Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 584: Ethnic Chinese! charge!

The city gate opened slowly.

Xiao Shui took the lead and led the Chinese soldiers directly out.

The ink armor outside was thinking about how to break through the city gate, but unexpectedly the city gate was opened, and then a group of Chinese rushed out.

This group of Mexican soldiers couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Hey, these stupid Chinese people actually took the initiative to send it to the door!"

"Brothers, destroy these Chinese people and take down the city. The first effort is ours!"

These ink armor soldiers shouted loudly, and then rushed up with a grinning grin.

In their understanding, these Chinese people have hard bones, but because they can't cultivate, their bodies are very weak, and they are not the opponents of their own fully armed soldiers.

But this time they were wrong.

Xiao Shui looked at the Black Armored soldiers rushing like wolves and tigers, and said in a deep voice, "Finalize!"

With his order, these Chinese warriors quickly changed their formations, from the marching formations they had just started to the defensive formations, facing the ink armour regiments that were flooding like water.

If you look down from the sky, you can see such a spectacular scene.

The Chinese side is yellow, and the ink armor is like a black tide.

As soon as the two parties touched, it was as if an earth-yellow boulder was facing the surging tide.

Although the tide was fierce, the earth-yellow boulder stood firm as if it had taken root.

These Mexican soldiers were even more surprised.

In their impression, no Chinese can survive a charge from these people!

This time, they couldn't shake these cold-faced Chinese fighters at all.

In these ink armor soldiers in a daze.

Xiao Shui said loudly: "All of you listen to the order, attack!"

With an order, the eyes of these Chinese soldiers lit up with bloodthirsty rays, and the formation changed from the initial defense to the attack.

A huge spear suddenly took shape, and then straight into these ink armoured regiments.

A Chinese warrior slashed across and forced an ink-armored soldier back by half a step, but before the ink-armored soldier could react, the person following the Chinese soldier slashed out from another angle.

Hearing a puff, the skull of the ink armor was chopped off.

And until this person's head fell to the ground, his dying incomprehension and fear remained in his eyes.

I don't seem to understand why these Chinese people suddenly become so powerful.

The Chinese warriors were advancing at a very uniform pace, blood was everywhere, and people's heads rolled everywhere they passed.

No one can stop them from moving forward.

After a while, the ink armoured group that played forward collapsed.

These Ink Armored soldiers, who used to be proud of their strength, finally tasted the taste of fear, and they also tasted it from the Chinese people they usually despised the most.

Seeing these Ink Armored soldiers who turned around, all the Chinese warriors and the Chinese people who watched the battle from the back burst into tears.

Thousands of years of oppression, this time, they can finally stand up proudly.

Although excited, these Chinese fighters are still advancing rigorously in accordance with the requirements of the battlefield.

At this time, these defeated Black Armored soldiers rushed to the front of the rear position.

"Asshole, who made you run back?" The soldiers supervising the war slashed and killed several Mexican soldiers, and then gave up.

Because these Ink Armored soldiers seemed to have encountered something extremely terrifying, even if they were killed, they did not dare to go back to fight.

"A bunch of rubbish! Even so little Chinese can't clean up! The Black Dragon Army rushed to wipe out these Chinese people at the order!" Jiang Yaosi's right-hand man was commanding the Mexican soldiers behind.

Following his order, the Black Dragon Corps in the back formation slowly walked out.

These people are different from the Mexican soldiers who are siege.

Because they all wore heavy black armor with indifference on their faces.

When they stood together, it was like an army coming out of hell.

This is the real elite of the Chidori Kingdom, the Black Dragon Corps.

Although I felt that the use of black dragon soldiers to eliminate these Chinese people was a little useless, but the situation forced the leader of the team to grinned.

"Little ones, rush up and let these humble Chinese people know what the real elite is!"

Hearing the words, the Black Dragon Corps stepped forward together, as if they were alone.

This kind of power has made the many Chinese people watching the game change in color.

But Xiao Shui was not afraid, and said loudly: "Brothers, the real elites of the Chidori Kingdom are in front of you. Only by defeating them can we wash away the Chinese people's shame for thousands of years! From then on, we will never be affected by others. Look down! Don't say too much! For the glory of the Chinese, charge!"

Xiao Shui's words made all the Chinese warriors look solemn, and their eyes gradually rose up with a frenzied fighting spirit.

I don't know who started it, and someone started singing softly.

"Qi said that I have no clothes, and my son is in the same robe. Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear. Have my hatred with my son!"

At the beginning, the singing voice was very small, but soon, all the Chinese warriors started singing in unison.

"Qi said Wuyi, and Zi Ze, Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear. Work with Zi!

Qi said that I have no clothes, and my son is in the same clothes, Wang Yuxing division, repair my armor. Go with the son! "

To the back, the sound was loud.

All the Chinese people heard tears in their eyes.

Because this is a war song that has been handed down since the ancient Chinese.

Once sung, it means that the Chinese soldiers will fight to the death.

At this time, the Chinese warrior and the group of black dragon soldiers finally collided together.

No screams, no shouts.

Some are just the sound of swords breaking through the air, the squashing of armor and skin being cut, the splashing of blood, and the sound of the body falling to the ground.

All this constitutes a cruel death movement.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a third of the Chinese soldiers and these black dragon soldiers were killed.

This scene shocked the many Mexican soldiers who watched the battle behind.

"How is it possible! How could these Chinese people suddenly be so powerful?" The captain of the Black Dragon Corps cried out in shock.

At this time, the Chinese soldiers were still marching stubbornly, stepping on the corpses and blood of their compatriots.

But these black dragon soldiers are indeed the elite of the elite. Even with so many casualties, they still did not retreat, and they fought with these Chinese warriors.

Xiao Shui knocked down a black dragon soldier with a sword, and at this time he was already deeply encircled.

But at this moment, all the Chinese warriors seemed to have negotiated. They all stepped forward and started a brutal killing like one life for Xiao Shui watched a seventeen eighteen. The year-old boy rushed to a black dragon soldier, and when the spear in his hand pierced the black dragon soldier, the swords of the two dragon soldiers next to him had been inserted into his chest.

But the young man didn't have the slightest fear on his face, even the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a smile of relief, and then firmly grasped the two long swords with both hands, and shouted with the last trace of strength.

"Chinese, charge!"

Such a cruel scene shocked all the black armored soldiers, and even the black dragon soldiers who had never known fear had a look of fear in their eyes.

And all the Chinese people have burst into tears.

There was a mist of rain in the sky, and it seemed that even God couldn't stand it anymore.

Xiao Shui wiped away tears. Holding a long sword, roared.

"Chinese shame, from today, from the beginning of this battle! Charge! Immortal endlessly!" Invincible, starting from Dad Xianzun

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