But this clear mind fruit was enough to offset all losses.

After all, this is a heavenly elixir that can directly affect people's state of mind, and can even bring back the devilish people.

But in the face of such a temptation, after Xiao Dancheng's complexion changed a few times, he still shook his head slightly, "Miss Fu, I'm sorry, I can't make a pill for you!"

"Why?" Fu Xinyan had just observed her words and expressions, and saw the greed in Xiao Dancheng's eyes, and she thought she had a full grasp of the matter.

But it was unexpected that Xiao Dancheng would refuse.

This was simply beyond her expectation.

Xiao Dancheng shook his head, "No reason, please go back!"

Seeing Xiao Dancheng's decisive look, Fu Xinyan's whole body was like falling into an ice cellar.

Recalling how much trouble and financial and manpower it took to obtain these two treasures of heaven and earth, Sihua City finally obtained these two things.

I thought that by finding this pill master who was ranked number one in the Guiyi Eastern Region and refining this elixir into a pill queen, he would be able to save his master.

But who could have thought of such an ending.

Recalling all the difficulties in the past, and the ancestor who was nearly exhausted, the cold-faced Fu Xinyan's nose was sour, and tears fell steadily.

"Master Xiao, please stay!"

With that, Fu Xinyan tucked up her skirt and fell to her knees.

Su Xiaomu was already crying and sobbing, and then knelt down.

Then Fu Xinyan looked up at Xiao Dancheng, "Master Xiao, I have been in the Eastern Region for thousands of years, and I have never had any enmity with anyone. This time I only ask Master Xiao to help us to help us think about China!"

With that, Fu Xinyan touched her head to the ground.

When Xiao Dancheng saw this, he was struggling and hesitant, and he couldn't help sighing, "Miss Fu, please get up, it's not that I don't want to help, it's really someone who is speaking, and I can't let me do it!"

When the words fell, Xiao Dancheng consciously failed to speak, and his face appeared regretful.

But Fu Xinyan had already heard it, and she immediately raised her head, her eyebrows erected, "Master Xiao, what did you say to you?"

"Miss Fu, don't ask, please forgive me for nothing I can do about it!"

"Master Xiao, don't you even dare to tell us who ordered it?"

"It's not that I don't dare, but that you can't do anything about Sihua City, because the person who speaks, even I dare not offend!"

Fu Xinyan's face looked miserable.

There are only a handful of people in the Guiyi Eastern Region who dare not offend Xiao Dancheng, the number one alchemist.

As Xiao Dancheng said, these people are not something that Sihua City can afford.

Fu Xinyan stood up in a daze, picked up two jade boxes and turned around just to leave.

A voice came with a three-point joke.

"Want to go? It's not that easy! Things and people have to stay!"

After speaking, a group of people flew across the sky and appeared above the square.

The leader was a man with a splendid dress and an evil face.

Seeing the visitors, the repairmen in the square were in an uproar.

Then they bend over and salute.

"I have seen Master Ji!"

Fu Xinyan's complexion became extremely ugly, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Iron Bone Alliance!"

Just now she guessed that it was the order from the Iron Bone Alliance, but she didn't expect it to be them, and she came to stop it.

It was Ji Yangxi, the Second Younger of the Iron Bone Alliance, who came here.

As the undisputed king of the Guiyi Eastern Region, the Iron Bone League has the supreme status.

Even the second young Master Ji Yang Xi Ji is no exception. His words can determine the rise and fall of a city.

If it was his order, then Xiao Dancheng certainly wouldn't dare to disobey it.


This Ji Yangxi looked at Fu Xinyan with interest, and then he smiled, "I have long heard that the female cultivator in Sihua City is unparalleled in the world, but now that I see it, I see that I feel pity and well-deserved reputation!"

The words are full of contempt and flirtation.

Fu Xinyan was extremely humiliated in her heart, but her face did not show much abnormality.

Because she knew that she could not provoke the second young master.

"Second Young Master Ji, I think Huacheng has never offended you Iron Bone Alliance, and even pays full sacrifices every year, but you embarrass us so much. What is the meaning of this?" Fu Xinyan tried to suppress the anger in her heart, deep voice Asked.

Ji Yangxi withdrew her greedy gaze from Su Xiaomu's body, and then sneered.

"I haven't offended our Iron Bone Alliance? Well, let me ask you, how did Feng Ling Wufeng Third Young Master die yesterday?"

Hearing these words, Fu Xinyan's expression changed drastically.

"What? Nothing to say?"

Ji Yangxi didn't come here specifically for this incident, just because he was nearby during this time and happened to have heard of this incident.

The relationship between the Feng Family and the Iron Bone Alliance is very good, and Ji Yangxi and this Feng San Shao are close friends with similar smells.

So when he heard that Feng Lingwu had actually died, he couldn't help being furious.

The order was immediately passed to Xiao Dancheng, so that he could not help Sihua City.

Then he finished dealing with the matter at hand, and then hurried over.

"Now I just ask you one sentence, is the guy who killed Feng Lingwu still in the city?" Ji Yangxi said.

Fu Xinyan gritted her silver teeth secretly, and said nothing.

"Why? Don't tell me? Hehe, if you don't tell me, this guy can't run out. As for you..." Ji Yangxi licked her lips.

"I heard that the female cultivator in Sihua City is unparalleled in the world, I have to try it today.

"Shameless!" Fu Xinyan couldn't help but shouted angrily.

"Tsk tut, thank you for the compliment!" Following the voice, Ji Yangxi suddenly swooped down and came directly to Fu Xinyan's body, then raised her hand and stroked Fu Xinyan's chin.

Because his speed was too fast, Fu Xinyan didn't react until his hands had touched Fu Xinyan's chin, and she wanted to make a move.

But then she realized that she couldn't move anymore.

Even the fingers cannot bend. I could only watch this Ji Yangxi's fingers walking around her chin and neck.

"It's really smooth and tender skin!" Ji Yangxi was still exclaiming.

But Su Xiaomu couldn't stand his senior sister being frivolous, and trying his best to display the Xuan Yin technique would kill her.

But Ji Yangxi hadn't done anything yet, and a middle-aged man who came with him silently tapped his hand ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Xiaomu felt that he could not move all over.

"Hey, they are really two sisters! I don't know which one should I pick first?"

Ji Yangxi was full of pride, reaching out to touch Su Xiaomu.

Seeing this, Fu Xinyan was angrily attacked, and almost spit out blood.

The cultivators in the entire square bowed their heads a little, showing indignity, and some with excitement.

Xiao Dancheng sighed secretly and turned his head awkwardly.

Although he has high alchemy skills, if he wants to survive in this Guiyi Star Eastern Region, he has to maintain sufficient respect for the iron bone alliance that is too emperor here.

As for Sihua City...

That was the yellow flower of yesterday.

When the ancestor who has been supporting it for thousands of years falls, this Sihua City is estimated to be immediately swallowed.

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