Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 785: Is this what you call mediocrity?

But many girls do not feel exaggerated at all, but deeply agree.

Even the questioning Nangong Yao was stunned.

Only the purple-clothed girl who started grumbling sneered, "Shangguanyan, you see that your saliva is almost flowing out, it's like a nympho!"

Shangguanyan glanced at the purple-clothed girl, and then said coldly: "Yes, I'm just a nympho, how?"

The purple-clothed girl chuckled, "Not very good, but how did I hear that King Xue Dan already has a wife?"

Hearing her words, many girls in Shangguanyan looked at each other and then all smiled.

"Of course we know this, and Master Xue not only has a wife, but even a child!" Shangguan Yan said lightly.

"Then what do you guys..." the purple-clothed girl said with some surprise.

Shangguan Yan laughed, "Because we heard that this Mrs. Xue's wife is a very mediocre woman!"

"Yes, I heard people say that this woman has a good figure, but it's a pity that her face is so mediocre that she can't compare with us at all!"

Shangguanyan went on to say at this time: "All the sisters come here, I think they are all from their respective families! Next, it will all depend on their own abilities! Anyway, this Master Xue, I am bound to win! Because I believe No man in the world can refuse me!"

This Shangguanyan is full of strong self-confidence in her words, and she speaks decisively and decisively.

In fact, this Shangguanyan relied on the pampering of her parents in her family, and always said it was the same.

This time I came to Banten City to watch the excitement, and happened to encounter Xue Anzheng Dao Heavenly Step.

She was deeply impressed by Xue An's temperament at the time, and believed that he was the person she wanted, and her parents were very supportive after learning about it, so she made such a domineering declaration.

Shangguanyan's words made many girls uncomfortable, and many people secretly made up their minds, this time they must compete with Shangguanyan.

At this moment, hearing a commotion at the door, Lu Baiyue and her father Lu Lie and the others walked into the hall.

Chaotianfang Lu's family was wealthy and famous, so when they appeared, they immediately became the focus of everyone.

"I have seen Family Master Lu!"

"Hello, Lord Kisaragi!"

These greetings came one after another, echoing in the hall.

Lu Lie nodded in greetings frequently, smiling very brightly.

At this time, an elder from the Alchemy Guild came over, "It's really an honor for Family Master Lu to be here! Please come to the table soon!"

After speaking, he personally led the way and led the Lu family to the high platform.

The girls like Shangguanyan naturally saw this scene.

Especially when she saw Lu Baiyue with her eyebrows like a knife, many girls couldn't help but sigh.

"Speaking of this, Lu Baiyue is about the same age as ours, but she is already a Profound Rank Alchemist now, and even this kind of event can be invited to the table!"

Shangguanyan watched all this silently, her cold eyes gleaming with brilliance, as if she was thinking about something.

On the high platform, Ling Ruoxu glanced at Lu Lie with a smile, and then cast his gaze to Lu Baiyue who was aside.

"Miss Baiyue, last time I said goodbye, it should have been three years since I saw you!"

Yuxugong has many business contacts with the Lu family, so they are very familiar with each other.

But Lu Baiyue didn't catch a cold with Ling Ruoxu.

Because she could perceive the greed in Ling Ruoxu's eyes.

So she just nodded slightly, but didn't say a word.

A flash of cold light flashed in Ling Ruoxu's eyes, and he secretly hated.

He had met this Lu Baiyue more than once, but it was always the same every time. No matter what he said, Lu Baiyue seemed to ignore it.

This made Ling Ruoxu really upset.

Especially this time.

Ling Ruoxu secretly said in his heart, what are your Lu Family pretending to be here!

Now the big sect of Zhongyu, who doesn't know what happened to your Lu family.

The eldest son was killed, and even the ancestral land was destroyed.

As a result, you have not been able to find the murderer.

If your Lu family can't solve this matter this time, they will definitely end up in this situation.

At that time...huh!

Ling Ruoxu thought about it in his heart.

It is already late at the moment.

But the protagonist that everyone was waiting for, the new King Dan still did not appear.

Therefore, there was noisy noise in the whole hall.

"What's the matter? Why haven't you come?"

"Yes! I've been waiting for so long, why hasn't this king Dan appeared yet? This is a bit too big!"

These clamors are getting louder and louder, and there are even faint signs of uncontrollable.

The elders of these alchemy guilds all looked surprised.

How could things suddenly show signs of losing control?

Could someone make a ghost behind?

Ling Ruoxu sat on the chair, a touch of color faintly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But at this moment.

Just heard a sound of exclamation outside the hall.

Then Xue An walked in.

His appearance delighted the many girls in the corner of the hall.

Especially Shangguanyan, she stood up excitedly, and wanted to pass.

But as soon as she took a step, she stopped.

Because behind Xue An, a woman in a costume dress appeared.

The beauty of this woman has exceeded the ability of words.

Even Shangguanyan and others, who are also women, were all stunned on the spot.

This is true even for girls, let alone men.

Seeing that the whole hall gradually became quiet, everyone looked at An Yan blankly.

With so many gazes, An Yan's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then shyly hid behind Xue An, afraid to show her head.

This caused many people to sigh uncontrollably.

Then I heard a childish voice say: "Dad, when do we have a big meal?"

When everyone heard the sound and looked at it, they discovered that there was a pair of little girls who followed them like pink jade.

This is even more shocking to many people.

The most shocked were the wealthy daughters who came here to wait early.

They had originally thought that they could take this opportunity to build a relationship with the new King Dan.

But Anyan's appearance ruthlessly shattered the fantasy of these people.

Under An Yan's beauty, these girls didn't even have the courage to come forward and strike up a conversation.

At this time, the purple-clothed girl said in an incredible tone: "Is this the mediocre woman you are talking about?"

This question makes many girls feel bitter.

Especially Shangguanyan, she looked at Xue An idiotically.

But the heart gradually sank.

I thought she knew that she had no chance at all.

Lu Baiyue was also disturbed, and she was also surprised by An Yan's beauty.

But she also felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

But at this moment, she heard Ling Ruoxu's greedy voice coming from her side.

"What a beauty!"

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