Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 724: Water sacrifice? rain!

The Xiong family is very powerful in the Silver City, otherwise it would not be in the Silver Council.

Now that Xiong Hai died in the hands of this young man, the Xiong family would definitely not let it go.

Although I admired Attu very much in his heart, Crolia decided not to care about it anymore.

After all, compared with a rich man in Silver City, the weight of a young master is still too light.

So after a few glances, she walked through the crowd in silence and walked into the tower.

Seeing this scene, many people looked at Atu's eyes worse and worse.

But more people are still surprised by Xiong Xi's performance.

The Lord Saint had already made it so obvious that he didn't care about it.

Why is he still reluctant to do it?

Do you want to wait until the water festival is over before taking revenge?

In the face of these surprised gazes, Xiong Xi ignored it, only a flash of murderous intent flashed deep in his eyes.

Atu naturally felt the abnormal atmosphere, especially the fierce light in Xiong Xi's eyes, even fools could feel his hatred.

Therefore, Atu walked to Xue An and said softly, "My lord, this guy should be from the Xiong family, should we do it?"

Xue An was noncommittal, but kept looking at the tower. After a meeting, he said lightly: "Don't worry, wait! Wait until the water festival is completed!"

Atu nodded, then looked at Xiong Xi without showing any weakness, and sneered at him.

Seeing Atu's behavior, this Xiong Xi's already ugly expression is now dripping with gloomy expression.

The butler and others standing behind Xiong Xi couldn't help but want to step forward, but Xiong Xi stopped him.

Just when the atmosphere became tense.

The crowd burst into loud cheers.

"The King!"

"The Immortal King!"

Everyone looked up.

Seeing the silver city lord appeared on the observation platform at the top of the tower.

Seeing this strange dress of the Silver City Lord, Atu asked with some curiosity: "My lord, why is this person's dress so weird?"

Xue An's expression was indifferent, "People? Haha, then look down!"

Atu originally wanted to ask something, but at this moment.

Just listen to the Silver City Lord waving his hand, and then shouted with a weird voice: "My people, in order to show my glory, the water sacrifice begins now!"

Following his order, the crowd burst into cheers.

But Atu didn't notice any strangeness, which was a little baffling.

"What are the cheers of these guys...huh?"

Atu's eyes rounded and stared at the sky blankly.

I saw a large cloud of thick clouds appeared on the sky that was always shrouded in gray mist.

These dark clouds gathered quickly, covering the entire square with the tower as the center, and then water droplets began to fall from the dark clouds.

It was sparse at first, but soon, the speed of the water droplets began to increase.

In an instant, rain curtains formed.

At first, Atu was a little frightened, but when the water dripped on his body, he was taken aback.

Because the water does not feel the slightest numbness after being contaminated on the body, it shows that the water has almost no radiation.

Atu was almost stupid.

"This... what is this?"

As he grew up in this wasteland world, the fact that clean water with extremely low radiation falls from the sky is simply challenging his imagination.

"This is the water festival! But for me, I would rather call it rain!" Xue An said lightly.

"It''s raining?" Atu was obviously new to this unprecedented vocabulary.

Xue An smiled, "This is a very natural phenomenon, but you haven't seen it before!"

At this time, everyone in the square knelt down with excitement, some of them even squatted on the ground, and began to **** the rain crazily on the ground.

For these people, there may only be such an opportunity in a year to taste the water in such a luxury.

But most of them started to collect water with the various utensils they brought with them.

This will be their source of livelihood for a long time to come.

But no matter what they were doing, they all paid homage to the Silver City Lord on the tower, and some were already excited and tearful, shouting their names to show their respect.

Xue An watched all this with cold eyes, and whispered: "Depriving you of what originally belonged to you, and then granting a small amount of benefits, it will make you so grateful. It's really a good way!"

"My lord, what are you talking about?" Atu asked with some confusion.

Xue An smiled, "Nothing!"

It rained for a while before it started to dissipate.

At this moment, Xiong Xi, who had been sitting there, suddenly jumped up from his seat, raised his face and shouted at the Silver City Lord and Crolia on the tower: "My Lord, Lord Saint! I am! Have something to say!"

The sound resounded through the audience, and it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The Silver City Lord above the tower lowered his head and looked at Xiong Xi, "What do you have to say?"

Xiong Xi gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to point at Atu, "Sir, don't you want us to beware of outsiders? I can tell you now that this guy is the outsider who slaughtered Dark Iron City!"


This sentence seemed like a shock to the world, and it evoked the exclamation of many people.


"This boy is actually an outsider?"

Chromia was also startled, and then asked with a deep face, "Xiong Xi, what is going on?"

Xiong Xi had already figured out the wording for a long time, so he said bitterly: "Master Saint, my son Xiong Hai was killed last night, I think you should all know!"

"You must think that my son is not at ease here!"

"But actually it's not like that at all. Since you met this boy on the street, Xiong Hai had doubts about this boy, so he went to investigate at night!"

"Unexpectedly, this person's shot would be so fierce that he would kill my son directly!"

"Unfortunately, what he didn't expect is that my son has a secret technique that can deliver some important information in critical moments!"

"He told me this guy was the murderer who slaughtered Dark Iron City and killed my second son, Xiong Lei!"

As soon as this passage was exported, almost everyone believed it.

If Xue An didn't know the inside story, he would be deceived by this vowed guy.

After all, this paragraph of his rhetoric fits perfectly, and it sounds perfect without any flaws.

Chromia's face changed, and then she looked at the Silver City Lord.

"My king! Look at this..."

City Lord Baiyin never spoke, but stared at Atu condescendingly.

Even at this time, Atu still raised his face proudly, without the slightest sense of fear.

Even his heart was faintly excited.

Xiong Xi is overjoyed.

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