"You... how do you know this? Who are you?" A worried voice came from the black mist.


   "It doesn't matter who I am! What matters is that you are dead today!"


   Xue An's eyes flashed brightly.


   The black mist wanted to escape, but was shocked to find that he couldn't move at all.


   Then Xue An stretched out his hand, directly reached into the black mist, and shook it suddenly.




   The black mist dissipated.


   A strange bug with only one eye appeared in Xue An's hand.


   This strange bug felt the threat of death, and couldn't help shouting in horror: "My lord spare your life! Your lord spare your life!"


   But Xue An ignored his begging for mercy and just crushed it.




   The invisible shock wave spread.


   An unmatched divine mind poured into Xue An's sea of ​​consciousness, making him a little lost.


   It wasn't until a moment later that he gradually regained consciousness.


   This weird worm is an extraterritorial heart demon from outside the heavens.


   This is a peculiar existence that is not human, fairy, or god.


   But those big Luo and even the strong immortal kings among the heavens and ten thousand realms are quite jealous of them.


  Because these mind demon bodies are very fragile, but they are very good at grasping divine thoughts and construct an extremely real mind demon dream.


  A little carelessness will end in a dead end.


   In the endless years, there are countless strong men who have fallen under this little extraterritorial heart demon.


   is Xue An, who was once Xianzun, who almost knew the way of this thing.


   This is why Xue An did not hesitate to crush this extraterritorial heart demon.


   Because once this thing spreads, the consequences are simply unimaginable.


   At the same time, Xue An also obtained a lot of useful information from the remnants of the spirit demon.


   For example, the Great Dream Sword Sovereign who lived thousands of years ago, didn't fall because of the impact on Da Luo as in the rumors.


   fell into the dream of this demon.


   But this Great Dream Sword Sovereign acted very decisively. At the last moment, he realized that something was wrong, so he exhausted all his cultivation base and sealed himself.


   So this extraterritorial heart demon was also trapped in this secret realm together, and could no longer get out.


   But the demon outside the domain is very cunning.


   The opening of the once-in-a-year-old dream collection is the trap set by this demon.


  What he wants is to find someone who can parasitize him among the practitioners who have broken in.


   And this demon is still very smart.


   He knew that if the coming repairmen were wiped out, it would soon be a Jedi that no one would dare to come.


   So he has been hiding behind the scenes and has not taken any action, and he will even give someone a little advantage.


   It was in this long flow of water that he persisted until now until he met Xue An.


   The heart demon caught Xue An's spirit at a glance, and only then did his best to take it and prepare to parasitize it.


   was eventually seen through by Xue An and turned into a fan.


   After sorting out these ins and outs, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Xue An's mouth.


   "This time it was a blessing in disguise. I actually filled up the last shortcoming in my state of mind! And gained the power of the heart demon. From then on, I will never be trapped by the heart demon again!"


   Then Xue An moved in his heart, and then closed his eyes.


   Now this remains is completely controlled by Xue An.


   So he can see the current situation of the people who entered the remains.


   After a while, he was slightly startled, "Is that so?"


   said, Xue An's figure disappeared in place.


   At this moment, this blissful goddess has fallen into endless despair.


   The moment she walked into this relic.


   She was horrified to find that she had returned to that nightmare night again.


   She used to have parents and sisters.


   The family live happily together.


   That was the happiest time in her short life.


   But everything was changed that night.


   That day, she was sitting in the room with her sister.


   Suddenly, a big fire ignited in the direction of the front yard, the fire blazed into the sky, and there was a faint call to kill.


   The voice shocked her and her sister, not knowing what happened.


   Just then, her parents rushed over with blood all over.


   "Mu Ya, run!"


   This is the last word that Mu Ya, a blissful girl, heard her father say.


next moment.


   This man who has been so good and has never done bad things all his life was cut into two parts with one sword.


   Blood was splashed and the body fell to the ground.


   "Master!" Mu Ya's mother cried out and wanted to rush over, but as soon as she took a few steps, an invisible force smashed her chest.


   Her mother vomited blood and fell to the ground, she looked at the two sisters with her unwilling eyes, and then died.


   The blissful goddess Mu Ya stared at all this blankly, her brain was blank, and her whole body was shaking uncontrollably.


   These nightmarish scenes reappeared in front of her, leaving her with no resistance, so she was quickly controlled by this dream.


   At this time, there was a sound of laughter from a distance.


   Her sister grabbed her, then dragged her into the closet in the secret room for storing valuables.


   "No matter what happens, don't make any noise, you know?"


   Muya can still remember the expression on her sister's face when she said this.


   It was an indescribable calm in the face of the coming disaster.


   Muya was so frightened that she didn't even have time to respond, and the door of the secret room was closed heavily.


   Mu Ya reluctantly stood in this secret room that could only accommodate a girl like her, shaking all over, but she did not dare to make any noise.


  Because she heard messy footsteps outside, and then there was the joking sound of a group of men.


   "Hey, good luck, there is such a tender one here!"


   "You look really good-looking, brothers, give it a go today!"


   Then came her sister's angry scolding, "What are you doing?"


   But then, the rage was drowned out by the man's silver smile.


   Then there was the sound of the clothes being torn, and the scream of my sister.


   Although Mu Ya is young, she knows what is happening outside.


   The kind of horror from the heart made her tremble all over, and then she covered her mouth tightly, tears raining down.


  Because these are the memories that she has blocked in the bottom of my heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't dare to touch at all.


   Now facing all this again, the heavenly girl of bliss feels that she is almost unable to hold it.


   Her eyes gradually diminished, and her expression became dull.


   The screams of the sister in the ears and the silver laughter of the men formed a **** overture, causing her to slowly fall into the bottomless abyss.


At this moment.


   The blissful goddess suddenly heard a light sigh.


   "Want to know what's going on?"


   Mu Ya was startled.


  Then the door of the secret room disappeared silently.


   Xue An stood in front of her and said lightly: "I will take you to see the truth."

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