In the middle of Banten City, there stands a tall building.

This tall building with a height of one hundred feet and the color of the whole body is the headquarters of the Alchemy Guild.

It is also the place where the Battle Pill Conference has been held over the years.


In the vast hall of this Danlou, the voices were full of people and it was very lively.

Alchemists from all over the world gathered together, communicating in groups of their experiences in alchemy over the past few years.

This is also a very important function of the Doudan Conference.

After all, Guiyi Star is extremely large, and the boundaries between them are more than ten thousand miles apart. It is usually difficult for these alchemists to communicate with their peers.

And this pill fighting conference can be regarded as a rare exchange platform for alchemists from all sides.

Many alchemists took this opportunity to communicate with each other, exchanging urgently needed elixir or elixir.

At this moment, Cao Dusheng, who changed into a new black pill robe, walked in proudly.

As soon as they saw him, many alchemists all showed a trace of fear and began to say hello.

"I have seen Master Cao!"

"Mr. Cao!"

"I haven't seen him for a few days, Mr. Only-born's alchemy base has improved, which shows that the level of this life is promising!"

These compliments and greetings are endless, making this Cao only student very useful.

He pretended to be arrogant and nodded slightly, with an unpredictable smile on his face, and then walked into the pill room that can only be enjoyed by the yellow-order alchemist and above.

After he left, all the topics in the hall shifted to him.

"This Cao Dusheng is really lucky! At first he was just an ordinary echelon alchemist, but in the end he didn't know how to do it, but he was valued by the ancestor of the quenching pill, and he became a disciple of his old man. This pill technique has begun to advance by leaps and bounds, and in a few years it has broken through to the profound stage, which is really enviable."

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity that I was almost a person. I heard that as soon as this person became a disciple of the ancestor of quenching Dan, he began to retaliate wildly against the people who had enemies with him at the beginning. Some even met him because he didn't say hello to him. The tragic revenge shows that this person is a villain who must retaliate!"

Hearing this alchemist's account, everyone around him fell silent, and their expressions became a little unnatural.

Because everyone was afraid that Cao Dusheng would retaliate after hearing these words.

"Don't talk about it! Hey, have you heard that? This Cao Dusheng made a bet with an alchemist in the Eastern Region. I heard that those who lose will not only be abolished, but also kneel down to shout to the other party. Grandpa Three Hundred Sounds!"

"Why haven't I heard? The entire Wandan City has been sensationalized by this incident! I heard that the alchemist of the Eastern Region is called a small alchemist, but in fact it is just an ecumenical alchemy!"

"Hey, it's fun to watch now!"

"That's right, it's not good to provoke me, I actually provoke this guy!"

In the midst of these discussions, Cao Dusheng was sitting in the alchemy room. A young boy offered fragrant tea. He was slowly sipping tea.

At this time, a servant quietly walked in.

"grown ups!"

"How's it going?" Cao Dusheng didn't lift his head either.

"The news that just came back said that there is still no movement in Judan Palace, and the news that came out said that this Xiao Dancheng seems to have been in a coma since you left, and has not yet woken up!"

"Coma? Hehe, do you want to pretend to be dead?" Cao Dusheng showed a grinning smile upon hearing this.

At this moment, I heard a loud noise in the hall outside the pill room.

Cao Dusheng was startled slightly, just about to get up to see what was going on.

The door of the Dan room has been opened.

Then a woman who wore a moon-white pill robe with her eyebrows like a knife, piercing her temples diagonally, gave a delicate face a little murderous, walked in.

A few black alchemists followed behind her, who were very respectful to this woman.

As soon as he saw this person, the arrogance on Cao Dusheng's face disappeared without a trace. He stood up and said in a flattering voice: "It turns out to be Lord Baiyue!"

The woman stopped, glanced at Cao Dusheng, nodded slightly, "It's Cao Dusheng!"

Cao Dusheng trembled, a touch of joy appeared in his eyes, and said excitedly: "Yes, it's right here!"

The reason why Cao Dusheng was so respectful to this woman was entirely because this woman was a legendary figure in the Alchemy Guild.

There were rumors of the Seven Giants in the Alchemy Guild.

But after so many years, many alchemists have either been unable to retreat, or have fallen.

The current alchemy guild, if it talks about its power, it is naturally the ancestor of the alchemy that is headed.

But this woman did not give up too much.

Not only because of her alchemy, but also because of her name.

Lu Baiyue!

The second lady of the Lu family in Chaotianfang!

Among the cultivators of Gui Yixing, a proverb has been circulating.

Poor sword and rich Dan.

What Qiangjian said is that swordsmanship can be practiced poorly, because they don't need to refine magic weapons, as long as they have a sword.

Fudan means that if you want to become an alchemist, strong financial resources are necessary.

Even if it is just getting started, the elixir needed is an astronomical number.

Lu Baiyue perfectly verified the authenticity of this proverb.

She has been fond of alchemy since she was a child, and she has learned from countless powerful alchemists, and has been refining pills since she was six years old.

Because of the almost unparalleled financial support of the Lu family, her alchemy has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Now he has broken through to the top of the mysterious stage at a young age, and is only one step away from stepping into the realm of the ground stage.

But even if he had not yet become a ground-level alchemist, Lu Baiyue was still a top-notch existence in this alchemy guild.

Even the ancestor Shudan had to keep three points of respect when he saw her.

After all, who would have trouble with money?

For this reason, Cao Dusheng, who has always been good at slaloming his beard and horses, is so respectful to him.

"I heard that you made a bet with an alchemist in the Eastern Region?" Lu Baiyue said lightly.


Lu Baiyue showed some interest.

She was very unhappy with this Cao Dusheng, and this person was still a disciple of the old ancestor Quedan, so she had never paid much attention to him.

But today someone dared to bet on Dan with him, this should be paid attention to.

After all... the Lu family has just had such a thing, it is just when the person is It is good to be able to win over a master of alchemy!

"Then this person is here?" Lu Baiyue asked.

At this time, many people gathered in the Danfang.

Everyone knew about Cao Dusheng, and they couldn't help being a little curious.

Cao Dusheng smiled complacently, "I guess it won't come anymore!"

"Oh? Why?"

"I just heard the news that this person who bet against me has been in a coma. I guess he wants to pretend to be dead and avoid this gambling fight!" Cao Dusheng said smugly.

Lu Baiyue frowned slightly when she heard this.

Many people even winked at each other.

All thought it was the ghost of Cao Dusheng.

But at this moment, I heard a peaceful voice from outside, "Cao Dusheng, who said I would pretend to be dead and avoid?"

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