cakes in the kitchen following the video on Douyin.

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian were watching TV in the living room on the second floor.

"It's boring!" Thinking about leaning on the sofa, his face looked unlovable.

"Sister, what are you boring?" Nian-nian asked while licking her hands.

She had just eaten an ice cream and there was still cream on her hands.

This is simply unbearable for a snack food, so it is natural to lick it clean.

"Aren't you boring? These cartoons are turned over and over every day, boring!"

Niannian frowned and thought for a while, "I think it's okay, as long as I can eat ice cream, I won't be bored!"

"You know how to eat!" Think about it helplessly, and then sneaked up to Nian Nian's ear, and the **** said mysteriously.

"I just read an advertisement on my mobile phone and said that a new aquarium has been opened in the city. There are a lot of marine life and a dolphin show. Should we go take a look?"

Nian Nian's eyes lit up, "Okay, okay! I like watching dolphins the most! Then go tell mom and Aunt Xuaner now?"

"Shhh, I can't tell my mother and Aunt Xuan'er about this!" I thought about making a silent gesture.

After a while, "Why?"

"You think, if you follow them, you must be taken care of by them, then we won't have fun!"

"But if you don't tell them, how can we both go?" Nian Nian asked with a puzzled look.

Think about it with a proud smile, "Naturally the two of us went by ourselves!"

Niannian's eyes gradually widened, "We two go by ourselves?"

Thinking about it, nodded, "Yes!"

"But..." Nian Nian still hesitated.

"Oh, there are so many! Besides, we are not two or three-year-old kids anymore! We are all five and a half years old now!"

"And I heard that there is free ice cream in the aquarium!"

"Go!" Nian-nian nodded immediately.

After making up their minds, the two little girls began to plan how to go.

Think of a girl who is very mobile.

And she had been thinking about the idea of ​​sneaking out to play for more than a day.

So she said pretentiously: "Mom and Aunt Xuan'er will watch TV in the living room until 5 pm after lunch every day!"

"And our chance to sneak out is at this time."

"After lunch, the two of us pretended to take a nap, and then we went to the second floor and climbed out through the back window. I have checked it with my mobile phone. It takes 45 minutes to drive to the city from here!"

"So if we go out at 12:30, we will arrive at the Aquarium at about 1:30! Then we will play at 3:30 and then take the car back! So moms and others will not find out at all! How? Is this plan perfect?" Think about it proudly.

Nian Nian looked confused, and shook her head, "I don't understand! But what if my mother finds out?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen if you know it! Because we were back then!"

"But I'm still scared!" Compared to the strength of thinking, Nian Nian seemed a lot more honest.

Think about it impatiently and say: "If you're afraid, don't go, I'll go by myself! But if you think about it, it's free ice cream!"

The temptation of ice cream made Nian Nian courageous, "No, I want to go!"

After the two little girls discussed, they went downstairs for lunch.

An Yan and Tang Xuan'er made a big table of sumptuous lunches, and the two little girls were full, then think about it.

"Mom, Aunt Xuan'er, the two of us went to sleep upstairs!"

"Well, go! Remember not to steal ice cream!" An Yan exhorted.


The two little girls went upstairs.

An Yan and Tang Xuan'er didn't notice, they started watching TV after they packed their dishes.

On the second floor, I opened a window leading to the backyard, and put down the rope prepared in advance.

"I'll get off first!"

After speaking, he took the lead and followed the rope downstairs.

Nian Nian looked at it. Although the second floor was not high and the backyard was full of soft lawns, she was still scared.

"Sister, I'm afraid!"

"Don't be afraid, you turn around and grab the rope and slowly move it down! I'll follow you down below!" Think about it and comfort.

Nian-nian was shivering all over, pale and slowly rubbed down the rope.

After finally getting to the bottom, think about grabbing Nian Nian's hand.


The two little girls followed a path in the backyard to the bottom of the mountain.

Don't dare to walk through the gate, for fear of being recognized by the security guards.

The two little girls found a drainage hole along the wall.

This hole is very Adults must not pass through.

But the two little girls can easily pass through.

After finally getting out, think about walking on the road outside while pulling Niannian with an open eyebrow.

Because this is a rich area, there are no vehicles on the road.

Nian Nian asked, "Sister, how do we take a taxi in this case?"

Think about it with a smile, and solemnly took out the phone from the small bag he was carrying.

"Haha, I was prepared!"

After speaking, he called an online car-hailing service through the mobile phone software.

"Wait, the car is coming soon!" Think about it.

Nian Nian was full of admiration, "Sister, you are amazing!"

"Hey, that's natural!"

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