Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 570: Little Lolita with a low smile

Bafang City is located on the only way to Bafang Mountain, where the city walls are tall and lined with shops, which is obviously a prosperous place.

In the northeast corner of Bafang City, Feiyanbao's range of strength.

When Xue An followed Lian Yunting to the gate of Feiyanbao, someone was already waiting here.

"Second lady, the master already knows about the murderous spirits ambushing you, he is now meeting with guests, let me wait for you here!" Feiyanbao's butler said respectfully.

Lian Yunting nodded, "This is the predecessor who saved me, he's a good hospitality, don't neglect!"


Lian Yunting smiled at Xue An again, "Senior, I'm going to change clothes! You go to the living room to rest for a while!"

Xue An nodded.

Lian Yunting is gone.

The butler stepped forward and said, "Senior, please come with me!"

Xue An followed the housekeeper into Feiyan Castle.

The hundred-year-old school is naturally extraordinary. Needless to say, the carved beams and painted buildings, especially the architectural pattern, have a flavor of battle formation.

Xue An looked at him as he walked, and the butler couldn't help but see a strange color in his eyes.

When I arrived in the living room, a maid offered tea, and the butler quietly left after a while with him.

Xue An was left alone in the huge living room.

While drinking tea, Xue An looked at the furnishings in the living room.

After a while, he said indifferently: "Have you seen enough?"

Following his voice, a girl gave a cry and walked out.

This is a little Lolita who is only eleven or twelve years old, she is very cute, she is looking at Xue An with big eyes.

"Are you the predecessor who saved my second sister?" the little girl asked playfully.

Xue An nodded.

"Wow, that's amazing! But can't the Chinese cultivate?" the little girl asked, tilting her head.

"Who said that people who have to practice can become seniors?" Xue An said lightly.

The little girl nodded, "It makes sense! When my dad forces me to practice, I will respond to him like this!"

Xue An laughed dumbly, and the little girl looked like a young girl who had not been involved in the world.

"My name is Lian Yunluo, what is the name of Senior?" the little girl asked.

"Xue An!"

"Senior Xue, how old are you today!"

"Do you have a family?"


A series of question marks made Xue An dumbfounded, "Are you here to check your household registration?"

"What is the hukou?"


Xue An was also bored, so he talked and laughed with this little loli.

But often before Xue An said a few words, this Lian Yunluo laughed so hard that he couldn't afford to laugh, making Xue An a little baffling.

This little loli...the laugh point is too low!

At this moment, a man outside the door whispered: "Miss San, Lord Fortress is looking for you!"

Lian Yunluo nodded with boredom after hearing this, "Okay, I see! It is probably forcing me to practice again, which is really annoying!"

Then he blinked at Xue An, "Senior, you are really funny!"

"Thank you!" Xue An smiled faintly, but in the next second his calmness was broken by Lian Yunluo's words.

"It would be great if you could be my brother-in-law! Hee hee hee! Or I can marry you!" Lian Yunluo smiled and ran away.

Xue An shook his head somewhat nonchalantly.

This little loli probably doesn't know what it means to marry.

At this moment, the young man stepped in and looked at Xue An with an indifferent expression.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became dignified, and a powerful aura enveloped Xue An.

Xue An didn't seem to notice it. He picked up his cup and took a sip of tea slowly, then raised his eyes slightly, "Something?"

The young man said coldly: "I just want to tell you, don't think what can happen if you save the second lady!"

Xue An raised the corner of his mouth, put the tea cup down, and lay down comfortably on the chair, with his fingers facing each other, and said lightly: "Are you threatening me?"

The man was silent for a moment, "I'm telling you! It's best to stay away from Miss 2 and Miss 3! Otherwise..."


"Otherwise, I will let you know how great it is!"

As soon as the young man spoke, he suddenly felt that his shoulders sank, and when he looked at the chair there was no trace of Xue An, and then he heard a calm voice speaking from the back of his neck.

"If I want to kill you, now your neck is broken, believe it?"

The young man's muscles were stiff, and there was a look of shock in his eyes.

When did this man come behind him?

What's the matter with this ghostly speed?

Didn't he have no cultivation base?

Suspicious in his heart, Xue An patted him on the shoulder.

"If you like her, you will chase it. By threatening others, you won't get the favor of women! They only worship the strong! Understand?" Xue An said lightly.

The young man looked confused and didn't seem to understand why Xue An said this to himself.

At this time the housekeeper came again, "Senior, the castle master has set up a dinner and invites you to go to the banquet! Hey, even Fushan, what are you doing here?" The housekeeper sank and asked.

Lian Fushan's face turned pale, and he seemed to be very afraid of the butler, and didn't know how to answer.

Xue An smiled slightly, "It's okay, just discussing some issues!"

The butler glanced suspiciously at Lian Fushan, but did not ask further, and said to Xue An, "Please follow me!"

Xue An nodded with a smile, followed the big housekeeper and left the living room to the front house.

The owner of Feiyanbao is called Lian Yuanhua, who is more than 40 years old and has three beards and a calm expression. The light that bursts out from time to time in his eyes shows his impressive strength.

In addition, there are more than a dozen men and women of all ages.

Lian Yunting was also there, but his face looked ugly, as if he had just been arguing with someone.

After seeing Xue An walking in, Lian Yunting stood up suddenly.


Xue An nodded slightly.

At this time, Lian Yuanhua slowly got up and left his seat, and gave his hand slightly, "Thank you for saving my daughter! Please sit down!"

Xue An's smile did not change, and he glanced around the whole room lightly and then sat down on the chair naturally.

"It's just a small effort, don't be polite!"

Lian Yuanhua was a little surprised at this time.

He was very grateful today when he heard that his daughter was ambushed by the evil spirit sect and then saved by one person.

But later he knew that the person who saved his daughter was actually a Chinese.

And he is still a Chinese with no cultivation.

Lian Yuanhua couldn't help but feel a little disapproving, so he wanted to let it go.

But even Yunting refused to say anything, and had a dispute with herself for this. In the end, he set a banquet to see what this person came from.

Unexpectedly, this Chinese man was still calm and calm in the face of so many people.

This surprised Lian Yuanhua.

Could it be that as Yunting said, although this person has no cultivation base, his strength is extremely strong?

Lian Yunting personally filled Xue An with a glass of wine and handed it over.

"Senior, I respect you for this cup!"

Xue An smiled slightly, took the cup and was about to drink.

Just heard a gloomy voice, "Hehe, a humble Chinese, what right does he have to sit at the banquet?"

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