"And once it mutates, it will be completely finished, so I will venture to fight the devil wolf and want to get a glass of clean water!"

"As for my sword technique, it was an ability that I awakened last year, and I don't know what's going on."

Xue An was somewhat silent.

If you think about it, you can know what the so-called clean water looks like in Atu's mouth.

That may be the waste water that is called dangerous goods on the earth.

But here is a precious resource that people rely on for survival.

And Atu's words also corroborated Xue An's thoughts.

The sword technique he used was a kind of natural ability, a supernatural ability that had nothing to do with cultivation base and spiritual energy, and was completely generated by himself.

But Xue An always felt that this talent was more like a mutation.

"Do you still have a younger sister?"

Atu nodded, a happy smile appeared on his face, "If you don't dislike it, you can follow me home to take a look! My sister looks good!"

Xue An smiled slightly, "Okay!"

At the back of the street is a large stretch of shanty towns.

These sheds are all built with various waste products, not even a house at all, but at best they can block the sun.

Xue An followed Atu on the complicated path.

From time to time, Atu would greet people around him.

If these people can be called people.

Because it is closer to the wilderness, the radiation is more serious.

In addition, there is no shelter, so many people living in it have begun to mutate seriously.

Especially for the elderly and children who are unable to obtain clean water, the variation is more serious.

When Xue An followed Atu, many people looked at Xue An with awe and fear.

After all, in this place, there are few people as clean and tidy as Xue An.

Just after passing a corner, a scrawny young man whose hand had been mutated like a branch suddenly blocked his way.

"Atu, you had a good harvest today!" The boy looked at the big parcel that Atu was carrying with greedy eyes.

After seeing the young man, Atu flashed a light of disgust in his eyes, and then coldly snorted: "This is my reward for working for this second-order warrior! Yao Xiaofei, what do you want to do?"

Second-order samurai!

This title made this Yao Xiaofei's complexion change, he looked at Xue An in awe, then turned and ran away.

"This guy wanders around here all day, and often steals food from my sister and me! Just like hyenas in the wilderness, it's annoying!" Atu said very displeased.

At this time they had come to a broken shed on the edge of the shanty town.

This shed is considered the most dilapidated in this shanty town, crooked and crooked, as if it were about to collapse soon.

At the same time, he was still in the most fringe zone, facing the strong radiation outside.

But after Ah Tu arrived here, a gentle expression gradually appeared on his face.

"My lord, this is my home and my little sister!"

With that, Atu stepped forward and pushed aside the thing that could barely be called a door.

"Little girl! I'm back!"

Following Atu's voice, a young girl walked out from the shack.

"Brother, is that you?"

At the first glance of this young girl, even Xue An couldn't help but feel some scalp tingling.

Because this girl has obviously begun to mutate.

The fleshy grape-like things grew on the originally beautiful cheeks, which looked very hideous and terrifying, and even pulled the nose and mouth at a strange angle.

But the girl's eyes are extremely beautiful, and her brows are as gentle as pictures.

But at this moment, these delicate eyes were covered with a gray haze, dim and dull.

And from the way she fumbled around the wall when she came out, it can be inferred that the girl was obviously blind.

A bright smile appeared on Atu's face, "Well! It's me! Sister, I'm back!"

"Huh, are there any guests?" the girl said with a smile.

Although her cheeks were very weird, when she laughed, her eyebrows and eyebrows curled up and looked very gentle.

"Yes, this is a high-ranking samurai! He sent me back! And he also gave us a lot of things!" Atu said with a smile.

The girl trembled when she heard the words, then stretched out a pair of slender hands and gently saluted in Xue An's direction.

"Thank you, sir, for saving my brother!"

Xue An smiled, "You're welcome!"

At this time, Atu put down the big bag of things, and then picked out a good fire scorpion jerky, "Sister, try it soon!"

The girl waved her hand, "I'm not hungry, brother, eat first!"

"Oh, if you let you eat it, you can eat it. This time the adult gave me a lot of things! Don't save it and give it to me!" Atu said angrily.

The girl then caught it, then took a bite and chewed slowly.

"Is it delicious?" Atu asked with a smile.

The girl nodded, "Well, it's delicious!"

Atu smiled happily, "Sir, sister, you are waiting here, I will put these things up first, otherwise they will rot!"

As he said, Atu happily carried the big bag of things into it.

At this time, the girl cherished the fire scorpion meat jerky in her pocket, and then whispered: "Sir, was my brother very dangerous at the time?"

Xue An was taken aback, then nodded, "Yes! If I go late, he will die!"

The girl was silent for a moment, and then said lowly: "Brother silly, I persuaded him not to go, but he insisted not to listen. I just smelled the blood on him, but I dare not say!"

"Actually... I know he is for me, but I don’t have to drink first-grade water every meal to eat jerky. The water in those puddles is hard to drink, but I’m used to it! Really! I just want to Brother live!"

The girl's voice was calm, calm to the point of cruelty.

Xue An did not speak, but listened quietly.

The girl said in a low voice at this time: "My elder~www.wuxiaspot.com~My brother is very powerful and sensible. If you lack any entourage, can you let him go? Don't worry about me, I can live alone!"

Just as the girl was about to continue speaking.

Atu walked out excitedly, holding a bowl of water in his hand.

"Sister, come, drink water!"

"Brother, I'm not thirsty, I just drank it just now..."

"Drink!" Atu said solemnly.

The girl obediently took the bowl, took a sip slowly, and then froze.

"Hey, delicious, right?" Atu said with a grin.

"This...this is..."

"This is the top pure water that adults gave me! Drink it!"

The girl shook her head, "Brother, this water is too precious, you should change to other things!"

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